After handing the little brothers to Xu Wei's custody, Chu Feng took Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi to the so-called Blue Dragon Club with the fire-type supernatural power.

If it weren't for his career to kill people, he would really like to spit out who thought such a second name.

And now he certainly has no such interest.

"Is this your site?"

Chu Feng looked at a dilapidated factory in front of him, and couldn't help frowning, "It's also an organization of supernaturalists anyway, why is it like a street gangster?"

Although it is a fortress city, although the outer city wall is newly built, and the inner building is the old building after the zombies have been cleaned up. If the mixture is a little better, you should not choose a broken place like a factory. As a base.

The fire-type supernatural player is a little embarrassed: "This is the request of the big guy, my opinion is not important!"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "The biggest advantage here is that it's quiet and won't be easily disturbed. I'm afraid you are doing some shameful things here!"

The fire system's ability person is a little unnatural: "This..."

However, Chu Feng's next words shocked him: "Forget it, you are useless anyway."

After hearing this, his first reaction was to run away.

There is no way, this sentence is basically a murderous word after using it!

He released two fireballs in a row, but before these two fireballs had time to play a cover, they were already extinguished by water balls.

He still wanted to move, but then there was a whirl of the sky.

He looked down, only to see a headless body slowly falling down, and then his vision began to slowly blur.

"Not even a word of loyalty was said along the way."

Chu Feng sneered while refining this supernatural power, "Do you think I can't see it? You basically hope that your companions can kill me."

After all, it is the time when the old order has just collapsed and the new order has not yet been established, so it is understandable that many people seem to be very ignorant when doing things.

As a captive, he didn't even have the consciousness of a captive.

This is simply because he subconsciously feels that Chu Feng is still bound by the morality of the old age, and he has a fluke mentality for his companions. Unfortunately, Chu Feng has never had the habit of giving others two opportunities.

After absorbing the spiritual power of being a supernatural power, Chu Feng picked up the head of the fire superpower, then kicked the door open and threw his head in.


A middle-aged man in his 40s got up from a woman and draped his clothes on his body. When he saw what was rolling in, he was immediately shocked.


The middle-aged man was just startled, but the woman beside him yelled directly.

"what happened?"

"what is it call?"

"Asshole, who threw the head in."

"Is this provoking our Blue Dragon Club?"

After hearing the woman's screams, a large group of people rushed out and began to check the situation.

One of them recognized the head on the ground: "Isn't this our person? Who is it called?"

Because it is a rogue organization that has just been formed, they are actually not very familiar with each other. Coupled with the fact that their skulls are bloody, most people don't recognize it for a while.

But when one of them reminded them, everyone instantly understood.

Then, everyone looked at the three people at the door with murderous eyes.

"People who dare to kill us are really impatient."

"Yeah! There are actually two other beauties, much more beautiful than the women we caught before."

"If you have a beautiful girl, don't waste it."

After seeing Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi, everyone almost shed Harazi.

Chu Feng looked at the situation in the factory, then his eyes fell on a few unclothed women, and there were even three women locked up in cages.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi were both furious.

They are all women. Seeing other women being abused to this degree, of course they are full of anger, and they want to kill them all at once.

"Chu Feng, you shouldn't keep them!"

Zhang Ziqing's heart was full of killing intent, and she somewhat understood why Chu Feng's murderous aura was so heavy. If you often encounter such a person, even the best person will become a killing demon.

Xiaoxi said: "Could it be that this world is really hopeless?"

Chu Feng said solemnly: "That's not necessarily true, it's just that the places we go are too dangerous, and people in these places are prone to become bad."

Even in the last days, there are actually more people who have become worse than those who have not. Of course, it is not because of moral integrity, but because most people have no capital to become worse.

For example, these captured women, if they are not rescued, no matter how much bitterness they are in their hearts, what is the point?

It's like a saying, when a man has money, he becomes bad.

In fact, it is not that money is easy to make people bad, but because people who have no money even change is a very difficult thing, and if they do something bad, they will not get mixed up.

"Even though we are still chatting, it seems that we are not in our eyes!"

A young man in his 20s stood in front of all the members of the Blue Dragon Club, a little annoyed at Chu Feng’s attitude, "Boy, it seems that you still have the courage to bring the two beauties behind you up to us. If you are ready, maybe I can stay with you, as our little brother!"

"Boy, didn't you hear what our boss said?"

"Look at the expressions of those two beauties, I like them."

"I know if I can keep such an expression of ecstasy later!"


These people laughed unscrupulously, as if they didn't worry about the threats these uninvited guests would pose to them, and had full confidence in themselves.

Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi's faces turned pale, not scared, but angry.

They asked themselves that they had seen a lot of bad people, but it was the first time they saw the few people who were imprisoning women to play with.

Moreover, being able to say such brazen words refreshed their cognition even more.

And Chu Feng just glanced at them indifferently, and then his eyes fell on the headed youth: "A Tier 4 ability person can reach Tier 4 in such a short time. No wonder it swells so easily, but It is a pity that you will waste your talent."

Although early strength cannot absolutely represent future achievements, ordinary people who use genetic medicine also have extraordinary accomplishments, but being able to reach Tier 4 in such a short time, even with a certain amount of luck, is considered a good talent.

Unfortunately, he met Chu Feng.

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