Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 131: The establishment of Dawn Alliance

Early in the morning of the second day, a large number of people were waiting outside to be taught the exercises.

Even for those who still have doubts about the mortality rate, none of the people who received the exercise on the first day had an accident, and they all let go, thinking that the mortality rate might not be as high as expected.

Those who have obtained the basic exercises have also begun to spread it secretly. Under this trend, the scope of the spread will become wider and wider, but they are no longer just gathering here for the exercises, but In order to seek a backer.

After all, there are too many things like exercises that are worthless. At this time, having a backer is the most important thing.

Thanks to Ye Xiaohui’s reminder, many clever people realized that Chu Feng had the ability to modify the exercises, and even had the ability to control the progress of their cultivation. Maybe the exercises he taught everyone were flawed. Only those who follow him can get the teaching of true exercises.

Under such a villain mentality, there are still many people who are willing to follow Chu Feng.

As for cohesion! It would be naive to expect a group of people's allegiance to one exercise.

However, although the cohesion of a power is also very important, this kind of thing can be strengthened with time. Now is the time for various supernatural powers to spring up like mushrooms. If you don’t take advantage of now to recruit people, you can recruit people in the future. People are too difficult.

Once you have power, you are also qualified to talk about cohesion.

And Chu Feng also spent some time explaining this concept to the people around him, so that they would not be confused by some flashy things.

As for whether he can listen, he doesn't care.

They chose the road themselves. He was the boss of these people and not their nanny. There was no need to worry about Xu Wei and the others.

Seeing the bustling crowd outside the window, Chu Feng was not moved at all, but silently cast his gaze on several hidden places.

As his gaze fell, those hiding in the corner also appeared with awkward expressions.

Seeing that she couldn't hide from Chu Feng's investigation, Su Yuan had to lead people to separate the crowd and came to Chu Feng's room.

Because of Chu Feng's fierce fame, everyone did not dare to embarrass these people.

When he came to the table, Chu Feng raised his brows: "Have you discussed it? But it seems that someone has changed!"

Although he only remembered the name of a beautiful woman, Su Yuan, he still had a general impression of the appearance of the other people. What's more, the person who replaced it was a male with a female.

And hearing Chu Feng's straightforward questioning made everyone a little unnatural.

After all, in a civilized society, many things have to be covered with a gorgeous coat, and Chu Feng directly asked them if they had discussed it. Hasn't it been revealed that they secretly united?

"Because he was so stupid, he was demoted by us."

Su Yuan said sternly: "We have discussed some cooperation. First of all, our power must exist in the form of an alliance. The establishment of seven seats is related to the overall development of the entire alliance. When the major decisions are related to the overall development of the entire alliance, everyone will vote. You are the chief. Tickets, but you can’t let your freshness occupy other seats."

Chu Feng nodded: "Very reasonable."

Seeing Chu Feng's look, everyone was relieved.

In fact, the reason why this alliance can be united is because of the existence of Chu Feng. He has played a role as a link. What they fear most is that Chu Feng will put forward more conditions.

However, seeing Chu Feng agreeing so easily, they were also relieved.

Su Yuan continued: "Next is the name of the alliance. When publicizing it to the outside world, you must not promote yourself as a villain. We discussed a few names, but the final decision is in the hands of the chief. If you are not satisfied, the chief will come by himself. You can take them. These names are Dawn Alliance, Chenxi······"

"Just the Dawn Alliance!" Chu Feng didn't bother to listen to the next words, and immediately decided.

He knew that these people just wanted to give himself a face, so he let him decide the name of the alliance.

After all, Chu Feng is the core on the surface, and if there is an internal fight between these members, Chu Feng can also play a role in regulating.

However, Chu Feng was not interested in wasting time on these trivial matters, as long as he had an audible name, there was no need to waste time.

Su Yuan continued: "Then the general rules of the alliance, this is up to the chief to decide."

If even this were decided by them, it would really be a shame. They still need to rely on Chu Feng’s influence to recruit people and contact the military, so even if they really plan to take Chu Feng off the ground, It can't be done too much.

Chu Feng stretched out his finger: "First, you can withdraw at any time, but you can't damage the overall interests for any reason. Those who violate it will die. Second, those who collude with outsiders to deal with alliance members will die. Third, when doing bad things, oneself Finish off, don’t be found, or die."

"I don't mean to impose too much restraint on everyone. It's just that if you do something bad, it will corrupt the image of the entire league. The cause of such a person's death is not because he is bad, but because he is stupid!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, Su Yuan stayed blankly: "Nothing?"

She originally thought that Chu Feng would formulate rules that would benefit him, but the development of the matter exceeded her expectations. The three rules that Chu Feng proposed were all for the consideration of the entire league.

Could it be that he is really a selfless person?

Of course, this thought flashed in her mind for a moment, and then quickly rejected it.

They absolutely don't believe that Chu Feng is an unselfish person. He must have his reason to do so.

And Su Yuan made a guess in her heart: "Is this the sincerity of the military, as long as we don't do too extraordinary things, let us develop?"

In her eyes, Chu Feng represents the military behind him, and Chu Feng's attitude is likely to be the military's decision.

If the military wants to use their hands to deal with those underground forces, they can’t restrain them too much. On the other hand, if they want to use the military as a backstage, they must develop themselves based on it. Help the military do something.

This is a matter of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, which is more reasonable.

After making this guess, Su Yuan became more sure of the close relationship between Chu Feng and the military.

"So, does the chief have any instructions?" Su Yuan said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, you went too eagerly yesterday. You even forgot to take the exercises. Don't be so careless next time."

Everyone blushed when they heard Chu Feng mention this matter.

This is the root of their power of development! They were only thinking about how to take Chu Feng upside down, but they simply forgot about it.

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