Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1159: Anger of the Sea Race

Chu Feng also noticed the change in Jiang Xinyue's mentality.

A person who dared to sneak into the City of Dawn for a purpose and almost succeeded has absolutely nothing to do with the vase.

Such people are often self-esteem and self-love people, and they are also the type that Chu Feng likes.

People who don't love themselves, even if they are in Chu Feng's bed, are just a joy in fish and water. They don't deserve too much attention from him. People who respect themselves are more likely to gain the respect of others.

Jiang Xinyue was able to understand his kindness, but he was relieved a lot.

At this time, countless murlocs emerged under the sea.


"Dare to come to our Sea Emperor Holy Land to be wild."

"What are you talking about? Break into the Sea Emperor's Holy Land without permission and kill without mercy!"

Seeing the flames that burned the sky and boiled the sea, these sea tribes could no longer suppress the anger in their hearts. They must make the two madmen who dared to invade their homes pay the price.

"We look like villains."

Jiang Xinyue left Chu Feng's body with both hands to prevent herself from becoming a burden to Chu Feng, and took out the soft whip around her waist to defend her body, but had no intention of helping Chu Feng fight.

She still has this self-knowledge, and Chu Feng didn't need her own help at all when she made the move.

"If we are not villains, when these sea races become villains, isn't it still us?"

While Chu Feng was talking and laughing, the sword of flame in his hand swung out, and the flame that burned the sky and boiled the sea appeared again from the edge of the long sword. The sea clan who dared to rise to the surface of the sea were instantly burned by the flame, even ashes. None remained.

Chu Feng didn't even consider whether he was a decent or a villain.

There will be no justice and evil in the future battlefield, only stand.

Besides, these sea races have invaded the earth more than once, and they have long been immortal with human beings. If there is a chance to solve the disasters of these sea races, Chu Feng will not be soft.

"This fire is too big, otherwise it can be made into barbecue."

In the face of countless cruel scenes of the fall of the sea clan, Jiang Xinyue was still in the mood to make a joke. Anyway, it was not a human being who died, and there was nothing **** to her.

"Yes, but even those half-human-shaped ones, they will feel a little irritating to eat."

As Chu Feng said, the flame that was about to burn the heavens and the earth began to be finely controlled. The half-human sea races were all burned by the flames, but after the sea beasts were burned by the power of the flames, their bodies were well preserved and exuded. The smell of barbecue.

"Good smell!"

Jiang Xinyue's eyes lit up.

"Don't worry, it's delicious with seasoning."

Chu Feng waved his hand, and a large number of cooked sea beasts were taken into Yuan Mansion, making Jiang Xinyue a little dissatisfied.

Only these two people can do it to flirt in such a killing battlefield.

For Jiang Xinyue's little evil taste, Chu Feng not only didn't feel cruel, but rather liked it. After all, in this era, this kind of disposition is more reassuring.


A deafening sound came from under the surface of the sea. A fish-headed human body, more than three meters tall, with a hideous face and a trident came out from under the sea.

His body exudes a strong breath.

The eyes of the huge murloc were almost about to breathe fire, and he glared at the two bold humans in front of him:

"This seat is the number one in the sea clan—"

A sharp sword aura cut through the space, from the top of the giant murloc's head as well as between the eyebrows, it kept cutting down, directly splitting the murloc in half.

Chu Feng retracted the cyan long sword in his left hand, and the black chain emerged from the void, bound the trident in the murloc's hand, and then disappeared into the air.

This trident is made from deep-sea immersed silver. Deep-sea immersed silver is a rare material that can be used to build holy weapons. Unfortunately, the craftsmanship of the sea clan seems to be a little impractical and can only be made into semi-holy weapons. , Falling into Chu Feng's hands, it is possible to give birth to a holy-rank weapon, and the same goes for the gray dwarf.

But for the forging of top weapons, Chu Feng still trusts his craft more.

"Is there something wrong with this murloc? It seems that he is going to eat us like that, but in the end he still reported himself to his family. Don't you give others a chance? Young people don't speak martial arts." Jiang Xinyue vomits Tao.

"Anger? Maybe there is some anger! But if you want to talk about Wude, there is really no such thing."

Chu Feng's manipulator, Xingchen, burned the corpse of this sea clan into ashes, "The reason why it reported to its family was not to show respect to its opponents, but to make the Hai here wonder who exactly It is when the Sea Clan is in distress to save their savior, so that they can make some capital for their political achievements.

"It seems that the social structure of the Sea Clan is much more complicated than that of humans!"

Jiang Xinyue was a little speechless. As a human being, she has a natural sense of superiority. This is the natural existence of human beings as the strength of all souls facing those low-level intelligent creatures.

Now after Chu Feng's reminder, she also understood that the Sea Clan had similarities with humans.

Chu Feng used Star Real Fire here to kill so many Sea Clan. After the opponent came out, there was still time to report to himself, instead of killing the offender by any means. If such a person is not really Shabi, then To get capital for yourself.

Therefore, Chu Feng had no respect for such an opponent.

Although he has never respected his opponent.

His respect is limited and it is enough to leave it to the people around him.

More and more powerful sea races came out from under the sea, but the flames that burned the sky and boiled the sea were like a huge fishing net, screening out the weak sea races. Only the powerful sea races Survive in this sea of ​​fire.

As the real fire of the stars strengthened again, there were only 17 fishermen on the surface of the sea. Soon there were only 17 surviving fishermen. These murlocs exuded a powerful aura. They did not jump like the previous murlocs. So happy, but the anger on the body can be felt by the enemy even if there is no extra action.

"These are decent opponents."

Facing these powerful sea clan who can survive the burning of stars and even support the protective shield of water attribute, Chu Feng didn't have much serious expression in his eyes.

It is not that these sea races are not worthy of his serious attitude to deal with, but his seriousness should be placed on a few enemies.

Suddenly, the real fire of the stars burning the sky and the sea ceased to burn, and a large number of murlocs emerged from under the sea, even if they passed the real fire of the stars, it seemed as if they were nothing.

A huge murloc over 5 meters tall and covered in golden armor, holding a giant golden trident over 7 meters in length, slowly walked out of the marine army.

Where the Sea Clan passed by, whether it was Sea Clan or Star Real Fire, they all gave way.

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