Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1278: The limit of sword formation


After beheading the fourth demon saint, Chu Feng's figure stood in the void.

The devastating sword aura surrounded him, forming a dangerous defensive circle. Outside this defensive circle, the eyes of the six demon saints were full of humiliation.

Ten hits one, and four were killed.

Of course, Chu Feng’s methods are too terrifying, but this is not an excuse for them to wash away their own humiliation. The existence of the holy steps in the Demon Realm are all made in the battle of life and death. There is no excuse for life and death. After you die, you can sum up your combat experience and reverse the ending of your own death!

This kind of thing against the sky can only be done by the time supernatural person.

But time power is not a panacea.

"Now we can't care about the loss, otherwise, we will all fall here."

The saint of the Heavenly Demon Royal Family's face was blue, and a devastating aura erupted from his body. A huge palm composed of vitality forcefully separated the ocean of sword energy under his feet.

The Heavenly Demon Imperial Clan who formed a military formation to resist the sword aura forcibly, but could only barely protect themselves, broke away from the shackles and hundreds of members of the Heavenly Demon Imperial Clan flew into the air.

The rest of the saints also learned the same way, saving hundreds of masters of their own clan.


With an order, more than 2,000 masters of the Demon Race slew towards Chu Feng, and they forced the ocean of sword energy in front of the saboteurs to crush everything in front of them with dignified strength.

They had already seen that some small methods were useless in front of Chu Feng.

If they are still holding on to the idea of ​​retaining their strength and consuming the strength of other races, what awaits them is likely to be annihilated.

Now only by taking out the elites of all races and using the human sea tactics to attenuate Chu Feng's power, will it be possible to win.

All the demon saints have developed domains. In the same level of battle, the power of the domain is limited, and as they blend with the surrounding environment, they also have certain limits on their speed, unless it is a special domain like the shadow domain. , Is also limited to the scope that the domain can influence, so that you can become magical.

In short, as long as the field expands, the field itself will become very difficult to move.

But they can no longer take care of this anymore. The fall of the four demon saints in a row makes them no longer have any reservations, eliminates all chances, and kills this human at all costs.

If they couldn't kill Chu Feng after paying such a heavy price, then they wouldn't have to go back alive.

The Demon Sovereign would not easily put to death the existence of his subordinates, but that also depends on the situation.

"Until now did you think about using your full strength?"

Chu Feng absorbed the magical powers into his body. Since these demon saints are going to use their full strength to fight, and they have chosen the most sacrificed, head-on tactics, even if they bury the demon's elite under his own sword, they must force it. To kill one's own power, no matter how much life is spent, one must kill the target.

Then, he can only go all out.

Under the influence of the magical powers of the years, there were still some reluctant Zhu Xian Sword Formations that were originally manipulated. Now, as long as one thought, he can turn the sword energy in the Zhu Xian Sword Formation according to his own mind.

Don't need to manipulate every sword aura, as long as you grasp the general sword flow direction, that's enough.

The black sword aura with a corrosive effect formed a long river of sword aura, rushing towards hundreds of demon clan elites, 12 powerful demon clan experts stepped forward, and their vitality exploded.

The devastating sword qi forcibly diverted the river of sword qi, and his body was submerged by the river.

However, their sacrifices bought time for the other demons. Hundreds of the demon elites flew directly toward the source of the river along the reverse direction of the sword qi river.

They knew that the source of everything was Chu Feng.

But at this moment, after the long river of sword energy that had been rushing straight was forcibly diverted, it made a roundabout in the front and rushed towards the back of a demon saint.

Powerful power erupted from the demon saint, and he stretched out his hand to explode the top of the river of sword energy.

However, the flame sword energy burning the sky and boiling the sea fell from the headspace again.

One after another of sword aura, Changhe scoured through the entire Zhuxian Sword Array. Due to the excessive mobilization of sword aura, even the demon elites on the ground could not be suppressed.

A large number of elite demon legions rose from the ground, looking for the enemy in this river of sword energy.

Seeing this amazing scene, the hearts of the six demon saints were chilled.

"How much power does he have in his body? Isn't his power endless?"

"Even if relying on formations to endlessly mobilize the vitality between heaven and earth, the vitality of this holy land should be limited. Is it true that he has a small world himself, but even if Chu Feng can use that realm in advance Ability, to create a small world by yourself, where does the power in that small world come from?"

"The question now is, even if Chu Feng could possess so much power, how did he mobilize it?"

These demon saints can't figure out how such a terrifying sword formation can be manipulated by one person? Moreover, it is easy to control the ocean of sword qi within the sword formation and the flow of the sword qi river. This is something that tens of thousands of demon legions that cooperate with each other can not do. The energy consumed is enough to exhaust their minds. .

However, it was Chu Feng who did just such a thing that pushed them into a desperate situation.

Seeing the Mozu soldiers struggling in the Zhuxian Sword Array, Chu Feng felt a lot of insights in his heart. This was also the first time he pushed the Zhuxian Sword Array with all his strength, and in the process of urging the Zhuxian Sword Array. Accumulated experience.

If it hadn't just realized the magical powers of the years, even relying on the terrifying computing power of the Yuanling Dao Body, I am afraid that I would be able to exhaust my mind and use the Zhuxian Sword Formation as a field-type formation.

However, in the few rushes just now, more than 10,000 elite demons have been killed.

These are the most elite legions of the Demon Race, which can affect the demon emperor's fighting elite.

But now, Chu Feng felt that the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array could still be improved.

"I understand that the previous idea of ​​Bamenqi is not completely wrong, but since all the origins can be integrated, then I should use one method as the core, and all methods should be serviced around this one. Although the changes of earth, water, fire and wind have infinite power, if you want to go further, you still have to use the power of eight phases to release."

Thinking of this, the Eight Gate Banner phantom that had just been condensed was directly thrown into the Zhuxian Sword Formation by Chu Feng.

As the head of the Four Swords, the Zhuxian Sword communicated with Chu Feng's small world, and a large amount of original power was integrated into the sword formation.

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