Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 126: Xiao's choice

"What I refuse is the majority of people."

Facing Tian Jing’s doubts, Chu Feng just chuckled: “The more people who give a thing, the less gratitude they receive. This kind of thankless thing can be done by the army. If you want to make a fortune in silence, it is enough to reap the gratitude of a few people."

With an understanding of the future, Chu Feng's grasp of people's hearts is certainly more accurate than most people.

He knows exactly who he needs and what kind of talent is worth training.

If you want to talk about loyalty, then the requirements are too high. There is no unreasonable loyalty in the world. There are only a few people like Xiaoxi, and most of them are profit-seekers.

"Those who know such conditions and dare to learn are either those who are truly willing to sacrifice for others, or those who have great courage, or who use wisdom to analyze the importance of being one step ahead. Of course, some minds are not excluded. Hate people."

Chu Feng looked at the people who were discussing fiercely outside the window, "As long as the spirit, courage, and IQ are the same, it has the value of nurturing. As for the remaining people! They have given up these elements of becoming a strong person. Do you want me to educate and guide one by one?"

This is how he chooses people, as long as any aspect has the value of cultivation can be in his eyes.

However, if these people don't seize the opportunity, don't blame him.

He can carefully cultivate limited objects, how can he take care of everyone?

What happened here in Chu Feng quickly spread throughout the fortress, and of course also reached the ears of Xiao Xunli and the Xiao family.


A middle-aged man in a white suit angrily smashed the wine glass in his hand, and the veins on his forehead jumped wildly, full of extreme anger, "How dare he do this? How can he do it!"

He originally thought that Chu Feng would take these exercises as the foundation for developing his own power, so that he would avoid discussing the shortcomings of those exercises, but he did not expect that Chu Feng would actually say all the disadvantages of these exercises. come out.

In their eyes, Chu Feng's method of obtaining the exercises is the same as theirs, so if there is a problem with the exercises that Chu Feng announced, what about their exercises?

But they have already publicized these exercises before, and now they tell others that these exercises have a high risk of death, what should they do with their credit? Xiao Xunli's influence will definitely continue to decline over time. After such a consumption, what advantages can they have?

"Dad, don't worry."

Xiao Xunli comforted, "Although Chu Feng's actions have indeed caused a very bad impact on us, it is not us, but Xicheng Gu's family who has suffered the most."

Xiao Tianhe only calmed down when he heard his daughter’s reminder: “That’s what I said, as long as you are a family of ancient martial artists with a little bit of IQ, you should know to take out some low-level exercises from the outside as a way to buy people’s hearts and develop. The foundation of the forces, Gu Nanfei and Chu Feng, both leveraged the interests of the Gu family."

Xiao Xunli said: "Those ancient martial arts families had very powerful powers in the old days. Although their status has been impacted by supernatural powers, the energy they possess still cannot be underestimated."

Xiao Tianhe said: "I'll find Gu's family, wait..."

Just when he was planning to use the power of the country to deal with Chu Feng, he suddenly thought of something and said solemnly: "But what if Chu Feng is eliminated with the help of the Gu family? This is still not good for our development. If Gu's family takes root here, how can we build influence?"

Xiao Xunli was stunned: "Then shall we just ignore Chu Feng and Gu Nanfei?"

Xiao Tianhe shook his head: "Everything we do is to maximize our own interests. How can we lose our minds for some small holidays?"

He is not like a daughter who must be retributable, everything he does is based on interests.

He can bow his head to the enemy for the benefit, shake hands with the enemy for the benefit, and even if the benefit is large enough, it doesn't matter if he sacrifices his daughter.

So although he was very angry with Chu Feng's actions, he decided to let go after thinking of revenge on Chu Feng's influence, not because he was tolerant, but not in line with the principle of interest.

Xiao Xunli asked: "Then what should we do?"

At this moment, a young man broke in and said, "Dad! I just found out one thing. When Chu Feng was spreading the news, someone from the military actually stepped in to help spread the news."

"This is real?"

Xiao Xunli was taken aback, "But isn't it not in the interests of the military to do this? Isn't the military just letting him go?"

"Who said it didn't meet?" Xiao Tianhe shook his head and said leisurely.

The young man said: "He reminded during the dissemination that people who practiced the exercises sacrificed the most at the beginning, so if this type of exercises are all the same and the military practices first? What will happen to everyone? Regarding the military? Of course it is a force that sacrifices itself and serves the people wholeheartedly."

Xiao Xunli gritted her silver teeth: "I didn't expect the military to do such a thing for reputation."

There is a saying, what the world looks like depends on what kind of person you are.

Therefore, in their view, the military uses these little tricks for the sake of fame.

However, their sacrifices were upright and upright, and now it is only through the actions of others that their sacrifices are expressed, and the effect of this kind of publicity has reached the best.

Xiao Tianhe rubbed his eyebrows and said, "If this is the case, then the military must regard Chu Feng as a victim. It is time for us to make a decision. We must choose a union between the military, the Gu family, and Chu Feng. Otherwise we will miss the golden age of development."

Now is the time when people's hearts are uncertain. If you miss this period, it will be the time when the heroes will rise together and the dragons and snakes of all sides will show their power.

Although they didn't see the future at a glance like Chu Feng, their rich life experience gave them some judgments about the future situation.

The young man said: "Now the military is subject to too many constraints, and it is too large. We join in. We can't even hit a splash. The same is true of the Xicheng Gu family. If we want to join them, we can only be dogs. Then I found a chance to bite them back."

Xiao Tianhe said, "So, we can only use Chu Feng as our own as possible?"

The young man said: "Yes, this Chu Feng can be considered a talent. If he knows good and bad, we can unite. If he doesn't know good or bad, then we can also choose to kill him and then receive his influence. , This is also a good choice."

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