Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1184: The power of true yuan

A line of blood spilled on the ground.

Chu Feng covered his neck, and the power of life kept repairing the wound.

He took the initiative to let his own power be swallowed by the Eternal Wood in exchange for a chance to attack the entity. It is hard to imagine that such a brutal attack method would appear when the strong dealt with the weak.

It was precisely because the crowned Lord was ruthless, that Chu Feng could not escape this sword either.

Fortunately, he was able to force it down.

Half of Chu Feng's neck was directly cut open, but under the restoration of the life force, it quickly recovered as before, but the source of life was consumed a lot.

The Crowned Lord succeeded in a blow, and did not stop, but immediately attacked Chu Feng again.

But this time, the broken sword in his hand encountered a wooden sword.

The wooden sword in Chu Feng's left hand stood in front of the crowned Lord, forcibly blocking the desperate blow.

"So fast!"

The Holy Lord of the Coronation was shocked. Just now, he clearly used a large amount of light power as the price to absorb the power of this strange wooden sword in Chu Feng's hand to a point of saturation, and also gave himself a chance to attack.

But no matter how strong the power this sword absorbs, Chu Feng's own power should have been exhausted.

But at this time, he discovered that the power in Chu Feng's body seemed to be stronger than at the beginning.

What kind of hole cards does this human have?

Why can a mere human being on earth master this level of means?

The power of death continued to erode the body of the crowned Lord, and the curse of the Lord of the Underworld made the crowned Lord weaker and weaker. The continuous battle also caused a huge consumption of the power in his body. I thought that Chu Feng had also come to it. The situation was exhausted, but what he didn't expect was that Chu Feng could still possess powerful power.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Chu Feng was indeed almost exhausted.

"The power of the Yuan Ling Dao Body Law Bodies has been smashed by the Corona Saint Lord, and now only True Yuan can be used."

The Law Body of the Yuan Ling Dao Body was one of the biggest bargaining chips he had prepared during this time, allowing him to stand on the same level as the holy rank existence in a short time.

However, a complete magical power, in front of the Holy Lord, only insisted on a blow, and barely saved his life.

Now the vitality in Chu Feng's body has been exhausted, because just now when he used the sword of life to recover the injury in his body, he also swallowed the vitality in his body.

This is not only the exhaustion of his vitality, but also his own cultivation base will decline.

Under such circumstances, Chu Feng could only explode the power of True Essence with all his strength.

Chu Feng hasn't fully controlled the power of the true essence until now, because once the true essence enters the body, it will conflict with the essence of the body, and may seriously disable himself.

But now that all the vitality in his body has been removed, Chu Feng can only use his true vitality.

Feeling the power of the True Essence flowing in his body, Chu Feng had an arm-like feeling for the True Essence power. Compared with the original force that he needed to use his own thoughts to mobilize, the True Essence and his own thoughts were almost synchronized.

"Could this be because the process of the cohesion of the true essence requires mental energy?"

This thought flashed through Chu Feng's heart, but he didn't delve into it too deeply. There was another thing he faced now, and that was to kill the enemy in front of him.

The sword of life blocked the broken sword in the hands of the holy master. Chu Feng stretched out his right hand and held the hilt of the wooden sword pierced into the holy main body. Now he has a feeling that his true essence is not complete. Swallowed by the Eternal Wood.

After holding the hilt, Chu Feng's eyes were also full of cruel expression.

The True Essence Space in the body constantly poured power into the wooden sword in his hand, part of it was absorbed by the wooden sword itself, and the other part took this opportunity to enter the body of the Holy Lord.


The Holy Master vomited a large mouthful of blood, and some black was mixed in the red blood. He did not expect that the Yuan Li in Chu Feng's body would be so domineering, and the damage to him had reached such an extent.

Will I die in the hands of this man?

This thought inevitably appeared in his mind.

However, under the circumstances of such severe damage, his right hand still held the Holy Light Long Sword tightly.

Am I going to die here today? No, even if I really might die in the hands of this human today, I must drag this human to bury it.

However, when this thought came up in his heart, a piece of holy light came upon him.

The fierce holy light sword aura directly tore the body of the crowned Lord.

"It was my previous blow."

The Coronation Lord remembered the power he deliberately poured into the wooden sword before. When Chu Feng just defended, he did not use this power, and now he used it when he counterattacked.

A large number of black chains appeared in the air, piercing the body of the crowned Lord, and entangled around the periphery.

The Holy Lord of the Corona felt that these chains contained the power of sealing. As the chains entangled his body, the vitality, blood, and even the soul in his body were blocked by the chains and became unable to function properly. If you allow the number of these blacks to continue to increase, you will become a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Am I going to lose here?"

The Holy Lord of the Coronation only found it very absurd. He would never have thought that he would lose to this human being, and his life would come to an end in this form.

But the feeling of dying reminded him that all this is true.

The sun **** mirror has been broken, the holy light long sword has also been broken, the life force in the body is constantly being eroded, the curse of the Lord of the underworld makes him weak, and the power in the body is also exhausted.

These black chains were replaced by his heyday, which could be destroyed at will, but now they have become the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

Even if he barely broke free of these black chains, he also lost the power to fight.

He has lost the power to fight, but there is still room on the other side.

"Dead, I will die here."

Feeling the sword of death running through his body and the constant death power, the Holy Lord of the Corona only felt a little absurd, and even had such a trance time, doubting whether all this he had experienced was true.

The sword of death in Chu Feng's hand once again burned the power of the origin of death, destroying the last vitality of the crowned lord.

At the last moment of the life of the crowned Lord, he suddenly raised his head.

The broken sword in his hand, and the broken blade that had been separated before, burst out with a strong luminous power, and the Holy Lord, who had reached the point of life, was full of determination and determination.

"At least, I will kill you."

The Divine Sword of Light, which was broken in half, burst out with a strong light, and the entire Sea Emperor Holy Land was swallowed by Light.

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