Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 119: Heartache

"Give them a rejuvenating spell, don't heal their injuries!"

Chu Feng ordered.

Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi immediately applied therapies to these abused and mischievous women, allowing them to recover a lot.

Then, these women came to the boss with their flushed eyes.

"Do you want to use these people to humiliate me?"

The boss of the Azure Dragon Society said angrily, "Skills can be killed but not insulted. It's fine if you kill me. What is it to humiliate me in this way?"

Chu Feng sneered and said, "Shi? This is the honorable name that humans are qualified to enjoy. A beast is not qualified."

When he did this kind of anger and resentment, he had already stripped himself from the human beings, but now he talked about dignity again. In Chu Feng's view, this was a huge comical.

Then, several women pounced on the boss, venting their anger with their paws and slaps, struggling and crying.

Seeing these women's angry look, Zhang Ziqing couldn't help shaking a little, but she didn't stop these women's actions, but watched from the side to prevent the boss from dying like this.

When these women vented their anger, Chu Feng called the four summoned creatures to his side.

"The sacrifices I used when calling this time were all first-class sacrifices."

Chu Feng said, "So according to the strength of the contract, you must provide me with service for at least one week."

The strength of the summoned creature is determined by his strength, but the summoning time is determined by the sacrifice. Of course, he can also shorten the summoning time to summon more powerful creatures.

Among the summoned sacrifices, the abilities are all high-class goods, even if they summon three third-tier existences, they can last for more than a week.

The four summoned creatures sent out a strange mental wave, and then expressed their willingness to surrender.

They were originally inferior creatures in the hell, but now they were summoned by Chu Feng with the power of a contract. The instincts from the inferior creatures also made them afraid of being arrogant like the three-headed dog in hell.

Chu Feng took them back to the Yuan Mansion and called them when needed.

Now he has an idea in his mind, that is to summon these summoned creatures to reality for a long time, anyway, he only needs to provide them with enough "food" according to the law of hell.

For him, these summoned creatures are just an aid to combat, but for his family, such summoned creatures are a life-saving hole card.

As for the "food" that sustains their existence? Of course, he can't use people to feed regularly, but there are so many mutant creatures in the outside world, just hit a few heads.

Yuan Mansion is a channel for contacting himself with his summoned creatures. The food problem can be solved by himself.

"Okay, let's go!"

After feeling the movement outside, Chu Feng killed the boss with a sword and then quickly evacuated.

After all, there has been such a big movement here, coupled with the **** conflict that occurred before, of course, it is not hidden from the military. If the military does not care about such a big matter, then there will be a mess here. .

Although Chu Feng had no intention of concealing this matter at the beginning, he was afraid of trouble. If he were to explain the whole story to the army himself, it would be a very troublesome thing, but if the army saw it first The woman being bullied here, then the army will feel guilty first.

After all, this kind of thing happens in the area they are responsible for, even if it is because of their limited energy, they can't shirk responsibility for it.

Therefore, by keeping these women, he can let himself occupy the commanding heights of morality. Even if someone in the army wants to question him, he can have the confidence to deal with it. After all, it is them who are at fault.

What happened next was just as Chu Feng expected. When the army members asked about what happened to the women here, they only felt angry. They did not expect that they had established such a safe refuge, but they provided criminals with crimes for lawless criminals. cradle.

Under the strong anger, let them applaud what Chu Feng did.

Although lynching is something that is not recommended, they already have a greater affection for Chu Feng in their hearts.

On the other side, Chu Feng returned to his sister's residence.

With the company of her parents, Chu Xiaorou has now stabilized, but when she looks at Chu Feng, she has some fear in her eyes.

In her heart, Chu Feng has always been the image of a sunny and cheerful brother. After the catastrophe, what she longed most in her heart was to see her brother again, but when she really met again, she found herself The eldest brother of has become a bit strange.

Seeing his sister with scared eyes, Chu Feng only felt a pain in his heart.

Although there is a younger sister who is a little bit ignorant, he still feels pain in his heart.

After being reborn, he made up for many regrets, but he could not make up for everything.

Father Chu said: "The army has already arrived, and I have interrogated these people around. Xiao Rou already knows that these people are all damned, but she still can't accept these things at once. It will be fine in two days. "

Chu Feng nodded. My sister was originally a lively girl, but she suddenly encountered something like this. From the school that was originally pure as ivory, she suddenly saw the dark side of the world. Of course, she couldn't accept it.

Driven crazy by the cruel apocalypse, there are many people who jumped directly off the building. It is very rare for my sister not to cry or make trouble.

Even if you are yourself, it took a long time to accept this kind of thing in that cruel future, let alone a girl?

She is not a rebirth, and her ability to accept is limited.

Zhang Ziqing pulled the sad Chu Feng to a separate place: "Is it a big difference from the warm reunion originally expected?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, he finally saw his sister, but...

Zhang Ziqing said: "I thought about it carefully and followed you along the way. Although many of your decisions seem to be cruel and even cruel, the facts will always prove that the decisions you made are correct. I thought that my forgiveness would make Yang Rongrong regret it, but in fact it almost hurt us."

Whether it is abandoning ordinary people, fighting various monsters, and grasping the human heart, Chu Feng is always right.

If it weren't for Chu Feng, Zhang Ziqing wouldn't know how many times he would die along the way, even if he had awakened his abilities and could face the dangers brought by various monsters, he would not be able to guard against the sinister hearts.

Even if it was Chu Feng himself, if he didn't make those cold decisions, then when he found his sister, he might only find a tragedy.

"However, reality, correctness, including human nature, are very unpleasant if we go deeper." Zhang Ziqing said seriously.

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