Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1287: Tu Mojun

"The rise of China was originally a miracle."

Yi Qiuling sighed, "In this last days, the miracle of China is still continuing."

"So, what did China do next?"

Chu Feng didn't believe in the things that Huaxia had exposed, he would only be satisfied with the demons who wiped out Siberia.

"Some people were sent to encircle the passage of the Demon Realm, and some have already killed the Black Continent, where the Demon Nest exists. When I got there, the number of Demon Clan corpses had exceeded 2 million. If you want to continue Maintaining the exchange system of the City of Dawn, the corpses alone can bankrupt you."

"Haha, it's just installments at most."

"It seems you are in a good mood."

"As an careerist, when things develop and proceed according to their own will, everyone's mood will improve."

Chu Feng no longer minded describing himself as a careerist, because even if he described himself as himself, Huaxia would not treat him that way.

Those who sacrifice others for their own purposes are called careerists, and those who overcome obstacles are called pioneers.

"God, it's going to change."

The Chinese military and the City of Dawn fought separately, and the opening of the battlefield in two places at the same time shocked the entire world. Of course, even if it shocked the entire world, there were not many humans on Earth.

However, China's crazy behavior this time, so let them leave a fortune on the highest plane.

Those races who know how to record history will inevitably engrave China's behavior this time in history books.

More than 20 million demons invaded the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, trying to steal their original power. They were defeated by World War I. More than two-thirds of them died or surrendered. The remaining demons lingered in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races and became prey of human beings.

Chu Feng also asked the soldiers in the City of Dawn to write down all their combat experiences and give them to a group of people with higher IQs to sum up a set of methods to deal with the demons.

Although it only records the information of the demons, it is not easy to demand too much at this stage.

The Demon Hunting Group in the City of Dawn and the top 100 Demon Hunting Groups in the Demon Hunter Guild can send members to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races to hunt the Demon Clan.

Has a lot of information about the demons, but any ambitious demon hunting group will not let go of this opportunity.

Compared to the battlefield in another space, what China has done on Earth is even more frightening.

When Luo Xingyao's 30,000 exceeded 200,000, the Demon Race just lamented that in addition to Chu Feng, China actually had such a genius, because Luo Xingyao had killed a domain-level powerhouse.

But then, it was the nightmare of the demons.

The 100,000 body exuded the atmosphere of the demon. The Chinese soldier with the black magic knife in his hand came to the north and directly attacked the base camp that the demon had just established in Siberia.

The demons with more than 800,000 soldiers certainly wouldn't be afraid of China, whose numbers are much smaller than their own.

But the result of this battle surprised the Mozu.

In just two hours, half of the 800,000 demons were killed, and the remaining half was still running fast, preparing to maintain the channel to call for reinforcements, and the Chinese soldiers deliberately let them go.

As a result, more and more Demon soldiers descended on the earth from the Demon Realm, and then went up to give away the head.

These Chinese soldiers look weird, and the black magic knife in their hands is even more weird to the extreme, as if they have the effect of devouring all devil energy. As long as they are slashed by the magic knife in their hands, the demon clan will be swallowed by the magic knife and fed back. Soldiers of China.

Under the war, the soldiers of China are getting stronger and stronger.

At the beginning, these soldiers generally did not reach Tier 7. Before the battle, everyone ate a fiery red lotus seed, and their strength increased significantly before they had the strength to fight against the demons, but they fought one after another. , The breath of each surviving soldier reached level 8, and some even reached level 9.

In such a weird situation, even the demons have some fear.

This method of enhancing strength is completely abnormal.

These Chinese legions call themselves the Demon Slayer Army.

Those holding the magic knife in front are called the magic knife camp.

A part of the Demon Slaughter Army guards the space passages in Siberia. As long as there is a space passage, their people will guard there, and one will kill the other.

Most of the Demon Slayer Army began to fought the entire world.

The Teddy Bear Empire and the Mi Empire don't need them to manage.

After all, most of the demons have already been dealt with. If the Mao Xiong Empire and the Mi Empire, even a small number of demons can't solve it, it will be too fragile.

If the two countries are really hit hard by hundreds of thousands of demons, China does not mind using this opportunity to declare the sovereignty of the entire planet.

Such a weak country might as well submit to China in exchange for a way out.

The Demon Tu Army solved the enemies in Siberia, and the legions across Huaxia began to clear the border, but because Lu Qiu had already shrouded the entire Huaxia under the protection of the formation in advance.

It is impossible to say that dripping water does not leak, but the difficulty of opening a space channel in China is definitely not something that the demons can afford.

The Demon Slaughter Army, who could not find the enemy, went to the west to help the Star Crusade fight. After defeating the Demon Race, they directly hit the Black Continent and washed the entire Black Continent with blood.

Later, those spatial passages were actually closed voluntarily.

This also allows humans to see the fact that the cruel demons are not fearless, nor do they regard the dignity of the demons more than life, as long as they hurt them, their knees will still kneel on the ground.

Of course, this has something to do with the outbreak of the Great War.

After this battle, the Demon Slayer Army established the reputation of the first legion on the earth. The Mao Xiong Empire and the Mi Empire are as dead as the high level. They simply cannot understand why China has such a terrible legion.

At the same time, the reputation of Tu Demon Army spread widely on the highest level.

It's just very strange that after this battle, the Demon Slayer Army disappeared. Nowhere can we find information about the members of the Demon Slayer Army, nor can we find their base camp.

Such a legion that was born out of nowhere but disappeared mysteriously, of course, has become a topic that survivors talk about.

They guessed that the Demon Slayer Army must be China’s most mysterious and powerful unit, and China’s last secret weapon. It will only take action when China is in danger.

The survivors of China have always firmly believed that when China's crisis comes again, the Demon Tubing Army will be born again, using blood to defend China's dignity.

On the 15th day after the war, Chu Feng returned to the real world from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Clan.

He teleported to Siberia and looked at the devastated battlefield, with sadness in his eyes that had never been shown in front of others.

"You in the previous life have blessed China, and in this life it is you again, defending China's dignity, may the heroes of China rest in peace, and may the Demon Slayer Army never be born."

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