Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 128: persuade

Hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone just felt breathless.

Grasp the trend of the future?

According to a successful businessman who is unwilling to reveal his name: standing on the mouth of the wind and waves, even a pig can fly.

If they can stand on the cusp of wind and waves, the future will be unimaginable.

After a few seconds, the beauty in professional attire slowly said: "Your words are indeed very attractive, but when the boss describes the blueprint for the future to the employees, it seems to be very similar to yours!"

The other person also said: "Yes! How can we trust you?"

"Maybe you just want to use us."

Everything that Chu Feng said was just talking about it. If he just cheated everyone, wouldn't everyone be played by him?

In the face of everyone’s doubts, Chu Feng didn’t panic: “I don’t have to ask your trust. Even if you don’t want to help me, it’s not a problem for me to form a small force. I don't force it, even after joining, as long as I don't do anything harmful to me, I can quit at any time.

Anyway, there is no agreement now that can have a real binding force on everyone, and I can't force it if you believe it or not. "

After listening to Chu Feng's words, everyone realized that Chu Feng actually didn't ask for them.

Moreover, the so-called contract clauses, agreed or something, are actually not binding.

"My name is Su Yuan, I have a good cooperation."

The beauty in professional attire immediately stretched out her right hand and showed a professional smile.

"My name is Chu Feng, happy cooperation!"

Chu Feng shook Su Yuan's hand together.

Well, it's white, soft, and smooth!

Su Yuan pulled out her tender little hand from Chu Feng's salty pig, and said without changing her face: "Since we are now partners, shouldn't you tell me the details of cooperation?"

A long-haired young man frowned and said, "Su Yuan, how do you believe what he said is true?"

Su Yuan said indifferently: "Didn't he just say it? Anyway, there is no written document. In case he tells lies, I will just use this as an excuse to withdraw."

Chu Feng pointed to the people outside the window: "The first step is to recruit as many people as possible before the military popularizes the exercises. You, including the supernatural beings behind you, add up, even if there is no exercise. It will definitely attract a large number of people who want to ask for protection. I want the first batch of people. After two hours, I will hand over the exercises to you, and then let you recruit members. This is all by means. Who recruits It’s whoever gets it."

Su Yuan said: "Listening to you, why do I feel a little unsafe? Are you not afraid that we will leave immediately after we get the exercise?"

Chu Feng said: "If there is no interest that can exist for a long time, it will be inevitable that such a situation will happen, but what if it exists?"

Su Yuan asked: "What is it?"

Chu Feng said: "The military has developed a communicator that adapts to this era. Don't expect this communicator to be as convenient as a mobile phone, but it is still possible to ask for help from each other. The communicator was sent here as a link between us."

Everyone was startled, and immediately began to be wary: "Are you from the military?"

"How can the military help us?"

"Why would the military do this?"

It is impossible for civilian forces to be opponents of the military, and they doubt that if they dance too much, they will be included in the military's target.

However, while they are unwilling to accept the restraint of the military, they also faintly hope to be protected by the military.

Chu Feng shook his head: "I just cooperated with them. After all, the general trend is that if the military can't change it, at least it must be able to monitor it. The only downside is that we can't do bad things on the bright side."

Su Yuan questioned: "If this is the case, will we gradually be infiltrated by the military and become vassals of the military? We have lost our freedom since then?"

Her worry is also the worry of everyone present.

Chu Feng gave her a white look and said, "You watched too much TV series, right? Why do the military control us? Now people in the military are generally becoming warriors. Besides, thermal weapons have not lost their deterrence. Do you think they Is there any benefit in controlling us?"

Su Yuan was speechless, she really didn't expect this.

But think about it seriously, if martial artists become popular, the military really doesn't have to do so.

However, she still had some doubts: "This reason is not enough."

Chu Feng said: "I wiped out a small gangster organization called the Blue Dragon Society yesterday. The boss of this organization relied on his own strength to imprison some women and let the members enjoy them. The military was worried that those who gained power A large number of swelling abilities will follow this path."

Murderous aura appeared in Su Yuan's eyes: "Are these **** still alive?"

As a woman, she cannot tolerate this crime.

Chu Feng said: "Don't worry, if you don't leave any of them, they will be executed by me and the military."

And a young man in yellow clothes behind Su Yuan frowned: "Does the military want to support us as a weapon against these punks? But, how do you guarantee that the military will not have much control over us?"

If you want a solid background, you have to do something for this background.

But they are still a little unwilling to lose their freedom, for fear that the fruits of their hard work will be stolen.

Chu Feng spread his hands: "It is not me who has the right to decide, but you yourself. The platform has already been provided for you. The backstage will help you find it, and the opportunity is right in front of you. If you still cannot recruit under these conditions Some people who are loyal to yourself will let your loyalty be controlled by others. Then what kind of influence do you build? Find a boss to work."


The yellow-clothed youth was irritated by Chu Feng's attitude, but was quickly held back by the people behind him.

Chu Feng's words are really touching, this is indeed a good opportunity.

They also tried to contact some supernaturalists themselves, but during the actual operation, they discovered that it was really difficult to persuade other supernaturalists to unite with themselves.

Let alone the so-called free will! Everyone has their own ideas, some people want to live, some people think that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and some people are unwilling to have too much involvement with others because of their family.

So under such circumstances, it is really difficult to recruit people.

Like the Blue Dragon Society, it actually made everyone put aside their unforgivable sins, and then had to unite in desperation. This kind of force developed faster in the early stage.

However, the danger is also great.

Now, they have a foundation for building a powerful force.

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