Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 130: The heart of playing tactics is dirty

To talk about repairing the shortcomings of the exercises and the injuries caused during the cultivation process, Chu Feng did have such a method.

However, he did not need to publish it.

He is not a saint like Gu Nanfei, and everything he does is based on his own interests.

This is also one of his means of controlling others.

With Ye Xiaohui as an example, other people began to show their allegiance, but after helping 10 people to start the martial arts route, Chu Feng said: "My ability is limited, I can only help so many people."


Everyone looked disappointed, and the 10 lucky people who became warriors looked excited.

If everyone can become a warrior, then they won't have too much excitement, but if only they can enjoy such an opportunity, then they will regard this opportunity as a supreme glory.

At this time, the army "coincidentally" came here and handed a box of communicators to Chu Feng: "This is the first batch of 12 communicators. The battery can last for a week, and the farthest distance is about 10 Here, but this technology will definitely continue to improve."

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Thank you."

After seeing this scene, everyone was in an uproar.

What they didn't expect was that Chu Feng had such a close relationship with the people in the army, and he could actually let the people in the army deliver what he wanted to the door. This meant that his identity and background were definitely not as simple as it seemed.

In this era of danger everywhere, everyone wants a strong backstage, and now there is such a suspected military as the backstage, which affects the hearts of countless people.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in ragged clothes suddenly shouted at the military man: "I reported that he killed someone, he killed someone, he killed many, many people."

Seeing this man like a lunatic, Chu Feng shook his head silently.

After all, there are still a few people who can withstand the pressure of the last days. There are too many people who can hardly maintain the most basic human sense.

Hu Tianlu said, "If this is the case, then let us go! I'll talk about the details slowly."

As he said, the people next to him suddenly shot, slapped his neck with a palm, knocked the middle-aged man out, and escorted him away!

Tian Jing said: "If he had heard about the incident at the gate of the city, he would definitely not die like this."

When everyone saw this scene, they were even more convinced that Chu Feng has a military background, so many people came up with an idea:

"Hold your thigh!"

Such a thick thigh, if you hold it too late, you may not have a chance.

However, just as everyone was preparing to take refuge in Chu Feng's embrace, a blue flame suddenly burned in Chu Feng's hand: "Come back tomorrow, otherwise, die!"

Seeing Chu Feng's seriousness, everyone immediately stepped back.

Although the burned people have been treated, they still don't know their life or death. They don't dare to commit a risk at this time, so they can only disperse now.

After dispelling the crowd, Chu Feng said to Su Yuan and the others: "I will leave five, and you can allocate the rest for yourself! But the battery is limited, so it's better for everyone to save some."

Su Yuan and the others took one, and then said: "If this is the case, then we will leave first, and we will come to discuss specific matters with you tomorrow."

Having said that, the seven left directly.

Seeing these people who left, Xu Yan said anxiously: "These people must have secretly reached a united front and are discussing how to use your influence, but in the end they emptied you."

Why should we discuss it tomorrow? Of course, we will have a small party today.

Chu Feng is destined to be the leader of their group. Since this fact cannot be changed, of course they have to find a way to put Chu Feng in the air. Since they all agree with them, why would they give up this opportunity? Isn't it too wasteful?

Chu Feng nodded: "I know."

Xu Yan said anxiously: "Then what are you doing so hard?"

This is not Xu Yan's idea, but also the idea of ​​everyone present.

If Chu Feng spent a lot of energy and finally made a wedding dress for others, then what is the point of creating such a power?

Because Xu Yan and others are not people who have experienced severe beatings in society, they can't see what these people are thinking.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "What is the most fundamental purpose for us to build a power? It is not to serve ourselves. Therefore, the success of a power does not lie in how many people loyal to you can be attracted, but in being you How much power can be assembled when needed."

Zhang Ziqing thoughtfully: "That is to say, even if they are pregnant with ghosts, as long as they can work when they are used, is that enough?"

Chu Feng nodded approvingly: "Yes, you must firmly remember that in the last days, strength is the root of everything, and it is precisely because of strength that I have gathered you people around."

"If you want to develop your power, it's the same. You don't need to guarantee the loyalty of everyone. You only need to have a few confidants. Otherwise, if you spend too much energy on the power, you will not have enough strength. To protect your position."

"Since they want to hold me up, they will treat this force as their own and will spend a huge price to operate it."

"But even if they spend a lot of effort on the call, can they guarantee the loyalty of their subordinates? Even if they can ensure the loyalty of some people, maintaining loyalty will also come at a price."

"Rather than focusing on maintaining the loyalty of your subordinates, it is better to improve yourself so that those who are thinking about betrayal realize what the price of betrayal will be. As long as they don't betray, what does it matter whether they are loyal?"

After hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone was either dumbfounded or thoughtful.

Chu Feng basically regarded these people as people working for him, and these people thought they were bosses.

Although they don't know what kind of confidence Chu Feng has to keep the situation stable, since he has such confidence, they can only choose to believe it.

But Tao Jinghua and the three people thought of Chu Feng's three conditions for betrayal, and they couldn't help but have an absurd idea: "He should not only have the second condition as the core!"

Zhang Ziqing swallowed, and said, "People who play tactics are dirty."

She couldn't help but wonder, what exactly was Chu Feng's past experience, and what exactly was it that made him such a person?

She has also met Chu Feng's parents. Can such parents really cultivate such children?

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