Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 125: speak nicely

The person who was hit by Frostbolt looked at his chest in disbelief. He didn't expect that he would be killed in the crowd.

The sudden change stunned many people. Just before they could react, a red flame suddenly ignited in Chu Feng's hand, and before everyone had time to react, he fell into the crowd.


Several people who hadn't had time to react were directly ignited on the spot, then shouted miserably, and extinguished the flames on their bodies by rolling on the ground.

"what is this?"

"Kill, he killed!"

"What is he going to do?"

"He is going to kill us."

"This is a lunatic, everyone, run!"

No one thought that Chu Feng actually didn't agree with him, and he would directly kill people under the crowd. Then he summoned everyone to kill people?

No one thought that they just wanted to obtain a cultivation technique, and they would have encountered such a change. They had known that they would not come.

"Ziqing, put out the flames! Then heal."

Chu Feng gave an order, and Zhang Ziqing quickly extinguished the flames, and then treated the people who were pierced by the ice bolt.

After these people were cured, Tian Jing and the three immediately came out and detained them all.

At this time, the crowd had dispersed for more than half. Some people went to the police, and some people ran away desperately. When they heard that someone was going to spread the exercises, they thought it was a saint, but I didn't expect this to be a demon!

They dared to bully good people, dared to bully saints, how dare they pant in front of the devil?

When the rest of the people got a little further away, and saw that Chu Feng hadn't caught up, they mustered up the courage to look back.

They didn't believe that Chu Feng really dared to kill in this situation.

"Don't panic, everyone, I just eliminated some troublemakers."

Chu Feng explained loudly to everyone, regardless of whether you believe it or not, "I got the news in advance that some people wanted to prevent the spread of the exercises, so they sent people to make trouble here, and wanted to make trouble before I said the exercises. It’s crazy to mess up the situation and then kill me in the chaos."

After listening to Chu Feng's words, everyone felt MMP.

Anyway, you beat these people, you burn them, you can say whatever you want.

However, his explanation still left a lot of people. These people didn't necessarily believe what Chu Feng said, but they still had expectations for the exercises.

Chu Feng continued: "Now, these spoiled assassins have been resolved, I believe the rest of the people should listen to me quietly! No one wants to stir up confusion, right? Huh? Why don't you say anything? Up?"

Who else would dare to speak?

Seeing the scorched ground and the few people who didn't know their life or death, everyone didn't even nod their heads.

They also worry about whether they will become a member of the people on earth.

Seeing the behaved people like quail, Zhang Ziqing and the others shook their heads for a while.

These people are guilty. If you don't listen to what you say, you have to teach some people, and the rest are willing to be obedient.

"First of all, what I want to tell you is the risk of this exercise."

Chu Feng said, "The biggest risk is the death rate, which is about 50%. There are 20 people in the first group of cultivators, and there are still 4 people alive. Looking at your expressions, do you have any questions? When asking questions, Raise your hand first, lady, you can ask questions!"

The woman named was horrified: "Why is the death rate so high? Also, didn't you say that the death rate is 50%? Why do you say that there are four people alive?"

Everyone nodded, they also have this question? Even if the death rate is really 50%, they must be cautious when they want to practice. Listening to this data, this is basically a survival rate of 20%!

Chu Feng explained: "Because this exercise is still in the experimental stage, the mortality rate at the beginning is of course a little higher, but because of the first batch of volunteer trials, this death risk has been reduced to 50%, and it may even be Even lower, now, I am here to recruit the second batch of volunteers."


"We are guinea pigs!"

Some people in the crowd couldn't help but exclaimed, and then quickly closed their mouths, for fear that Chu Feng would burn them as well.

"This is a great cause for all mankind!"

Chu Feng said righteously, "If there are no people who are willing to take risks, how can the practice be improved? How can human beings improve? But please rest assured that as the number of practitioners increases, I believe that the mortality rate will increase. The lower it is, the risk will be reduced to a manageable level in the future."

"When this exercise really becomes a safe exercise, I believe those who practice safety in the future will definitely remember your contributions."

If it weren't for the people who had been burned and seriously injured before, they were still lying on the ground, these people would have started to curse.

Shit practice exercises! The **** supernatural player!

Half the death rate? Who dares to practice this so much!

And this half of the death rate is still guessed, the death rate of people who have really practiced this exercise has reached 80%, and it is not sure that they are really out of danger.

Where is this to be a superpower? This is simply looking for death!

What is even more exaggerated is that their death will pave the way for others. Why? Why do they sacrifice themselves to perfect others?

"If you figure it out, come and find me in an hour. I will officially teach the exercises in an hour."

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he entered the house.

Zhang Ziqing wondered: "Are you really recruiting people?"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Otherwise?"

Tian Jing thoughtfully: "Boss, this should be filtering!"

"That's right!"

Chu Feng said, "If it's just a high-risk practice method, there are still many people who want to practice, especially those who have been bullied by supernatural powers, or those who envy and envy people with supernatural powers. They are willing to take high risks for high returns."

This is actually the psychology of gamblers. Knowing that the ultimate outcome of gambling is bankruptcy, there are still many gamblers who take a chance to fight.

Although half of the death rate is very high and can scare many people away, it definitely cannot scare everyone away.

Xu Yan said: "However, if it is only half the death rate, there are still many people who are willing to take the risk, but if only the first batch of people have half the death rate, the second batch of death will be greatly reduced, then I believe absolutely Most people will look forward to the second batch of being supernaturalists."

If everyone's risks are the same, some people will take risks.

But if the first group of risk-taking people had the highest mortality rate, it would be another matter.

People with a spirit of sacrifice are still a minority after all.

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