
The pile of rocks was pushed away directly from the inside, and Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi appeared from the pile of rocks.

Under the protection of the wind enchantment, they did nothing at all.

It was just that Chu Feng let them stay for a few more seconds before they appeared now.

When they stepped out of the pile of rocks and prepared for the battle, they suddenly found that the battle on the scene was nearing its end.

A blood-colored thorn sucked a supernatural corpse into a corpse, a monster like a patchwork of various animal corpses was chewing on a person's lower body, and the chewed person looked at himself with despair. His body was eaten a little bit, but there was nothing he could do.

A cloud of black air is eroding a person's body, causing him to open his mouth wide, as if he is screaming loudly, but there is no strange sound coming from the circle.

The fourth person watched the body turn into aging and bones, only Xiang Shang's head maintained a frightened expression, and he experienced extreme despair before he died.

The two were dumbfounded. They thought it should be a team fight, but in a blink of an eye, only one boss of the other side was still alive.

Oh no, there are still a group of dumb cannon fodder brothers.

The boss of the Blue Dragon Association only felt that the matter was beyond his control. Seeing that all his subordinates had lost their combat effectiveness almost in an instant, he couldn't help taking two steps back in panic.

"Kill everyone here."

Following Chu Feng's order, the four summoned creatures from **** began to hunt wildly. The blood-colored thorns split out the canes, which easily pierced the chests of several younger brothers who wanted to escape, and then began. Suck the blood from them.

The monsters made up of various corpses looked very bloated, but in fact they appeared to be very fast when they acted. They quickly caught up with a person, and then grabbed the prey with both arms, gnawing at the prey, while not remaining. The next hunt is carried out with reduced land.

Wearing a black robe, the mage whose body was like a corpse made a jittery laugh. It waved the staff in his hand, and the black sky covered the entire factory, preventing everyone from escaping.

A cloud of gray mist lightly passed over the silhouettes of one person after another, and everyone turned into bones wherever they passed.

The boss of the Blue Dragon Club only felt that his legs were trembling. He felt that he was already an out-and-out bad guy. After all, even imprisoning a woman for himself and his subordinates could do things like that. It's a demon.

However, seeing such a hell-like scene, he still felt scared.

"You just said that absolute strength can crush everything."

Chu Feng stepped closer to the boss of the Azure Dragon Association, "Then where is your so-called absolute strength? I want to see it."

In fact, if the supernaturalists here unite and cooperate well, they might really pose some threats to themselves.

But these people were originally an idle organization, only to have fun together, how can they cooperate closely now?

As a result, under the disparity of combat experience, even a good hand was beaten by them.

Even the thundering corpse dragon, who was about to move, finally fell silent.

Such an enemy is simply not interested in it.

The boss of the Azure Dragon Society looked at Chu Feng, who didn't seem to be defended, and felt that he had several flaws that he could attack, but whenever he thought of raising his hands, he finally suppressed it.

Facing such a terrible enemy, he really couldn't take the courage to start.

The sound of Chu Feng's footsteps seemed to be on the drumbeat of his heartbeat, which made him feel more and more psychologically pressured. In the end, he couldn't help it. He knelt down on the ground and kept kowtow:

"Big brother, I was wrong!"

Anyway, his subordinates were all killed now, even if he kneeled down and begged for mercy, there seemed to be no shame.

Of course he didn't think so much now, for him, being able to survive was his greatest luck.

Chu Feng stroked his head with one hand, and said in an evil voice: "Do you want to live?"

"miss you!"

The boss kept kowtow, and the hell-like scene just frightened him. Compared with the terrible man in front of him, even the zombies outside looked a little cute.

Seeing the boss who was still very energetic and invincible just now, he knelt down and begged for mercy, and couldn't help but kowtow. Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi only felt that the worldview would be subverted.

They had always held strong confidence in Chu Feng, thinking that as long as Chu Feng was there, no danger was worth mentioning.

However, Chu Feng's strength still exceeded their expectations.

Zhang Ziqing couldn't help even saying: "Why are we here?"

She felt like she was superfluous, and Xiaoxi just nodded, she felt the same.

Of course, it shouldn't have been superfluous that Chu Feng took them with him, but the opponent's battle showed that it was too bad, let alone cooperate, and he didn't even have to be cautious and careful when facing the enemy.

Is this kind of fighting quality worse than a wild cat on the side of the road? So their performance was far below Chu Feng's expectations. In contrast, Chu Feng's performance was of course far beyond Zhang Ziqing's imagination.


A scream came from the boss's mouth, and he struggled to say to Chu Feng, "Aren't you going to let me go?"

"Have I said that?" Chu Feng asked back.

He did not say anything about letting him go, but many people have a strange psychology, that is, as long as they kneel down, the wrong one will become the other party.

This is the so-called I am weak and I am reasonable.

But this didn’t work for Chu Feng. He had seen or heard of too many examples of pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. The opponent flopped with an unknown hole card.

So he seems to have been very calm, but in fact, from the moment that he ordered the fire system to lead the way, he didn't relax his vigilance for a moment.

After absorbing the opponent's spiritual energy, Chu Feng's strength was upgraded to Tier 3 and Tier 2.

However, as a cultivator, with a means such as Yuan Talisman, his normal strength is already stronger than the normal Tier 4, plus the hole cards, he can calmly deal with the existence of Tier 5.

But he didn't directly kill the opponent. After absorbing the opponent's vitality, he left a sigh of relief for the opponent.

Then, he said to the imprisoned and abused women: "Now, to give you a chance for revenge, how long it takes to kill him, it depends on you."

As he said, a sword gas pierced through the air, and the cage door of the imprisoned woman shattered directly.

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