Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 127: Leading the trend of the future

"Unexpectedly, these people who longed for the exercises didn't come in, but you found them first."

Chu Feng looked at the group of people standing in front of him, naturally leaning on the back of the chair, crossing his fingers, posing a casual look, "You came here, are you trying to persuade me not to publish these exercises? ?"

There are a total of 7 people in front of him, but there are 20 or 30 people outside the residence. The 7 people in front of him are only representatives.

And these people are all supernatural beings.

The purpose of their coming here is also very clear, and that is to prevent Chu Feng from spreading the exercises.

Nowadays, those with supernatural powers are in a superior position. Even if there are some people with higher morals who will protect the people around them, these people are still in the focus of everyone.

But if everyone can become a supernatural being, wouldn't they be pulled off the altar?

The person in charge of the negotiation with Chu Feng was a beautiful woman in a white shirt. She gently sat on the chair in front of Chu Feng, her chest full of almost breaking the shackles of her clothes. When she sat down, the men present We, including Chu Feng, unnaturally turned their attention to her attractive career line.

She gently lifted her long, snow-white legs, and then placed it on her left leg, saying: "Since you are a wise man, you can see our origins at a glance, so we don't need to say too much nonsense. Do you agree? Or do you disagree?"

Several abilities behind her also said: "If you refuse, then please think about the fate of rejecting this!"

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Do you think that if you stop me here, can you stop the spread of the exercises? This is the general trend, and it cannot be stopped at all."

These people rushed in before the one-hour time limit he gave him, obviously they had followed the periphery of the crowd a long time ago, and then observed the situation. Now that they saw an opportunity, they immediately rushed in.

The beauty in the white shirt looked very interested: "Then you are talking about it?"

Chu Feng did not conceal: "This exercise has already been popularized in the army, but it was not spread to the general public because it was too dangerous, but it will happen sooner or later, and I am spreading this exercise on a large scale. It's time to get one step ahead and find a few people."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone's expression changed.

A young awakener sternly said: "Do you think we will believe it if you say this?"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Then you can try it! Anyway, people in the army are easy to find. As long as you can find someone who hasn't practiced to become a martial artist, even if I lose, um, scientific research People are not counted."

Hearing Chu Feng's confident words, everyone's faces were cloudy.

Even if Chu Feng loses if he finds one, it means that the army has really become popular. After all, if this sentence is a lie, it is too easy to verify.

The beauty smiled bitterly: "Since this is the case, then bother."

She could not do anything when she saw it, and immediately prepared to leave without nostalgia.

The faces of other abilities are full of complex expressions, and their actions like this seem to be meaningless at all!


Just when she was about to leave, Chu Feng stopped her.

"Is there anything else?" The beauty stopped.

Chu Feng said: "In fact, you don't have to worry about the status of the supernatural beings being threatened. As long as we operate well, even if many people have powerful strength, they can only serve us."

"What do you mean by this?"

These superpowers all shined. They came here because they were worried that Chu Feng would threaten their status. If Chu Feng really had a way to keep them in a superior position, that would be good.

Chu Feng took out a crystal nucleus and said, "This is the crystal nucleus left after killing the monster. It can improve the strength of our supernatural beings, but if we only rely on ourselves to hunt the monsters, the efficiency would be too low. , Let more people become warriors and help us hunt monsters, wouldn’t it be faster to improve?

As long as we have enough crystal nuclei, our strength will always exceed them. "

A supernatural person sneered, "But why should they serve us?"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Just because our strength is stronger than them, is this enough? If it is not enough, add one more, that is, the warrior cannot absorb the crystal nucleus."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone became excited.

If this is the case, then Chu Feng's idea is really possible. Of course, there may be some difficulties in the actual operation, but it is generally feasible.

The beauty in professional attire sat down again: "So, are you recruiting these people just to work for you? If you want to make sure these people work for you, there should be more reliance on it! Otherwise! You will not contribute to this kind of exercise in vain, even if it will be popularized by the military."

Even if these crystal nuclei are useless to others, why do others risk fighting against monsters and then give the crystal nuclei to you? What benefits can you bring to others?

For these abilities, the greatest benefit they can bring to others is the protection brought by their own strength, but if these warriors become stronger in the future, do they still need their protection?

Will they overthrow the status of supernatural beings under jealousy?

Chu Feng applauded: "You are very smart. I do have some support, but this requires more like-minded people to join together. Otherwise, how can I maintain my position without absolute strength?"

Hearing what Chu Feng said, even Zhang Ziqing and a few classmates were dumbfounded.

Only then did they realize that Chu Feng had even counted this step, and he was strategizing and winning thousands of miles away.

The beauty said: "Let's talk about it."

Chu Feng said: "It's very simple. We unite and build a power. It doesn't matter if you are fighting for power internally. If you have the ability, you can even put me in the air. But we must have a basic rule, that is to face We must unite when foreign enemies come."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone was excited.

They come in together, but it doesn't mean they are on the same front.

But if there is such an opportunity to integrate them, what a powerful force will it be?

And such a force will continue to become stronger, even if there will be a large number of warriors in the future, they don't need to worry, because they are already one step closer.

Seeing the movement in everyone’s eyes, Chu Feng continued: “Now is an era of turmoil in the people’s minds. Once the military has popularized the exercises, then the lone traveler will have no place in the future, as long as we can Grasping this storm, we will become the ones who will lead the trend of the future."

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