Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1279: Withdrawal

Even with the influx of a large amount of original power, Chu Feng still did not feel overwhelmed.

Because the current Zhuxian Sword Formation does not require Chu Feng to know everything.

Today's Zhuxian Sword Array has turned into a turbulent sword energy. Countless Demon Race soldiers are struggling desperately within the Zhuxian Sword Array, and the number of casualties is increasing.

Even if it is the existence of the 6 holy ranks of the demons, there is no way to come and go freely within this Zhu Xianjian formation.

They still couldn't figure out how Chu Feng controlled the entire formation with his own power.

"No, if we continue to fight against Chu Feng within this formation, I am afraid we will never win. We must jump out of this formation to have a chance of winning."

The strong man of the Heavenly Demon Emperor stared at Chu Feng with humiliating eyes. For the proud Heavenly Demon Emperor, it was unbearable humiliation to retreat under the situation of group attack.

But they have nothing to do.

It is almost impossible to break the formation from the inside. To kill Chu Feng in such a terrifying formation, it is even more important to not even think about it. Apart from retreating, there is no other choice.

"No, we are all elites of the Demon Race. We are all fighting for the Demon Emperor. Now that the mission of the Demon Emperor has not been completed, how can we retreat?"

When the saint of the heavenly demon royal family proposed to retreat, they were immediately opposed.

Although there are already 4 holy ranks killed in battle, this is not a reason for them to shrink.

Surviving in a cruel environment like the Devil’s World may be despicable and sly, stubborn and dignified to the strong, but will never lose ruthlessness. When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, and sometimes a moment of retreat will lead to loss. life.

The current situation is not desperate.

"Do you think you can go?"

After incorporating the power of the Eight Phases, Chu Feng's understanding of the Zhuxian Sword Array once again improved to a notch. The entire floor of the Zhuxian Sword Array turned into a black swamp, and in a blink of an eye there were more than 10,000 soldiers of the Demon Race. Directly sinking in, the Demon Soldiers had not had time to break free, and the entire swamp turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Do not!"

The Demon soldiers struggled to turn into ashes in the sea of ​​flames, and less than a thousand of more than 10,000 soldiers escaped, and the remaining soldiers were also seriously injured.

However, some sword aura fell from the sky, like a waterfall, pouring over the heads of these soldiers.

The soldiers who had just escaped from it were directly beheaded by Jian Qi.

"Do not!"

The eyes of a demon saint was flushed, and that was their elite.

The guards of the Demon Sovereign, even in the face of the existence of the holy rank, are not without the power to fight back, but they just fell into this terrible sword formation.

"Retreat! Leave this formation."

Seeing the heavy casualties of the elite, the demon's holy existence finally couldn't help but forcefully issue the order to retreat. If these elites were buried here, what was their purpose of this war?

"Retreat! Break the boundaries of this formation."

Under the command of the existence of the holy ranks, thousands of elite and powerful demon races gathered their power in one place. Such a large-scale gathering of power can easily be dodged if it is to deal with the strong, and only deal with the bloodline practice. The system, or the other party has been restricted, has the value of use, but it is just right to break the formation here.

No matter how powerful the formation is, it is dead after all.

At this moment, a mountain directly pressed down on the heads of these soldiers.

This is a mountain that Chu Feng directly ingested from Yuan Mansion, and with the heavy attributes of the earth, it becomes extremely heavy, and it can crush everything when it falls from the sky.

Facing this astonishing blow, the Demon soldiers did not fear the slightest.


Thousands of demons soldiers attacked the entire mountain in an instant.

A huge ripple was produced at the place of the collision, and 1/3 of the Zhuxian Sword Array was affected. More than 40,000 soldiers were impacted. They were caught off guard and submerged by the sword gas ocean.

In this overwhelming ocean of sword aura, more than half of the Demon soldiers fell on the spot or were severely injured.


The remaining demon survivors saw this scene and no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

They originally came from different demon emperors, and they disagreed with each other, and each other's legions couldn't talk about tacit understanding. It was only because they had a common goal that they could unite.

Now some legions have started to make trouble, desperate for their own lives.

In such a terrifying formation as Zhu Xian Jian Array, this approach would only hurt his teammates.

So when the so-called coalitions fight the tailwind, they are okay, and when they fight the headwind, they are defeated like a mountain. Of course, you demon saints do not want their own elites to be lost due to other people's mistakes.

As a result, these demons began to attack the Zhuxian Sword Array frantically.

Including several demon saints, they also tried to open a gap in the Zhuxianjian array.

Chu Feng, who was presiding over the Zhuxian Sword Formation, once again increased the power and speed of the sword aura in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, making the Zhuxian Sword Formation even more unstable.

However, as these demons lost their unity, the interference between them became more serious.

Now everyone has torn their skins, and they don't care about that much. As long as one of them can survive, it doesn't matter if the other demons are used as shields.

The joint attack by the legion, the destruction of the demon saints, and Chu Feng's help, made the situation in the Zhuxian Sword Array become more and more chaotic, and it became more difficult for those strong demon clan to resist sword energy.

"If this continues, the Zhuxian Sword Array will be destroyed sooner or later."

Chu Feng's eyebrows frowned slightly, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation was a formation after all, not an unfamiliar formation.

In addition to the disadvantage of being unable to move, the strength beyond personal limits also makes people become unable to be as flexible as manipulating their own hands and feet.

If the opponent uses a fixed-point attack, it is only a matter of time before the Zhuxian Sword Array is forcibly destroyed.

What's more, this is a joint attack by many powerful players, respectively releasing in different directions of the Zhuxian Sword Formation. If these attacks are implemented, it is very likely that even the base of the Zhuxian Sword Formation will be destroyed.

"Even if it is a certain price, it is worth it as long as these enemies can be buried here."

Of course, it can be seen from Chu Feng’s eyes that these soldiers are already among the elite of the Demon Race. The 7th-level peak makes the bottom, and the 8th-level strongest ratio has reached 1/10. Such a terrifying ratio is only in the legend. The demon emperor's personal guard.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng in white got up, a teleport disappeared.

The black armor Chu Feng was divided into two parts, and the aura on his body continued to rise.

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