Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1286: The shock of the highest plane

The fact that Ziwei Star Emperor led the Star God Race into the Demon Realm caused a sensation on the highest plane.

His feat of directly smashing into the Demon Realm and slaying the Heaven Demon Emperor was even more recognized by the Demon Realm as the strongest God Emperor in the God Realm. The entire Demon Realm was panicked under the ravages of the Star God Race.

The various races of the God Realm condemned the Star God Race, after all, this behavior violated the rules.

But it was just condemnation.

The terrifying strength displayed by Ziwei Star Emperor, coupled with the fact that the North Star Emperor personally guarded the Star God Race territory of the God Realm, caused countless gods who wanted to move around to extinguish their thoughts.

They don't know why the Purple Star Emperor is so crazy, even if it is the Purple Star Emperor, if the lone army goes deep into the Demon Realm and is attacked by the entire Demon Realm, it is in danger of falling.

At the worst, it would also leave the Star God Clan's army buried there.

However, as time has changed, things have also changed.

The God Realm discovered a very miraculous thing, that is, the other four major Demon Emperors of the Demon Realm did not immediately come to try to kill the Ziwei Star Emperor. They only conscripted a large army, prepared to gather the army first, and then proceeded.

After all, that tragedy had already happened 9,000 years ago.

Five of the seven demon emperors besieged one of the purple star emperors, but it resulted in the attrition of the two demon emperors and the heavy losses of the two demon emperors. This was the result of the purple star emperor single-handedly.

But this time, the Purple Star Emperor had the elite of the Star God Clan.

If the remaining 4 demon emperors came to besiege rashly, it would be a gift.

So the four demon emperors made a very reasonable move under the desire to survive, that is, first recruit a large army and use a large number of legions to solve the problem.

But, you are demons!

The four demon emperors assembled their armies, and before the real siege began, the army of the gods descended again, this time it was the army of the sun crowned gods who led the army of the sun crowned gods to the devil.

Then, the God Emperor Burning Heaven of the Holy Flame Temple, and the blood-clothed female emperor of the Ice and Snow Temple entered the demon world.

The four **** emperors acted at the same time. Of course, the remaining **** emperors have no face. At this time, they continue to condemn them. Has everyone started to fight the devil world? Are you afraid to go.

What's more, has the Demon Realm become weak?

Although the two worlds are neighbors, it does not mean that they know the enemy's military power. The power change of the demon world is one thing, and the mentality of the strong is sometimes more important.

The Purple Star Emperor has already stepped on the dignity of your entire Demon Realm, and you haven't immediately beaten it back. If the God Realm does not take this opportunity to attack, it would be too insulting to the name of the Protoss.

The war between the gods and demons has started again.

Unlike the war that consumes population and shifts contradictions launched once every one or two centuries, this war has entered a white-hot stage at the very beginning, and the entire demon world is ignited.

A protracted battle between gods and demons kicked off.

"I didn't expect to start the war in this way."

Hearing this news, Chu Feng was also surprised that Emperor Ziwei Xing really played his cards too unreasonably.

First, when the Star God Race was choosing the successor of the Holy Master, he suddenly appeared to be in charge of power, and even the process of seizing power was gone. His status and status allowed him to have no obstacles in the entire process of power.

Immediately afterwards, with the help of the five great demon kings of the demon world, they jointly attacked the holy land of all races, consuming a lot of strength and resources, including many elite legions. The empty opportunity inside directly entered the demon world, exposing the weakness of the entire demon world to the gods. As an old opponent, the God Realm certainly did not want to give up such a good opportunity.

The outbreak of the war seemed so natural in a sudden.

"If the earth is to gain a foothold on the highest plane, the Purple Star Emperor will definitely be the biggest opponent of mankind."

A look of jealousy flashed in Yi Qiuling's eyes. She was also extremely conceited about her talent, but there were some things that could not be done with strength.

The real powerhouse is to do things that others cannot do.

Even if the strength on the surface is not as good as that of human beings, a strong heart can cause them to cause miracles.

As for crushing with so-called absolute strength? Sorry, strong people with a strong heart are easier to climb to higher places, because they are not afraid of falling.

"How is the war on earth?"

After a brief understanding of the situation on the highest plane, Chu Feng turned his head to understand the earth.

In the war of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Clan, he only symbolically allowed the Chinese military to participate. Fortunately, when distributing the cake, he cooperated with each other in exchange for greater benefits.

Now Chu Feng did not have much expectations for the Legion in the City of Dawn.

Professional matters should be entrusted to professional personnel. Large-scale and group-based troop training should be entrusted to the most powerful arms on the planet, the Huaxia Army!

It is precisely this way that Chu Feng did not provide much support to the Chinese military.

"The Chinese military is doing better than you think."

Yi Qiuling's eyes were a little erratic, "You let me stay on the earth, in fact, it should be thought that if the Chinese military encounters a single powerful enemy, or an enemy who is good at speed and lurking, let me help. , To reduce some losses, but in fact, the Chinese military does not need the help of anyone, even you."

Did you use that thing so early?

Hearing what Yi Qiuling said and the look in Yi Qiuling's eyes, Chu Feng judged something.

On the future earth, China is the only human civilization on the whole earth that has not fallen. Although the careerist Long Ao is holding back, China has never been completely fallen.

"Just say the result!"

Chu Feng didn't ask too much, and directly started to ask about the results.

"The number of legions that the demons descended in Siberia exceeded 4 million. Among them, 300,000 legions broke through the defense line of the Bering Fortress of the Mi Empire, and were besieged by the Mi Empire with biochemical mechanical beast troops. 300,000 troops attacked the rear of the bear empire by detour, and was blocked by the polar ice bear. After a great battle, the polar ice bear was hit hard and the demons retreated.

The rest were wiped out by China. "

"Your process is really simple." Chu Feng smiled bitterly.

"It sounds like you are not strange at all." Yi Qiuling said, "The City of Dawn has never interfered with the affairs of South China. Did you expect this day?"

"That's it!"

With Chu Feng’s current strength, there is no need to conceal many so-called secrets. “South China is close to ASEAN and Tianzhu. If you want to do some dark things, such as those that the Mi Empire is doing now, but There are abundant population resources, a large amount of experimental materials, including the unrest of the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race, I guess they are all scolding me for nosy!

But I didn't expect that China could do so well. It seems that our motherland is really hopeful. "

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