Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1158: Disaster

"what is this?"

Seeing Chu Feng's serious actions, Jiang Xinyue couldn't help but ask. She didn't have to get an answer, but just wanted to relieve her current tension.

"This is the last time the Deep Sea Holy Land and the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, when I invaded the City of Dawn, I intercepted the two Holy Land Space Fragments. These are part of two worlds. Based on these two fragments, I can find the two Holy Lands. The specific spatial coordinates will be killed when the strength is strong, and the two holy places will be removed."

Chu Feng explained lightly, as if describing a trivial matter.

Since these two holy places have completely stood on the opposite side of mankind, then they are Chu Feng's enemies. Facing the enemy, Chu Feng will never be merciless.

"Now you have enough strength?"

"My current strength is not enough, but the enemy is no longer willing to give me time."

Chu Feng shook his head.

There is a limit to the upper limit of the strong that the earth can accommodate. This is a great advantage for Chu Feng. He can ensure that he is below the 9th rank and has no opponents on the earth.

Coupled with some of the backhands he prepared, no matter how many people the God Realm sends over, he can take it directly.

But he finally underestimated the God Realm.

The means that the other party left behind on his body and his side had already worked a long time ago. He was clearly persecuting the other party, but the person who was persecuted in turn became himself.

Chu Feng didn't regret anything, and didn't think he was greedy for meritorious work.

He has won the best battlefield for himself, the best time for a duel, and he is fully prepared. If he retreats now, it will be even more difficult to find a place in the future.

Star Real Fire is a great deterrent to the holy ranks, but for the holy rank powerhouses, Star Real Fire is not so much a weapon, it is a treasure of auxiliary cultivation and refining, and its value as a treasure. Far more than weapons, when the earth can accommodate the existence of the holy ranks, I am afraid that Chu Feng will already be unable to return to the sky.

Now that Chu Feng's preparations are done, all that's left is to make things happen.

After success, he will be able to open up a bright risk in the endless dark future. If he fails, it will of course be overwhelming, but compared to the future he has experienced, there will be no worse results anyway.

After being injected with a large amount of vitality, the altar slowly started.

Under the guidance of the fragments of the world, a channel led to the distance.

Chu Feng hugged Jiang Xinyue's waist and made Jiang Xinyue's cheeks a little blush. She thought that Chu Feng would never be romantic, but today, he made such an intimate move.

The next moment, she deeply regretted this idea.

"Hurry up."

Chu Feng stepped out, and the space around the two changed.

The devastating force rushed toward the two of them, making Jiang Xinyue feel like she was caught in a vortex, like the feeling of being blown up by a tornado.


Jiang Xinyue let out a cry of exclamation and gradually held Chu Feng's waist. The two of them were constantly changing their space in this vortex-like passage, and it took more than ten seconds to turn the sky and the earth before they touched the ground.

Jiang Xinyue was down-to-earth, and only felt that her legs were weak, and she didn't even have the strength to complain. If it weren't for her arms to hold Chu Feng tightly, she would have fallen down now.

Chu Feng looked as usual, and a fiery red long sword appeared in his hand.

Unlike the sword shadow that looked like a phantom before, the long sword in his hand is now as real.

Raise the sword, drop the sword.

The bright red flame sword aura, from the long sword in Chu Feng's hand, penetrated the sky above his head, causing half of the sky to be burned by the flames, and then fell into the distant sea, half of the sea surface was burning with flames.

Only then did Jiang Xinyue realize that the place where the two were standing was not land, but ice.

There was a strong chill on the ice. It turned out that when the two of Chu Feng just landed on the surface of the sea, they froze the sea under their feet with the chill of ice.

This kind of thing is not difficult for the water system supernaturalists, but the whole process is so fast that Jiang Xinyue has no chance to detect it, and even the fluctuation of the vitality does not flow.

How strong is his strength?

And most of the people around Chu Feng, after seeing a part of Chu Feng's strength, Jiang Xinyue was also lost, and even unconsciously cast a shadow in her heart.

This kind of thing has always been impossible to avoid.

Chu Feng knew about this kind of thing, so now he has avoided making shots next to close people, but sometimes, he still can't avoid this kind of thing.

"You have a method left by the Protoss. Of course, this method is not completely aimed at you, but when it is aimed at another person, it affects you."

Facing the sky and ocean that had been half burned, Chu Feng began to explain his sudden move to Jiang Xinyue, "Now, the powerhouse of the Protoss should be shot. The target they want to lock is the coordinate, and it will also affect it. On your body, this is the reason why I brought you here, in order to lead the trouble to the east, drag Haihuangsheng underground water.

I can cover up those marks on your body, but this is a better choice. "

In this matter, Chu Feng was suspected of using Jiang Xinyue.

He did have a way to temporarily hide the connection between Jiang Xinyue and Yurou, and now he brought Jiang Xinyue over, also to muddy the water and increase his chances of winning a little bit.

Chu Feng was not an upright gentleman, and would not be subject to most moral constraints.

As long as he can achieve his goals, he can do everything he can, except to sacrifice his family.

But in the face of his own woman, even if he uses it, he must make it clear that this is also his respect for his own woman, and he can't have a clear conscience for the person next to his pillow!

After listening to Chu Feng's explanation, Jiang Xinyue's eyes didn't fall at all, but he was a little pleased: "Thank you for telling me this. In fact, you don't have to tell me. You can cover up the marks on my body, so I might be happier."

"There are many enemies that I have deceived. This kind of thing is very energy intensive." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

The corners of Jiang Xinyue's mouth curled up, full of sweetness.

Even if she was used by Chu Feng in this matter, she didn't care about such trivial matters. In the presence of such a dazzling existence as Chu Feng, being used by him was also an honorable thing.

I don't know how many people in this world are willing to be used by Chu Feng, but they don't have enough value.

On the contrary, she was extremely pleased with Chu Feng's frankness, which represented that Chu Feng gave her the respect she deserved, not as a vase.

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