Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 120: Chu Feng's obsession

"Thank you!" Chu Feng smiled reluctantly.

He has experienced the darkest years of the last 10 years and has witnessed too many tragedies, and now he is a tragedy himself.

Because he had lost too much, the people he cherished died one by one because of himself, and his relatives, friends and lovers died in front of him one by one, so a powerful obsession was formed in his heart.

That is to protect family members at all costs.

This obsession has almost become a demon, as long as he can protect his family, even if he is an enemy of the whole world.

But Zhang Ziqing's words reminded Chu Feng of the young man who entered the fortress.

Although the young man humiliated himself, he felt that the other person seemed to be a little bit like himself. It was because of his obsession to protect his family. He could desperate consequences. When he was desperate, he had lost his reason.

However, the young man's filial piety for his father is commendable, but he ignored his father's wishes.

If his father knew about him and knew that he would kill his child with his own hands because of his child's filial piety, he would probably be so angry that he would survive.

Zhang Ziqing didn't say much, Chu Feng was originally a person who didn't need others to persuade him.

Chu Feng lit a cigarette, took a sip, and said, "Perhaps, life is not the most important thing in the first place, it is just a carrier for these important things, but I have forgotten the simplest thing."

He had lost everything, and he knew that if he lost all the precious things, he would be no different from a soulless buck shell. If it was not supported by hatred, he would not be able to spend ten years.

But, because of his obsession to protect his family, he has forgotten the most important thing.

In his eyes, the most important person around him is the meaning of his life, but the other way around? To my parents, sons and daughters are the meaning of their lives, and to my sister, my family is also the most important person in her world.

If you want to persist in this way for your own obsession, then sooner or later you will hurt everyone around you.

Protecting the family is not wrong, but it is too late.

When he figured this out, he only felt that his spiritual platform was clear, as if an invisible obsession had disappeared.

After he felt that his spirit was mastered for a while, the Yuan Palace suddenly expanded a circle, and then, in the center of the Yuan Palace, a clear breath was born.

Zhang Ziqing stared at Chu Feng blankly. She just comforted a few words casually, but she felt that Chu Feng seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, but when she looked closely, she seemed to feel that this was just her own illusion.

After about half an hour, Chu Feng waited for someone from the military.

"Chief Hu, I didn't expect you to come out."

Chu Feng smiled and said hello, "I just heard your subordinates say that you seem to have been punished. I didn't expect to start performing official duties so soon."

Seeing Hu Tianlu, he also realized that many of the military's styles would begin to change.

Of course, this change should have more advantages than disadvantages for him. After all, for the military, he should be regarded as his own.

Hu Tianlu said: "Our superiors are not stupid. Although Luo Xingyao's actions have attracted a lot of criticism, his efficiency in saving people is the highest. Now, new orders have been issued above. Anyone who hinders group actions, no matter what All of them will be executed immediately!"

The aim of the military is to never give up any one person, nor can it do the kind of thing that kills one person for 100 people, unless the person who sacrifices is themselves.

But sacrificing those who made trouble, and even affected the lives of many people, to save more innocent people, this is a sub-topic.

Even without the appearance of Chu Feng, the military would realize the necessity of this order, and the appearance of Chu Feng only made the issuance of this order a period of time in advance.

Therefore, he was also a little relieved: "You are here, you should not just talk to me about this!"

"Yeah! You gave me a problem right after you came here."

Hu Tianlu smiled bitterly, "We have already investigated the details of the people you killed. Even if those people died 10,000 times, it would not be a shame. However, the practice of lynching by the people still puts us under a lot of pressure."

It's one thing that those people deserve to die, but it's another thing to execute the death penalty without authorization.

Chu Feng said sternly: "If you want to use this to threaten me and let me join the military, don't even think about it. I just want to be happy and happy, absolutely free from any restraint."

If people in the military intend to embarrass themselves, they will definitely not have the same attitude at the beginning.

So Chu Feng knew that the military also wanted to expose it.

The reason why he said that the military is in a dilemma is that he actually wants Chu Feng to join the military, because the addition of such a master will definitely be able to play a role of even more wings.

However, Chu Feng had seen through their plan, so he refused strictly at the beginning, lest the other party would come up with a lot of rhetoric about national justice and national justice to persuade himself.

However, Hu Tianlu said calmly: "It doesn't matter if you don't join. It depends on your and Gu Nanfei's contribution to the military. As long as you don't do things against humanity, the military will be your solid backing. If you Join us and we will not make any mandatory orders against you."

This is simply saying that you can enjoy all the benefits, but you are not obliged to accept orders.

Chu Feng sneered: "There is no free lunch in the world. There is a saying that cannibalism is soft, and human hands are soft, so you don't want to play these word games with me."

"It doesn't matter, it means that you are still human."

Hu Tianlu said indifferently, "Otherwise, if you change someone and listen to such conditions, you must think of enjoying all the benefits, but you are not willing to take any responsibility."

Chu Feng said, "If you are all right, please come back!"

Now that he knew it was okay, he directly issued the eviction order.

Otherwise, what if one's own family is not acted upon?

"Don't worry, there is one more thing."

Hu Tianlu solemnly said, "You and Gu Nanfei should be regarded as good friends! Now Gu Nanfei is in a big trouble, we want to help him solve it, but in the end energy is still limited, and it is inconvenient for the military to intervene in many things. If you have time, please help him if you can!"

Chu Feng frowned: "Could the military still make his life safety threatened?"

Hu Tianlu shook his head: "It's not life safety, but reputation safety. Originally, the things he taught the military should be confidential. Not many people knew about it, but a star named Xiao Xunli also knew about it. Find a way to ruin Gu Nanfei from public opinion. We don't care about a small artist, but the family behind her is too troublesome."

Chu Feng's eyes were cold: "Is she looking for death?"

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