Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1282: Just to resolve grievances

"How can I trust you?"

Facing the Purple Star Emperor, Chu Feng would not easily trust the other party because of his identity.

Because with the identity and strength of the other party, no one would dare to accuse him even if it was perfidy. When a person's status reached a high enough level, the so-called morality was just a gorgeous coat, not a constraint.

More importantly, Ziwei Star Emperor had no reason to do so.

What reason does such a supreme being have to shake hands with himself?

If you have grown to the point where you can threaten the entire God Realm, it is understandable for the other party to shake hands and make peace, but now he is still one step away from the existence of the holy step, even if he has just done amazing things, from the level of the Purple Star Emperor There is also a big gap. Did the two sides resolve their grievances like this?

"Believe? There is nothing to believe, as long as you meet your conditions."

Emperor Ziwei said, "You don’t have to misunderstand anything. I don’t want to shake hands with humans, but just to resolve grievances. If it’s good to destroy your humans in the future, or make us feel the threat of humans, you can If you can destroy humanity within the range that can withstand it, we may still take action. If your human growth can exceed the Star God Race, you can also try to destroy us.

"Whether it is for a conflict of interest, the other party has the resources or treasures they want, or for hegemony, even if you just don’t want to have threats around you, it can be a reason for a war between our two races. There will be war, and it will no longer be because of past grievances."

Is this just to resolve grievances?

Chu Feng couldn't understand the thoughts of Emperor Ziwei.

It's just this level of resolving grievances. If there is a reason to attack the other party, you can tear up the agreement, and you can attack the other party casually. Then what is the point of resolving grievances like this?

For the strong, just a bad mood can be an excuse to go to war.

Even if the past grievances are resolved, as long as humans exist, they will definitely conflict with the Protoss.

No, it's not entirely meaningless.

Chu Feng suddenly thought of the possibility that the brothers clashed outside the wall to guard against their humiliation. It is normal for brothers to quarrel or even fight, but they are often united when outside.

The same is true if the fraternal contradiction is raised to a regional contradiction.

People in different regions may compete, but they all have the same China in their hearts.

China also had friction and cooperation with other countries on the earth, but when faced with the invasion of the gods and demons, it also put aside the disputes between each other, even if there were rivalries between each other, there was more time for unity and cooperation.

This is the cooperation after giving up grievances and having the same enemies.

If the past grievances between humans and the Star God race are resolved, and there will be the same enemy in the future, is there still a possibility of war between the two races?

There may be some small friction, but as long as the enemy is strong enough, there will be no war.

Ziwei Star Emperor personally came to this place to negotiate peace with mankind. The spread of this kind of thing would be a devastating blow to his reputation, but the so-called dignity and prestige were nothing in the face of the survival of the race.

[There are too many **** emperors in the God Realm, and too few **** emperors in the Star God Race. 】

Before the Star God Clan saint master killed the Tianquan Xing Shengzi, the words he said suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's mind, causing Chu Feng to wake up suddenly.

Yes, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits.

Even the Star Gods, if they really face the crisis of life and death, I am afraid they will choose to cooperate!

Coupled with the powerful person who passed on to him and what happened 3,000 years ago, the context of an event appeared in Chu Feng's mind, making him more affirmed of his judgment.

When the mighty man just appeared, he was besieged by the demon emperor and the **** emperor from the two worlds, but in the end they shook hands and made peace, and the demon emperor and the **** emperor personally provided help to the mighty man.

Although the Mighty One seemed to have failed in the end, the relationship with the gods and demons should not be big.

Instead, he ended up in hell, leaving behind that special territory.

That territory was a gift from the mighty one, and it was also the hope that he inherited the will of the mighty one and used it to counterattack. Neither the gods nor the two realms and the underworld masters made any representations about this.

"I understand. I can represent human beings and write off the past grievances of the Star Gods. Even if there is a war between our two clans in the future, it will not be caused by the grievances of the past, and the rules I have formulated are still valid. Give me the captives or corpses of the clan, and I will exchange them for the equivalent Star Fire Spirit."

Chu Feng didn't bother, anyway, there would be no specific treaty for this kind of thing, it was just a sentence.

With one's own influence among human beings, one word of consent is enough.

He is not so hypocritical that he will go back to gather the high-levels of all mankind to come together to the point of a democratic vote. That is definitely the only way to do that after his brain is drawn.

As for whether what Ziwei Star Emperor said was true or false, there really wasn't much need for consideration.

For the endless hatred, neither side will be so stupid.

In order to agree to give up their interests, the two are not so stupid. All the agreements are pale and weak. Only in this way, the simplest and most direct sentence is true.

"Very well, human beings have you, maybe there will be a ray of life in despair."

After Ziwei Star Emperor finished speaking, his body turned into starlight and disappeared.

There is not much extra words, no follow-up greetings, or pretending to say that the two races will develop harmoniously in the future. He really can't afford to lose that person.

It seems that his purpose of coming here is just to wipe out past grievances.

Chu Feng let go of the hands he had been holding tightly, first of all he did not know when he was covered with fine cold sweat.

In front of the Purple Star Emperor, no one can truly be calm, neither humble nor overbearing.

He has tried his best to maintain an apparent calm.

"The Purple Star Emperor must know something, but he is unwilling to tell me, or maybe he can’t tell me that he saw a possibility in me, that is the possibility of accomplishing what the mighty one would do. If I did this, the benefits to the Star God Clan would definitely be great, and it would even make up for the severely damaged dignity of the Star God Clan.

Chu Feng's mind turned sharply, "If he is not misleading my guess, then he must want me to unswervingly embark on that path, but even though I already know that is the only hope, I'm not sure what the end of that road is."

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