Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 117: Absolute strength?

"Can you see through my strength?"

There was a trace of jealousy in the eyes of the headed youth.

At this stage, when you want to check the strength of others, you usually have to be able to check it at close range, but this uninvited guest is still more than ten meters away from him, and he can see his strength, which makes him a little afraid.

However, there is no way to withdraw now.

Now there are two supernaturalists blocking the gate to prevent the three of Chu Feng from escaping.

If you suddenly let them go now, wouldn't his boss lose all his face?

Zhang Ziqing was also stunned, Tier 4? She has only now been the second-tier peak, preparing to advance to the third-tier, but the opponent actually has the fourth-tier strength? How big is the gap between the two sides?

However, now one cannot tolerate her to retire.

She glanced at Chu Feng in front of her, and she felt an infinite sense of security in her heart. After all, as long as Chu Feng was there, what could she be afraid of?

Chu Feng gave an order: "Do it!"

Then, he hit a ground cracking talisman, and the ground of the entire factory began to crack.

The sudden change made everyone unsteady, and the scene was panicked.


"what happened?"

"How did the ground crack?"

"heads up!"

After all, they are all supernatural beings who have not been awakened for a long time. Their combat experience is actually not very rich. Of course, there is no problem with dealing with ordinary zombies and insects, but once they encounter unknown means, it is easy to panic.

They are able to avoid the cracks of the earth, and they are already able to do it to the extreme. Want them to stand firm in the shaking of the earth and still be able to counterattack? That would be too difficult to be human.

If they really have this kind of fighting quality, they still want to stay here?

"Close your eyes!"

With an order from Chu Feng, Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi immediately closed their eyes, and then a dazzling light illuminated the entire factory, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

"Ah! My eyes."

"Beware of sneak attacks!"

The dazzling light makes everyone unable to see the enemy's sight. The cleverer knows to leave the original position, but the slow-reacting person suffers directly.

Chu Feng successively launched three Karma Fire Talisman and three Ice Talisman, hitting 6 people, two of them burned with flames from hell, and then struggled and died in despair, and one was frozen on the spot. Ice sculpture, the remaining three people escaped by luck.

Just as he was about to pursue the victory, four walls suddenly appeared around him, and the hard and thick earth walls surrounded the three of them.

"Do you think this despicable method can work for me?"

The boss of the Blue Dragon Association yelled, "I tell you, these clever tricks are not worth mentioning in the face of absolute strength. The only end is to be directly crushed by absolute strength!"

As he said, a huge stone appeared from the sky above the earth wall and fell down towards the three of them.

"Boss, great!"

"As expected of the boss!"

Seeing that the old man was showing his power, he easily smashed the three invaders into meatloaf, and the younger brothers behind him cheered and praised the old man.

The boss of the Blue Dragon Association looked proud: "It's just a few small thieves. I don't know if the sky is so strong if I have some strength. Even I dare not look at it. I deserve it if I die. Go and give them to me Dig it out and throw it out to feed the dog!"

But while being proud, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes. Because he could not keep his hands just now, he even killed two beauties with him. Such a loss is more than the loss of his three men. To be significant.

No one was sad for the three dead companions. They were originally a small team that was forcibly formed under the deterrence of one person, and there was too much to talk about feelings.

What's more, if they mentioned the three dead now, wouldn't they just hit the boss in the face in person?

Since the boss is so powerful, why can he still kill three people in seconds when the opponent starts the game when nine people beat three people?

Therefore, in order not to refute the boss's face, they can only ignore the three dead companions, and wait until the boss goes to rest before collecting their bodies.

However, just when the two powers of the physical arts department came to the pile of rocks, they were about to smash the pile of rocks, and pick out the three people who were smashed into meat patties. When the corpses were thrown out to feed the dogs, the piles of rocks The stone suddenly violent.


A person with a supernatural power stared round eyes and slowly lowered his head to look at his chest, where there was a hand holding a bone spur that easily penetrated his heart.

Before the other person with the ability could react, a faint blue flame was burning on his body.

"Ah! You, you are not dead?"

Seeing Chu Feng's sudden appearance, everyone was shocked.

The boss of the Blue Dragon Society felt a burning pain on his face. He just showed his power and showed his absolute strength in front of the gang. Now he was hit by a face slap, and he caused the two men to die together. .

Chu Feng retracted the bone spurs and looked at the boss with a mocking look: "Absolute strength can indeed crush all small means, but is it worth talking about absolute strength with your rubbish? What you said just now seems very reasonable! If you have some strength, you don’t know the sky is high and the earth is thick. I don’t know who it is?

Chu Feng's words were like sprinkling salt on the wound, making his face as if he had been slapped twice just now, and it became more hot and painful.

He said angrily: "You will have to die!"

As he said, a large number of stone pillars appeared around Chu Feng, blocking his dodge route, and then one after another ground thorns appeared from under Chu Feng, trying to pierce Chu Feng from bottom to last.

"This seems to be said before dying! Have you foreseen your own death?"

Following Chu Feng's words, one circle after another suddenly remembered.

The remaining few ability players suddenly found a magic circle shining with colorful light under their feet, binding them up.

"What is this? Why can't it be broken?"

A white sword light flashed in the hand of a superpower, and there was no way to break the circle that trapped him.

Then, a blood-colored thorn wrapped around his whole body, surrounded him round and round, the thorns pierced his skin, and then began to **** his blood.

"This, what is this?" A sense of powerlessness hit him. This was the moment he felt the most helpless since becoming the awakened.

The same thing happened to several other abilities.

The meteorite just did not cause any harm to Chu Feng at all, and a wind barrier was completely blocked. During the period of time that he was buried under the rock pile, he did not do nothing, but wasted blood. Made several magic circles.

When he reappeared, he killed two people in a sneak attack, and then trapped four people, leaving only the boss.

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