Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1185: Divine Shock

The Temple of the Sun, the power center of the Corona Protoss.

As one of the two great royal families in the God Realm, the Coronation Protoss represents one of the two supreme powers in the God Realm.

Before the appearance of real fire stars, they saw a joke.

"The Star True Fire Spirit of the Star God Clan appeared on the earth, and it was obtained by humans. What's even more ridiculous is that the group of waste products of the Star God Clan failed to capture the true fire essence of the star."

The Star God Race captured the true fire spirit of the stars but suffered heavy losses, which became a laughing stock in the God Realm, but the Corona Protoss did not go to the bottom of the well, because in some places their interests were the same as the Star God Race.

However, the appearance of the broken boundary Gangfeng severely slapped the Solar Crown Protoss.

The sacred object of the Star God Clan, the real fire of the stars, was captured by humans, but the Boundary Wind Wind was also captured by humans. This is also a great shame for the Corona Protoss, especially after some Corona Protoss mocked the Star Protoss.

The Star Gods have been in charge of the real fire of the stars for so many years, of course, there is a way to deal with the real fire of the stars, but the reason for their heavy losses is that they did not expect that the humans have the broken realm wind.

The sacred object of the Corona Protoss turned out to be a weapon against the Star Protoss.

This is a fierce slap for the Corona Protoss.

Ordinary Corona Protoss just felt that this was a storm caused by a hillbilly who didn't know the heights of the earth, who wanted to take possession of the treasure after seizing the treasure. However, the true high-level of the Corona Protoss knew that things were not that simple.

Where is the coincidence that the Boundary Gangfeng and the real fire spirit of stars appeared on the earth?

Coupled with the process of Chu Feng's rise, the methods they had used were acquired by the Protoss, and they quickly realized one thing: Chu Feng was probably the descendant of that existence.

Since they are the descendants of existence, they must go all out.

The Holy Lord of the Corona Protoss decided to take action personally.

The Holy Lord's personal action naturally caused a great shock in the Corona Protoss, but most of the Corona Protoss believed that this should be a tribal tribe!

"It's just a poor country in a remote area, where it is worthy of His Majesty the Holy Lord's personal action, it is enough to leave it to us small people to solve it. This is too much for humans."

"Perhaps what we want to guard against is not humans, but the Star God Race?"

"Maybe the demons will also take action."

As for the Holy Lord's personal action, most of the members expressed extremely incomprehension, and of course the high-levels who knew part of the truth would not specifically explain this matter.

But in everyone's mind, there is a consensus.

[Holy Lord shot, it will definitely succeed. 】

They don't even think about the possibility of the Lord's failure, no matter how they calculate it, they can't calculate it. There are things on the earth that threaten the Lord.

But today, in the temple of the Corona Protoss, a storm is brewing.


An ordinary member of the Corona Protoss came to the chamber of the middle temple, where dozens of the power center of the Corona Protoss had gathered, and they represented the power center of the Corona Protoss.

Now they are gathered together, waiting for the triumphant return of the Holy Lord.

Seeing someone coming in, an elder of the Corona Protoss said with a smile: "Has the Holy Lord come back? Did you bring the Duanjie Gangfeng back? Is there any loss in Duanjie Gangfeng?"

However, the Protoss of the Solar Crown fell on his knees, his body trembling.

"Speaking, is it possible that your Majesty the Holy Lord will fail?"

A senior member of the Corona Protoss saw this expression on his subordinates and shouted coldly, "This time the Holy Lord and the Holy Lord of the Star God Clan made a shot together, wait, the Star God Clan, could it be possible that the Holy Lord of the Star God Clan made a move to steal us? Holy relic?"

Looking at the other person, it is obvious that this is not good news.

However, they could not accept the fact that the Lord had failed.

If there is a special change in the matter, it probably exists in the body of the Holy Master of the Star God Race.

The messenger trembled and said, "Holy Lord, has fallen."

The temple of the sun was silent.

After a while, a senior executive suddenly slapped the messenger.

When this slap with holy light was about to slap on the forehead of the messenger, an elder appeared in front of the messenger, and a barrier of holy light appeared in front of the elder to receive the slap. Down.

"Elder, what are you doing? This **** deceived the crowd and dared to spread false news. This is a capital crime. Why didn't you let me execute him?" The shooter asked coldly.

"It's not fake news, you shouldn't be the judge."

The elder said coldly, turning around and staring into the eyes of the messenger, "Tell me, what position are you in, and why do you say that His Majesty has fallen? What basis do you have?"

"Little, the little man is the guard of the Palace of Souls. The little man, the little man saw that the lamp of His Majesty's soul has gone out. This indicates that His Majesty has fallen on the earth."

Chuan Lingbing's body was already trembling with fear, but he still reported the complete information as if he was dead.

After he finished speaking, the whole temple fell silent.

"No, this is absolutely impossible!"

A senior from the Sun Temple shouted loudly. He drew out the long sword at his waist and was about to hack the soldier to death with a single sword.

"Go to Life Soul Palace!"

The elder snorted coldly, and disappeared in place with the messenger.

In the conference hall, the remaining seniors looked at each other, and their eyes were full of worry and fear.

In the Temple of the Sun, no one had the courage to preach the death of the Holy Lord, no matter how they refused to accept this fact, they could not deny the possibility of this matter.

Since the other party dared to kneel in front of them and tell them the news, the news should be true in all likelihood.

"Whether the news is true or false, we always have to confirm it."

A senior member of the Corona Protoss stood up calmly, shook his sleeves, and walked toward the Palace of Life Soul, but just after two or three steps, his feet staggered.

A few hours later, an astonishing news spread rapidly throughout the entire God Realm, spread throughout the entire God Realm in just three days, and caused great upheavals in the God Realm.

[The Holy Lord of the Corona Protoss personally conquered the earth and fell to the earth, and the holy Lord of the Star Gods followed, and there has been no news. 】

When they first heard the news, most of the gods thought it was a rumor, but after they paid attention to the actions of the two royal clans, the Corona Protoss and the Star Gods, they gradually realized that the news was very likely. it is true.

"Check, check again."

"We must repeatedly confirm the authenticity of this news. If this is just a rumor or a trap set by the two royal families, we may be unlucky."

"Send spies to the earth to confirm the news."

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