Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 123: Build your own power

"My ability can finally be used for more than just bathing."

Zhang Ziqing was very excited. As Chu Feng became stronger, her position in the team became more and more awkward.

After all, her combat effectiveness was not as good as Chu Feng, and her recovery was not as good as Xiaoxi, which made her a little uncomfortable.

However, after the third-order water system, water can be turned into ice, but the ice blade technique is also a top-notch spell among the third-order abilities, and its power has naturally increased by more than one level.

After breakfast, Chu Xiaorou pulled Chu Feng aside and whispered: "Brother, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Hearing his sister's apology, Chu Feng seemed to hear the sound of nature, because it meant that his sister had recognized and understood herself, and there was nothing more exciting for him than this.

But he was still a little strange: "How did you figure it out?"

Chu Xiaorou looked at Chu Feng with some admiring eyes: "My parents told me that you are actually in the same group as the military, so what you do is to deal with those dark forces in secret. Just like the nameless anti-narcotics police, they are doing great things without being understood."

Yesterday, her parents told her many stories about the workers behind the scenes.

After listening to those people and things that are silently dedicated to the people behind the scenes, but are not understood by others, she cried out.

Obviously he was fighting against evil forces, but he was always regarded as demons by those around him.

If she doesn't even understand her brother, how painful her brother will be in the depths of his heart!

Chu Feng only felt that his eyes were dark. He originally thought his parents would use ordinary persuasion methods to make his sister understand him, but he didn't expect them to use this kind of rhetoric.

If he is really praised too high, how can he do those bad things?

The higher the holding, the more miserable he will fall. Once he has a glorious and positive image, he will be infinitely magnified as long as he does one wrong thing.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng had a numb scalp. He wondered if his parents did it on purpose. Of course, they didn’t intend to harm him. It just gave him such a restraint. When doing things, he would consider his image in his sister’s heart. You can maintain some bottom lines.

"Pity the parents of the world!"

Chu Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then touched his little sister's head, "It's good if you know, but you also have to know one thing, that is, the people I have to deal with are very bad and bad, they can't beat me. In time, it will most likely start from you."

Chu Xiaorou patted her chest: "Don't be afraid, brother will protect me."

Chu Feng asked, "Then what if I'm not here?"

Chu Xiaorou was a little worried: "Then what should I do?"

Chu Feng said earnestly, "So you have to learn to protect yourself, don't trust others, I will slowly teach you some things in the future."

Chu Xiaorou nodded obediently.

After the persuasion and instruction of her parents, now in her eyes, everything that goes against her brother must be a bad person, so she can't hold her brother behind.

After briefly saying a few words with his sister, Chu Feng led everyone to work.

"Since Xiao Xunli wants to use the martial arts technique to manage his own forces and use it as a bargaining chip to attack Gu Nanfei, then we only need to do the same thing. We also have the martial arts technique. From now on, we will Propagating everywhere in the fortress, those who join my forces can become warriors!"

This is Chu Feng's strategy. He knows that the feasibility of a plan does not depend on the meticulousness of the plan, but on its execution.

Since Xiao Xunli wanted to recruit people, if Chu Feng did the same thing, it was tantamount to robbing people.

Since he was going to divide the cake from Xiao Xunli's plate, Xiao Xunli certainly wouldn't sit idly by, and then take the initiative to find the door.

Therefore, with the help of Chu Feng and the help of some members of the military, a piece of news spread like wildfire in the fortress city. Many people knew one thing, that is, people with supernatural powers can practice artificially. of.

Because the news is not spreading fast, it was spread on a small scale at first, but soon, the news became bigger and bigger like a snowball.

"Have you heard? Ordinary people can also be supernaturalists."

"Bring on you!"

"I'm not bragging. I heard someone teaches this in Dongcheng District."

"Then why don't you go?"

"Their conditions are too harsh, and they are said to be dangerous."

"How about we go and see?"

At the beginning, many people were still suspicious of this news, but as the scope of the spread became wider and wider, more and more people heard the news, and of course more and more people knew about it.

As the so-called three people become tigers, even if it is a fake news, if there are too many people talking about it, many people will believe it to be true, let alone true news?

Soon, the Xiao family also got news.

Xiao Xunli's complexion was pale, and his beautiful face was covered with frost: "Chu Feng, I didn't expect that he took Gu Nanfei's exercises and actually used it for his own profit. Isn't he afraid that Gu Nanfei will ask him to settle accounts? "

Because Gu Nanfei didn't tell her Chu Feng's improved exercises, she thought that Chu Feng's exercises were obtained from Gu Nanfei.

Of course, it was of course not the reason she was really angry, but that Chu Feng actually split the cake in her hands.

She knew that because Gu Nanfei was angry with herself, she did not tell herself the follow-up improved exercises, and Chu Feng might have obtained the finished exercises. In other words, she would not have any advantage if she wanted to compete with "products".

At this time, a middle-aged man in a white suit dangled the red wine in his hand: "Actually, this is not a bad thing for us. His actions must go against Gu Nanfei's wishes and push himself towards The opposite of the military, if there is no broad public opinion foundation, the higher he stands, the faster he will die."

Xiao Xunli thoughtfully: "Dad, what do you say we should do? Do you want to push him when he is in danger, or just watch him die?"

Xiao Xunli originally planned to find a backstage for herself after coming to the barrier city, but what she didn't expect was that her father was also awakened, and three awakened people appeared in the family, which made her overjoyed.

With three awakened people as the foundation, what else is she afraid of?

Does she need to find a backer? She can now be a backer for others!

Of course, if she knew that Chu Feng killed 11 awakened people a day, then she would definitely not regard the three awakened people as real support.

Xiao Xunli's father narrowed his eyes and said, "No, we have to help him when he is in desperation!"

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