Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 124: Straightforward

Because most electronic products have failed, so many news have poor circulation.

Xiao Xunli's family members are all profit-seeking businessmen, so when thinking about problems, they are based on profit.

In their opinion, even if Chu Feng and Gu Nanfei had something to do with each other, after Chu Feng did something like this, the two would definitely break apart unless they found common interests again.

And the military will not allow such an uncontrolled civil power to rise in its own jurisdiction, so as long as Chu Feng's power grows stronger, it will definitely be jealous of the military.

The small organizations that are now mixed with dragons and fish have not been annihilated by the military, not because they are strong enough, but because they are weak enough that the military has no qualifications to mobilize troops to encircle and suppress them, and if Chu Feng wants to be large-scale The expansion will enter the eyes of the military.

"What if Chu Feng didn't fall into a desperate situation? Or could we not wait?" Xiao Xunli raised his own question.

She was a little worried that Chu Feng dared to make such a decision, whether he would really rely on it.

Taking a step back, even if Chu Feng is truly in desperate situation, if it is too late, it will make her miss the golden period of power development.

"Whether he is in desperation is not his own decision."

Xiao Xunli’s father’s eyes were full of self-confidence, "Even if he has the ability, he is just a young man who has not been involved in the world. I have a way to deal with such a young man. Even if he is really such a talented person, this Isn’t there still you? Since ancient times, the hero has been saddened by Beauty Pass. If he is really beyond my control, it means that his talent is barely worthy of you."

Xiao Xunli's eyes were cold: "Unless he is willing to help me deal with Gu Nanfei, I won't make him cheap."

She would remember everyone who brought her humiliation. Anyone who dared to ignore her, she would do her best to get revenge.

On the other side, Chu Feng's residence welcomed a lot of people who came for questioning.

"Didn't you say that you have a way to turn others into supernatural beings?"

"If there are any, then speak out as soon as possible!"

"Should you tell me? We left without telling me."

Looking at the crowd outside, Chu Feng's mouth showed a sarcastic smile: "Obviously, I want to ask for it, but now that there are too many people, I immediately acted like an uncle. I didn't know and thought it was me asking. They want to learn how to become supernaturalists!"

When the number of people was still small, these people only asked Chu Feng to give them the exercises in a pleading tone, but when their number increased, they became justified asking.

Many people make sense and I am weak. I have reason is a common problem that people can't get rid of. After all, reason is a precious quality because it is rare.

Tian Jing frowned: "But, are we really going to publish these things?"

In her opinion, the cultivation method of becoming a martial artist should be a very precious thing. Of course, the less people who have to control good things, the better, and the more they spread, it is not precious.

Chu Feng asked back: "Do you think Gu Nanfei will give up spreading even if I don't spread it?"

Because of the strategy discussed before, everyone knows about Gu Nanfei.

The reason why he doesn't spread it widely now is because this technique is still dangerous, and he needs the military to maintain order, which requires relatively strong strength.

However, the environment has deteriorated slightly, and everyone has more desires for martial arts techniques. At that time, even if Gu Nanfei disagreed with it, the military would ignore personal wishes and directly promote it.

Therefore, this kind of thing is now precious, and it will soon be bad.

If you don't take advantage of the value of these exercises now, are you still waiting for the devaluation?

Zhang Ziqing curled his lips and said, "Anyway, my IQ is low. Even if you tell me all of the plan, I may not be able to understand it. You can arrange whatever you want."

As the people outside were left hanging out for longer and longer, people's emotions began to slowly become anxious, and after gathering together, they began to change towards anger:

"Can you tell me?"

"Hurry up! Our time is precious, let's announce it quickly!"

"Should this be for fun?"

"Even so many of us are playing a game. If he doesn't tell the way to become a superpower, then everyone must teach them well."

As everyone's emotions are ignited higher and higher, many people are gearing up to teach the liar here.

At this moment, Chu Feng walked out slowly.

Seeing that Chu Feng finally appeared, everyone was a little quieter. They thought that Chu Feng finally couldn't bear the pressure of so many people, and they came out.

As a result, a few people looked arrogantly: "You have made us wait for so long in vain, and the exercises you took out shouldn't let us down!"

The person next to him also said: "Yes! Don't grind, take it out quickly!"

"We have to go back to eat!"

"After waiting so long, if you don't take things out, see how we teach you."

In his heart, Chu Feng silently wrote down the people who took the lead in asking for things. Now in front of so many people, he certainly can't kill, but he has already sentenced these people to death in his heart.

It’s not that they deserve to die for this kind of behavior, but that people who do this kind of behavior, as long as they are given a chance, they will do something to kill themselves. However, in this end of the world, there are such opportunities, in other words Chu Feng had some reasons to kill them.

"Please be quiet and listen to me."

Chu Feng said loudly, "Since I called everyone over, it must be announced. Please don't worry about this, but please keep order. Otherwise, if you have one mouth, how can I teach you?"

"Then say it!"

"hurry up."

"Stop talking, should I listen to him or listen to you!"

"Aren't you the same?"

Seeing the crowd still hustling and hustle and bustle below, Chu Feng was also a little helpless. These people thought that as long as they had a large number of people, they must be right. That's why such unscrupulous urges were made, but he did not expect that such urges would be disruptive. order.

She has seen such scenes many times in class, and she has seen more in society.

It was not until more than a minute later that the crowd barely calmed down.

After all, they still need Chu Feng to teach the exercises, so how can they teach it if they continue to make trouble?

At this time, Chu Feng said, "Since everyone wants to be a martial artist, um, even a supernatural power player in the physical arts department! For the sake of everyone's safety, let's talk about the precautions first!"

Everyone is getting a little impatient, and some people urged: "Don't talk nonsense, go straight to the topic!"

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly flew out an icy arrow, piercing the urging person's chest directly.

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