Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1281: The Coming of the Purple Star Emperor

Putting away the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Chu Feng sensed the direction of the space where the Holy Land was, and wanted to go back.

Fortunately, the time is not too far away, and coupled with the deep enough understanding of space, plus Yuanfu as a coordinate, it is not very difficult to return.

In the battle just now, he got a surprise, that is, after the Zhuxian Sword Array broke the void and surpassed the limit of the world's tolerance, it was able to deploy smoothly in the real void where even space did not exist.

Presumably this has something to do with the formation of the matrix from the origin of space.

The Zhuxian Sword Array in the world will be affected by the upper limit of the world itself, but the Zhuxian Sword Array in the void can be increased indefinitely until the power reaches the limit that it can accommodate.

As he integrates more and more power into the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation can be increased infinitely.

But when it reaches a certain level, he will lose control of Zhuxian Sword Array.

If he integrates the entire Yuan Mansion into the Zhu Xian Sword Array to increase the power of the Zhu Xian Sword Array, then the power of the Zhu Xian Sword Array will rise to infinity! But the price was that Chu Feng himself also lost control of Zhuxian Sword Array.

That is the trick to die together.

The power in that situation is immeasurable, and it can be used as the ultimate killer, even if even the Devil Emperor is ruined.

However, Chu Feng, who had killed 6 holy ranks, and discovered the brand-new use of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, didn't have much joy in his heart, because he had lost a lot in this period.

During this period of time, he incorporated half of the entire Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, including the original power stolen from the two realms of the gods and demons, into the magical powers, but in the battle just now, in order to ruin the demon legions, he Directly detonated the magic element of the magical power, and the power of the magic element with the addition of time ability doubled.

Under such a peak blow, Chu Feng's past accumulation was ruined in an instant.

Fortunately, the arrival of so many enemies by the Demon Race is already the limit, and now he still has spare power. It is not a big problem to ruin the Demon Race Legion after returning.

Even if the power of the gods came, he still had a way to deal with it.

It is nothing more than willingness to pay the price, and the price paid.

Just as he was about to step into the Holy Land, a strong sense of crisis came.

Chu Feng looked ahead and saw a figure from behind.

The opponent is wearing a lavender gown, the style is very unpretentious, without too much decoration, but the temperament of the opponent gives a noble feeling.

As long as he stands there, he is the center of the world and he is the master of the world.

When he stands here, he is the noblest existence in the whole world.

"who are you?"

Even if the other party didn't send any strong aura, it still gave Chu Feng a very dangerous feeling, as if Lou had stood in front of the elephant, he would instinctively feel fear.

This comes from the gap between the life level and the soul level.

"I am the Purple Star Emperor."

After the other party reported his identity, Chu Feng's mind seemed to have a thunderstorm.

There are seven **** emperors in the gods, but these seven **** emperors are not fixed, but the leaders of the most powerful seven forces. Ziwei Star Emperor is not one of them, but from the previous era.

According to the information he had obtained, the Purple Star Emperor had already abdicated as early as 8,000 years ago.

However, such a legendary character stood in front of him like this.

What does the other party want to do?

There was vigilance in Chu Feng's heart, but he realized that he couldn't take the initiative to kill the other party at all. The level difference between the two sides was too big, so big that people couldn't raise the thought of resistance at all.

Of course, he believes that if the opponent wants to do something to himself, he can still do it by himself.

He just didn't expect that such a legendary character would appear in front of him in this form.

Ziwei Star Emperor turned around, his appearance was plain and he didn't have the majesty of being an emperor, but Chu Feng felt that even the so-called emperor's dignity should be superfluous on this existence.

Although he wanted to ask the other party what he wanted to do to stop him, Chu Feng still did not take the initiative to speak.

In a confrontation under this situation, the initiative to speak will be weaker in momentum.

Even if he knew that the other party was an invincible existence, Chu Feng was still unwilling to admit that he was weak, even in front of the Purple Star Emperor, Chu Feng was unwilling to bow his head, even if he lost a little momentum.

"Very good. Compared to your talent, this kind of character is even more rare. Human beings have you, and they will definitely leave a strong mark on the highest plane. Unfortunately, you are not the Star God Race."

Emperor Ziwei stared at Chu Feng with approval, but the high above, like the elders looking at the younger ones, made Chu Feng feel a little uncomfortable.

But he did not refute it.

If you refute at this time, it is just refuting for the sake of refuting.

He just stared at Ziwei Star Emperor with calm eyes, but did not speak.

Ziwei Star Emperor, what does he want to do?

Although he knew that he might not be an opponent, Chu Feng had never caught it before.

"Don't be so nervous, what I have come here is just an external avatar, and there is not much combat power. With your current strength, I think it is impossible to kill you with an external avatar."

The Purple Star Emperor seemed to see through Chu Feng’s thoughts, “Speaking of which, there is indeed a lot of friction between our Star God Race and your humans. You have suffered at the hands of our Star God Race, and our losses on Earth are not small. Actually, Come on, you shouldn't have much hatred for our Star God Clan! How about we wipe out the grievances between us?"

"The grievances are wiped out?"

Chu Feng was stunned by the words of the Purple Star Emperor. Just as the Purple Star Emperor said, there were indeed some frictions between the Star God Race and humans, and even a war was initiated.

However, in fact, human beings do not occupy too many disadvantages.

Because of his own existence, the loss of the Star God Clan was a bit more serious. In terms of dignity, the loss of the Star God Clan Legion made the people of the earth proud, but the face of the Star God Clan was rubbed against the ground.

Under such circumstances, did the previous leader of the Star God Clan, Ziwei Star Emperor, actually want to shake hands with him to make peace?

"What do you have? If you want the stars to be really hot, I'm afraid I can't do it."

If the condition for the two parties to reconcile is to take some benefits from themselves, then Chu Feng is absolutely unwilling. Although the Star God Race is one of the two most powerful races in the God Realm, there is never a shortage of opponents.

The multi-star Protoss is not much, and the few Star Protoss are not many.

"You don't need to take the initiative to surrender the real fire of the stars. Now that you have the inheritance of that person, I am afraid that it will not be long before you can copy the real fire of the stars yourself, as long as the conditions for exchanging the real fire of the stars are still valid. "

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