Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1143: coincidence?

"and also……"


Kaiyang Xing Shengzi interrupted the words of Tianquan Xing Shengzi intolerably.

He couldn't bear it anymore, the Heavenly Power Star Saint Son was simply humiliating him.

Not to mention that his authority can't do those things. Even if he really does these things, with so much help to complete a task that must be completed, his body will be labeled as incompetent.

He stared into the eyes of Tianquan Xing Shengzi, but saw a pair of eyes that seemed to have no emotion.

What kind of eyes are these?

Seeing Tianquan Xing Shengzi's eyes, Kaiyang Xing Shengzi felt that his soul was cold for a while.

I thought he should see mockery or joking, or even aloof indifference in the eyes of the other person, but what he saw was only a pair of eyes that were as calm as water without any emotion.

It seems that what Tianquan Xing Shengzi said is really just an evaluation made with the most objective and fair thinking without any emotion.

But how can he believe it?

"The real fire essence of the stars is the supreme sacred object of our Star God Clan, no matter what the price is paid."

Heavenly Power Star Saint Child’s eyes are still calm as water, “If you just take the retrieving of the holy artifacts as an opportunity to gain credit, then it’s better to give up in advance! That will only cause us the Star God Race to suffer a futile loss, and also because Failing to successfully regain the sacred object, was ridiculed by the various races of the God Realm, and even damaged the supreme reputation of Emperor Ziwei."

Even if he didn't read any emotions in the other person's eyes and expressions, Kaiyang Xing Shengzi was still shaking with anger.

This must be a humiliation, I can't attack.

An excuse must be found to fight back.

Before he had time to think of an excuse, a senior member of the Star God Clan who participated in the meeting said: "If you follow the requirements of His Royal Highness, I am afraid that no one can do this kind of thing, let alone dispatch troops. The difficulty of general, the Seven-Star Sword is an artifact of our Star God Clan, and even His Royal Highness the Son must have a reasonable excuse to use the parts of the Seven-Star Sword.

The Star Soul Palace is the place where the remnant souls of the fallen holy-ranked experts in our Star Temple rest and prepare to be resurrected. If the holy soul is moved, it will reduce the possibility of the holy-ranked experts' resurrection, and even cause the holy-ranked experts to be completely resurrected. There are only three holy souls at the peak of the holy rank. If something goes wrong on the earth, it will be traumatic to our entire Star God Race.

As for the astrolabe, ha ha..."

He stopped talking, because it was unnecessary.

These options alone cannot be done by a holy son.

If the Son can really move these things, I am afraid it is already time to determine the position of the Lord, and the other 6 Sons have completely lost in the process of fighting for power.

As for the final astrolabe, it is a special holy artifact of the Holy Lord.

In order to compete for things in the remote areas, you have to do such a laborious work? Do you want the reputation of the Star God Clan? The Lord himself made the move, what else is there for the Son?

"Why must it be a saint son?"

The Holy Son of Tianquan asked back, "If the seven of us are willing to work together and unite to request, I think this time will be successful. At this critical moment that concerns the sacred objects of the Star Gods, we as the Star Gods Son of God, shouldn't we abandon selfish desires and join forces for the future of the Star God Race?"


The entire upper level of the Star Temple was shocked.

Son of Tianquan Star, what do you want to do?

They originally thought that this should be a good opportunity to gain credit for themselves, to be able to regain the sacred artifacts of the Star God Race, the rewards of the Holy Lord, and even the rewards of the God Emperor are inestimable.

However, the Tianquan Xing Son not only did not win such credit for himself alone, but instead proposed to ask the 7 Sons to join forces.

Does he want to fight for the dominance of the 7 saints in joint operations?

But even if someone can take the lead, is that person necessarily the son of Tianquan Star?

"Why do you say that we need to use so much power to deal with that human being on earth? Is that human being already strong enough to be dealt with by the joint planning of our entire Star God Race?"

Kaiyang Xing Shengzi asked, "Since you are thinking about the whole Star God Race, I think you must not mind, tell us what you found when you went to the earth to explore."

His words hit the nail on the head and found the biggest entry point.

Since you said the earth is so strong, then somehow say a reason!

The gazes of the senior officials of the Star Temple all fell on the body of the Tianquan Xingzi. Since you want to be so exciting, then you can say one thing!

If you can't say even one reason, then the words you just said can only be regarded as deliberate humiliation.

Tianquan Xing Shengzi's eyes are still calm as water: "The Holy Light God Emperor has made a cross-border shot."


The entire Star God Temple was shocked.

Holy Light God Emperor? That is one of the seven **** emperors of the gods! When did he shoot?

However, the words of the son of Heavenly Power Star blasted in their hearts again:

"The Holy Light Divine Emperor made a shot and failed. A divine mind was beheaded by Chu Feng."


"Big Dipper? Why is it so similar to our Huaxia system?"

Su Yuan looked at the information on the table in a puzzled manner. In China, the Big Dipper 7 stars also have a special meaning. Not to mention teaching to name the Big Dipper, Sinan of China was made in the shape of 7 stars.

But after obtaining information about the God Realm, Su Yuan was shocked.

Why does the Star God Clan of the God Realm have the existence of the Big Dipper?

Could it be said that there is still a special relationship between the Star God Clan and Huaxia?

Jiang Xinyue also looked at Chu Feng with suspicious eyes, and she was also suspicious in her heart.

"There are not only the Seven Stars, the Seven Sons, but even the Six Stars of the South Dou and the Six Stars, and according to the information from the Demon Realm, before the Ziwei Star Emperor reigned, the God Emperor of the Star God Clan was named Changsheng Star Emperor, leading the Star God Clan five thousand. Years and years, the son of the Star God Clan at that time was Nandou Liuxing, which gave way to Emperor Ziwei Xing 10,000 years ago, and the name of the **** emperor of the Star God Clan is the North Star Emperor."

Chu Feng talked about the intelligence of the God Realm with solemnity in his eyes.

Changsheng Star Emperor took the Southern Dipper Six Stars and gave way to the Purple Star Emperor, before renamed the Big Dipper Seven Stars.

The Purple Star Emperor only reigned for two thousand years and gave way to the North Star Emperor. The North Pole is also part of the title of the Zhongtian North Pole Ziwei Emperor, and it is still named after the Big Dipper.

If there is no connection between the Star God Clan and the legend of China, Chu Feng would never believe it.

At first, when he learned the name of the Purple Star Emperor, Chu Feng was still a little confused, but after learning the name of the Seven-Star Saint Child, Chu Feng never believed in coincidence.

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