Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 132: Rejuvenation

"help me!"

Before Su Yuan and the others apologized, someone suddenly broke in.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that it was actually Ye Xiaohui, who was the first woman to get Chu Feng yesterday. Her face was pale, and blood bursts in several places on her body, and these blood ports did not seem to be cut from outside. , But cracked from the inside, it looked terrifying.

Seeing her appearance, everyone couldn't help but wondered in their hearts: Could it be that the exercises taught by Chu Feng had problems with cultivation?

And Su Yuan quietly waited for Chu Feng to deal with it.

If Chu Feng can't handle this matter well, then this newly formed alliance may be in name only, at least they will not think that Chu Feng has any value besides the liaison.

Chu Feng glanced at her and said, "Didn't I remind you yesterday that it's too late to pass the time of cultivation? Look at you like this, you have been practicing until your body reaches the limit!"

Ye Xiaohui nodded, her eyes full of pleading: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have listened to you."

At this time, the onlookers realized that the cultivation method that Chu Feng said was dangerous to a certain extent. It was not groundless, but true.

Even if it is a supernatural power in their eyes, there is no way to heal such an injury, this kind of cultivation is really a gamble.

"It turns out that this exercise is really going to kill people."

"Then do we still want to practice?"

"I heard that only if you practice too fast will you die."

"Who sets this standard of speed? It is estimated that everything that goes wrong will be regarded as the cultivation speed is too fast!"

"Then you go."

"Hehe, I won't leave."

Although everyone didn't dare to blatantly criticize Chu Feng, it was okay to talk in a low voice. After all, although Chu Feng reminded them of the risk of death when practicing the exercises, the reminder was not too strong.

Their attention is focused on the huge temptation to become a warrior, and they have forgotten this risk a long time ago.

If it weren't for Ye Xiaohui to appear in front of everyone covered in blood, it is estimated that they would not care about this today.

Xiaoxi passed a healing technique, stopped Ye Xiaohui’s bleeding, and then shook his head: "My healing technique can heal her injury, but there is still a force in her body that is destroying her body. I can do nothing about this force. ."

But after the holy light dissipated, Ye Xiaohui reappeared with a mouth of blood on her body, and the blood slowly seeped out, filling her heart with despair: "Am I going to die like this? I'm really unwilling!"

Seeing such a scene, everyone's complexion changed again.

Especially Su Yuan and the others, they relied on the fact that there were people in their team who could heal, so they didn't take what Chu Feng said yesterday into their eyes.

But even the light-type supernatural beings can't help, can they save the wounded?

Many of the onlookers immediately retreated.

Even those with supernatural powers who can heal other people’s injuries,

"No, it's too dangerous."

"This is still the first day, and whether there will be any danger in the future, or two things to say."

"Maybe everyone else has encountered an accident? Only one person came here?"

"Hehe, don't practice if you are afraid of death."

"You are not afraid of death, you go!"

In the crowd's discussion, Chu Feng slowly came to Ye Xiaohui's side, and then a golden light appeared in his hand, slowly blending into Ye Xiaohui's body.

His actions attracted some people's attention.

"Could it be that he is also from the treatment department?"

"If it's the treatment department, then maybe the real threat is not that big."

Seeing Chu Feng's actions to save people, Su Yuan and the others were less afraid of Chu Feng. A harmless nurse would have a much smaller impact on them than a strong one.

This is the power of the Rejuvenation Talisman. In his previous life, Chu Feng relied on the power of the Rejuvenation Talisman to repair his own body's dark wounds. This was a great achievement later, and it is easy to heal a person now.

The wound on Ye Xiaohui's body gradually closed. She checked her body, her eyes filled with tears of excitement: "Boss, thank you, my life will be the boss's in the future."

Everyone was shocked to see Ye Xiaohui go from a dying look to a lively life.

If Chu Feng had the means to treat those who had problems during cultivation, the risk of cultivation would be much reduced.

Such a person with a strong background that can help them improve their strength and reduce their risks, isn't that the biggest thigh?

Even if the exercises can be popularized, such treatments should not be popularized!

After curing Ye Xiaohui, Chu Feng said: "If you didn't listen to my advice and caused such a consequence, do you think that you can cover the medical expenses just by saying that you just give your life to me?"

Ye Xiaohui said: "The boss's order is my order."

Chu Feng took out a crystal core and said, "After killing the monster outside, you can take out such a crystal core from the monster's head, and give me 10 crystal cores. This will be your medical expenses. "

Ye Xiaohui firmly said: "I will go hunting for monsters."

With that said, she was about to get up and hunt the monsters outside the fort.

"Do not worry."

Seeing that Ye Xiaohui was about to hunt the monsters, Chu Feng hurriedly stopped her, "If you go and die like this, who should I go for my medical expenses? I will organize people to go out of the city to hunt the monsters. You will learn from the experience. , Don’t let me lose my medical expenses."

Ye Xiaohui nodded, and then fell silent.

Then, Chu Feng said to Tian Jing and Xu Yan: "You can cooperate with Su Yuan and the others to discuss matters in the alliance! I'll go out."

After seeing the occurrence of this scene, everyone realized that there was no free lunch in the world, and even if Chu Feng would treat those people, it would definitely not be for nothing.

"Tao Jinghua, Xu Wei, Zhang Ziqing, Huang Tianhua, the four of you come with me."

Chu Feng began to issue orders, "Su Yuan, you are left to decide on the affairs of the alliance. If someone has problems with the exercises, the medical expenses will be calculated according to what I said. You are the same people like the alliance. If you come to me, you can predict the medical expenses, but not too much."

Su Yuan bent down and said she obeyed: "Yes!"

Chu Feng glanced at the career line that Su Yuan revealed when she bent down, and then moved away without a trace.

This kind of action is a bit dangerous, even if Su Yuan wants to seduce herself, she can't just take the bait easily, at least...you have to be reserved.

It's not that he is innocent, but he will be despised if he easily lets others succeed.

After Chu Feng led the people away, a group of people immediately asked to join.

"We want to join your subordinates."

"I can be a cow and a horse."

"I can be the **** of the boss of Chu, as long as the boss gives an order, no matter who I am going to kill, we are absolutely unambiguous."

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