Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1277: Demon Slayer

After slaying a demon saint with Shengtianqi, three consecutive attacks fell on Chu Feng.

The sharp sword aura, the piercing spear light, and the sword aura that split everything, directly tore Chu Feng's body apart, and even the energy defense on the body surface did not have any slow effect.

The defense constructed by the condemnation integrated into the space method can offset all attacks before the power is exhausted, but there are also weaknesses that are consumed by all power.

The demon saint who attacked just now, although it is not difficult to solve it, does not mean that the demon saint is a weak person, but Chu Feng's methods are too extreme.

The blow just now consumed more than half of Chu Feng's defensive strength.

The remaining demon saints, of course, would not miss such an opportunity, and immediately tore apart Chu Feng's body.

However, what they saw was a figure whose eyes were still filled with indifference even though the body was torn apart. The devastating sword energy had already straddled Chu Feng's right shoulder towards the left, cutting his body apart.

But even so, the wooden sword in Chu Feng's hand still cut out a sharp weather.

"not good!"

A chill flashed in the eyes of the demon saints. They didn't expect that Chu Feng would be able to launch a counterattack even under such circumstances. Isn't this human being afraid of death at all?

Still, this human being will never die at all.

Regardless of the situation, these pretentious demon saints did not have the idea of ​​being dragged into the water by Chu Feng. It seems that Chu Feng was already a dead person by that level of damage. Even if he struggled, he would not be able to struggle for long. They would rather end Chu Feng with some cannon fodder names, and they would not be taken away by Chu Feng who was dying.

The devastating sword energy chased a demon saint.

"why me?"

The pupils of the demon saint shrank, and the scene where the demon saint of the open mountain was directly beheaded by Chu Feng with a face-to-face sword appeared in his mind, and he had no idea about it now.

A black cloud air current appeared in front of him, and a black seal was thrown away by him.

When he threw out the black seal, his eyes flashed with heartache.

But there was no sluggishness in the action.

A precious life-saving thing he obtained accidentally, relying on this life-saving method, he was confident that he could have hope of surviving in front of the Great Sage of the Demon Realm, but he did not expect it to be consumed here.

But since it is a life-saving thing, it should play its value when saving one's own life.

The devastating sword aura also dispersed the clouds, and the black seal exuded a gloomy light, blocking this sword aura.

After the Eternal Wood absorbed the energy to the limit, the sword that was cut out was actually blocked by the black seal, but on the seal, cracks like a spider web also appeared.

The demon saint was full of distress at this scene, only he knew that once this crack appeared, it would continue to spread, and there was no way to recover it.

Fortunately, that terrible human being is dead.

It's just a pity that this sword is tracking oneself, if it is chasing and killing other demon saints, maybe one can be taken away before dying! It can be considered bad luck for this person, choosing the wrong target.

But at this moment, a long sword as white as jade penetrated him from behind.

He turned his head hard, only to see a pair of cold eyes.


The holy thunder that purifies all the light and decomposes everything, spreading from the heart of the demon saint, almost shattered the internal organs of the demon saint in an instant.

Chu Feng's left hand was raised high, and the sharp sword energy fell.

Evolve the single attack to the ultimate innate sword aura, and directly cut the head of the demon saint in half. Before the demon saint’s head is destroyed by the holy heaven, he first abolished his possible resistance. power.

At the same time, two figures in white clothes appeared beside a demon saint, and the spear of scourge in their hands penetrated the bodies of the two demon saints.

One of the demon saints who had been wary of their arms was directly blasted open, and the other had penetrated through the abdomen. However, under the urgent transfer of power, the destructive force was forcibly blocked, and an abdomen appeared. Big hole, but his fortune was saved, and Chu Feng was about to take advantage of the victory, and a sword aura appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the sword qi of the four attributes of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire filled the entire space, attacking everyone including Chu Feng himself indiscriminately.

The demon saint used all means to resist, and separated the ocean of sword energy in embarrassment.

Chu Feng's body, separated by the demon saints, did not flow out a drop of blood, but closed again. The ocean of sword aura surrounded Chu Feng, but most of the sword aura was absorbed by the wooden sword in his hand.

Among them, a figure of Chu Feng wearing a black armor disappeared, but there were some more wounds on the body of the severely injured Chu Feng, a figure of Chu Feng in white clothes disappeared, and a hand of wood appeared in the hands of the other Chu Feng in white clothes. sword.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the demon saints were full of anger and humiliation.

Nine demon saints besieged one of Chu Feng, and they were killed by two, and two were severely injured. Such a humiliating record happened to them.

Coupled with the demon saint who was killed by a face-to-face spike at the beginning, the ten demon saints turned out to be three dead and two wounded.

However, there was no wound on Chu Feng's body.

It was only Chu Feng's supernatural powers that was hit hard, but is the damage to the supernatural powers considered harm? Even if the magical powers are completely destroyed, it is only a matter of time before they reconsolidate.

Of course, what they don't know is that this supernatural power has incorporated too much original power, and it will cost a lot to reconsolidate.

"Don't keep your hands anymore. If you keep your hands, the anger of the Demon King will fall on us."

The demon with red skin and cyan double horns let out an angry roar, but at this moment, he found that the surrounding space had been screwed, and his voice could not be heard at all.

"This human Chu Feng, the next target turned out to be me."

The red-skinned demon saints have scarcely appeared in their eyes. In front of a terrifying existence who has just killed three demon saints, it is normal to have fear.

The red pupils scanned everything, but the surrounding area was already full of devastating sword energy.

The endless ocean of sword qi blocked everything, including his eyes that could see through the essence of things. The essence of this ocean of sword qi was sword qi itself.

At this moment, a devastating sword energy separated the ocean of sword energy.

The red-skinned demon saint, running his eyes with full force, saw the trajectory of this sword aura. However, the moment he saw the trajectory, he had not made any response, and the sword aura had already cut his body.

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