Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 129: What is your name

The yellow-clothed youth pondered for a moment, and said, "These guarantees are not enough."

The long-haired young man laughed and said, "I think it's enough. If I really don't have the skills, I just hope that everyone can take a look at the first batch of joins and leave me a meal. I am also a supernatural person, and help me. It's still okay."

A middle-aged man with a Chinese character face said: "I think it's enough. If you join, you still have a chance to share the cake. If you don't join, you won't even have the opportunity."

Seeing the two people easily agree, the yellow-clothed youth said anxiously: "Don't you want to continue to negotiate terms?"

Su Yuan asked back: "Even if he gives more promises, can you believe it?"

The yellow-clothed youth is speechless, and it is really difficult to win people's trust with empty promises. If you really want to say any promises, it is more reliable to take actual actions.

"I will join too."

"I will join too."

"Anyway, I promised it and there was no loss. I promised."

Soon, 6 of the 7 people present directly agreed.

As the middle-aged man with Guozilian said, there is still a chance to share the cake if he joins. If he doesn't join now, he won't even have the chance to share the cake.

Taking a step back, in case Chu Feng really wants to play tricks on them, they, including the supernaturalists behind him, unite, can't they still get a Chu Feng?

It is because of their confidence in strength that they are not afraid of Chu Feng playing tricks.

And the yellow-clothed youth suddenly had an idea, and then asked: "I want to ask, is this good for you? If we really take you up, then you spend so much energy, wouldn't it be for nothing? Did you make us wedding dresses? Do you think I would believe that someone would do this kind of self-interest?"

This time he learned a little bit smarter, and he didn't directly seek benefits, but started from Chu Feng's perspective.

If Chu Feng was really a saint who harmed himself and others, they would distrust Chu Feng instead.

So Chu Feng had to get enough benefits in this alliance, otherwise they would directly lose their trust in Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "I have the military as a backing, and it is also the link for everyone to contact the military. Even if you put me in the air, you can't take me. On the contrary, if I have something to ask for your help, or if an enemy is looking for it You deal with it together, and you probably won't refuse it if you can!"

The yellow-clothed youth thought for a moment, and said, "I also agree."

In other words, even if Chu Feng is really emptied, he is still in the dominant position.

To use a popular metaphor, even if the government is controlled by the officials, Chu Feng is still the one sitting on the dragon chair.

And if there is no military as the backstage, their so-called alliance may be dissolved tomorrow.

Of course, what they didn't know was that Chu Feng hadn't really used the military as the backstage. He was just playing a tiger's skin. What he really relied on was his own strength.

He has no intention of maintaining the loyalty of these people, because it makes no sense at all. 10 people who are 100% loyal to you are not worth as much as 100 people who are loyal to you on the surface, because these people Even if it is to maintain loyalty on the surface, it will continue to contribute benefits to you.

The so-called loyalty is meaningful only when you are in a desperate situation. What Chu Feng has to do is not to let himself fall into a desperate situation, so he only needs to ensure the loyalty of some people around him.

On the contrary, if you miss this golden period of development, then he will be in trouble for recruiting people.

To recruit people one by one, train one by one, but also worry about the betrayal of his subordinates and the threat of hostile forces, then he doesn't have to do anything, just play power all day long.

"Well, I am willing to learn the practice exercises."

Although the time is less than an hour, some people are already willing to learn.

The first one to study was a woman. She had a nice face, but there was some hatred hidden in the corner of her eyes, but Chu Feng didn't care about it, but directly said: "Yes, you made the right choice."

Su Yuan gestured to the people around her, and then everyone quietly watched Chu Feng perform.

Chu Feng injected a ray of vitality into the woman's body, and then taught her how to run Zhoutian, and said: "Okay, now you are a martial artist, but you must remember that it is too late. Don't practice too much. Will bite myself back."

The woman nodded, wondering if she listened.

"I want to learn too."

"I want to learn too!"

Some people hiding behind the door now jumped out one after another and began to ask for learning.

Seeing that there was no danger to the first person to study, they were lucky enough to jump out one by one and demanded to study.

However, Chu Feng raised his brows and said, "But I don't necessarily have to teach you!"

These people immediately became anxious and began to make various promises:

"As long as we can become supernatural beings, we are willing to do anything."

"As long as you are willing to teach me, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you."

"I am willing to be your running dog, you let me go east and I will never go west."

In order to be able to become a warrior, in order to be able to ask for inferior status, they are willing to give anything.

But what Chu Feng knew was that this was just their current thinking. Maybe what they were saying was true, but when Chu Feng was really useless to them, they didn't have the need to listen to Chu Feng.

Facing everyone’s request, Chu Feng said calmly: “I think you should have forgotten half of the death rate. Don’t think that you will be fine after the first danger. During the cultivation process, it is possible at any time dead."

"We are not afraid of death!"

"Yes, we are not afraid of death!"

"As long as you can get ahead, what is this danger?"

As long as there is enough temptation, there are not a few people who take risks.

And Chu Feng still refused: "But, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that if something happens to you, your family will find trouble with me, and those who want to attack me will use this as an excuse."

"We won't do this."

"All life and death are conceited."

"Then what do you want us to do?"

Everyone was a little helpless. If it were the beginning, they might be able to force Chu Feng, but Chu Feng directly clicked a dozen people at the beginning. Such harsh methods frightened them and prevented them from moving any crooked thoughts. .

At this moment, the woman who accepted the exercise suddenly said: "I do feel that this exercise has a certain risk, but since you can improve this exercise, can I stay by your side and cause any problems? At that time, I can also ask you to fix it."

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth: "What's your name?"

"Ye Xiaohui."

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