Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 121: distribution

Xiao Xunli, when Gu Nanfei was in trouble in her previous life, she fell into trouble and ruined Gu Nanfei's last life.

Of course, even if she didn't make a move, Gu Nanfei would live longer at most, and the ending would not change.

Chu Feng originally thought that since there was no need for cooperation between the two in this life, there should be nothing to do with him, but he didn't expect Xiao Xunli to die again.

According to the military news, Gu Nanfei originally only taught the exercises to the military. Although Xiao Xunli and his bodyguards also have exercises, they have not been improved too much, and the possibility of sacrifice is very high. Big.

The military also intends to reduce the risk to a tolerable level after a certain period of experimentation, and then popularize it to the public in the name of the military.

When the people generally enjoy the benefits of the exercises, Gu Nanfei's name will be made public.

"However, Xiao Xunli used his influence to spread all over the fortress city. Gu Nanfei has the ability to make everyone a superpower, but he cherishes himself and is unwilling to spread it widely, and wants to build a force for himself. Fundamental."

After Hu Tianlu left, Chu Feng did not hide this matter from everyone, and also told everyone Gu Nanfei's initial thoughts.

It's cruel to let everyone accept the cruel world at once, but if you don't see it with your eyes, your ability to accept it will increase a lot.

For his family, Chu Feng has enough patience.

After hearing the whole story clearly, Chu Xiaorou's eyes widened, and her mind couldn't turn around: "Brother, why did Xiao Xunli kill Gu Nanfei! Gu Nanfei seems to have done nothing to her!"

Suddenly walking out of the pure campus, she didn't have much in-depth understanding of the sinister heart.

She has also seen some contradictions in school, but the contradictions should be due to reasons.

Xiao Xunli had no reason to deal with Gu Nanfei.

Xu Yan said: "If she and the family behind them want to build a force that quickly belongs to them, and to ensure that this force has a certain cohesion, it is best to set a goal for the members of this force, otherwise it will be like the Qinglonghui. What's the difference between a small chaotic organization?"

She has no affection for Xiao Xunli, and of course she will not help her.

Chu Feng added: "The other thing is that Gu Nanfei was able to help her at the beginning. She has already regarded the benefits that Gu Nanfei may bring to her as her own. After the two sides broke, it was just another cooperation for Gu Nanfei. For Xiao Xunli, it seems to have broken up with the benefits he deserved."

Chu Xiaorou was shocked: "However, Gu Nanfei has never done anything wrong with this matter! Xiao Xunli should be the one who made the mistake!"

Xu Yan had told her what Xiao Xunli's bodyguards had done, and the purpose was to remind her to beware of evil.

However, what she didn't expect was that there was still a follow-up to this matter.

What is even more unexpected is that it was Xiao Xunli who made a mistake that took the initiative to kill Gu Nanfei.

Chu Feng said: "Next, everyone should be more careful. If Xiao Xunli knows that we are here, she will definitely do everything possible to deal with us. Her own influence will be neglected, but the family behind her will be out. The three awakened people are now gathering people's hearts, which is very dangerous."

Chu Xiaorou was even more puzzled: "We have no grudges against her! If you want to say revenge, it should be Xu Yan asking them to take revenge!"

It was obviously Xiao Xunli owed them, but why did Chu Feng say that Xiao Xunli would deal with them in turn?

Chu's father sighed, "Because we might hold a grudge against her, and we might get revenge if we have the opportunity. Even if we didn't intend to, she would think so."

Chu Xiaorou was silent, she was not a fool, but she didn't like thinking about these things.

After all, thinking about these things too much will only affect her mood. Why doesn't she spend every day happily?

But when she looked at the expressions of everyone around her, she found that everyone was taking it for granted, as if this kind of thing was too normal.

At this time, she finally realized what she didn't want to understand in her subconscious, and the world had changed.

Chu Feng said, "Dad, Mom, you can talk to Xiaorou! Let's go out and walk by ourselves."

Chu's father and Chu's mother nodded. Maybe Chu Feng made the right decision, but his words are too easy to hurt people. It is more appropriate for them to teach his daughter.

After leaving his family in the house, Chu Feng called everyone together.

"Why didn't you see An Ran? Has something happened to her?"

Only then did Chu Feng notice that An Ran had disappeared. After all, he didn't have too many places to sit and wait.

Xu Yan said: "After we came to the fortress city, in the process of searching for Xiaorou, a man frantically pursued Enron. She couldn't help the other side's offensive, so she agreed."

Chu Feng nodded: "Since this is her own choice, let her go!"

All he cares about is whether An Ran has betrayed or not. Since she just changed someone to protect her and didn't do anything to hurt the people around him, he didn't bother to pursue it.

Next, it is time to discuss how to deal with Xiao Xunli.

Chu Feng summoned several summoned creatures from hell, and said to several people: "These monsters have the strength of Tier 3, but considering that most people have insufficient combat experience, these monsters should be able to sweep within Tier 3. These monsters can be used to protect you."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and now the third-order monsters outside are very rare, and so are the supernaturalists.

With the protection of a top-notch summoned creature in Tier 3, they will of course greatly increase their strength.

However, Chu Feng said: "But you have to consider it carefully. These summoned creatures were summoned by me, and of course they will be monitored by me. If you are worried about privacy being peeped by me, then it is better not to choose."

Tao Jinghua's complexion changed slightly and said, "I think it's better to let the girls!"

Xu Yan agreed in one fell swoop: "I agree."

She was almost insulted by the group of bodyguards. After coming to the relatively safe fortress, she almost suffered. There is no privacy, and in her eyes her own safety is far less important.

And Qiaoqiao also said: "I want one too."

Huang Tianhua, the driver in charge, said weakly, "Can I have one?"

The relationship between him and everyone should be the furthest. Suddenly making such a request felt very presumptuous, but he still planned to try.

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