Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1312: Hallows

This part of backfeeding is not much, but the accumulation of less will make more, and the accumulation is also a considerable improvement.

Most importantly, Chu Feng found a way to continue to improve.

Chu Feng's strength has been increasing rapidly, but the speed of the increase of his strength is far greater than the speed of the increase of his mind and will. Fortunately, his spiritual belief is strong enough that he is not controlled by the power.

However, hidden dangers exist after all.

If you want to find the feeling of the edge of life and death by sealing your own strength, this approach is too hypocritical, and in essence it is also an expression of bowing to strength.

The true life and death crisis cannot be found, and the false life and death crisis is meaningless.

Now, Chu Feng finally found a way to raise awareness.

When the soldiers holding the original divine weapon were fighting, it was as if Chu Feng himself was also fighting, and he was fighting with the identity of the real weak and the consciousness of the weak.

Although such improvement is rare, it is always an improvement.

It is absolutely impossible for Chu Feng to become a peerless powerhouse by this method, and Chu Feng disdains it.

All he wants is a little excitement.

This is like the catfish effect. Put some catfish in the fish basket to ensure the fish's activity.

Being stimulated by this from time to time also allows Chu Feng to recall his **** nature from time to time when he is addicted to a peaceful environment, so that he can return to his peak state at any time.

In addition, Chu Feng's biggest gain was that he verified his ideas.

In the eyes of ordinary people, whether it is 5000 long spears or 5000 battle knives, it is the same. Even if there are differences in subtle places, they are not much different.

But in Chu Feng's eyes, these weapons were different.

After the battle, these weapons went in different directions, but because the fighting environment was too similar, the external performance was all reflected in the killing.

But in Chu Feng's eyes, the difference between these weapons is like the difference between people.

Even if soldiers serving the same duties on the battlefield, and making uniform movements on the battlefield, it does not mean that they are the same. After off the battlefield, they each have their own lives.

The same is true for these weapons, even the subtle differences are different.

It does not seem important, in fact, these weapons are already developing in the direction of "unique".

This is related to the holy rank weapons.

The forging process of the gray dwarves is very powerful, as long as they are given enough materials and a strong enough fire source, the weapons they forged can withstand the fight of the existence of the holy rank.

But this does not mean that they will be able to forge a real "sacred artifact".

The so-called sacred weapon is actually a spiritual weapon.

Ordinary weapons are already formed after they are forged. Even if they are recast or tempered, including using special secret methods to increase the power of weapons, there is a limit, and they can all be copied.

But the real sacred artifacts are non-replicable existence.

If it is dependent on materials and forging techniques, even if it is really forged, a weapon that can surpass the sacred weapon will lose its future growth, and after all, it will not reach the true peak, it is just a dead thing.

Even the Four Swords of Zhuxian, which can crush most of the so-called holy artifacts, are dead objects after all.

The truly powerful is the origin of the world behind Zhuxian's Four Swords.

And sacred artifacts, even the weakest sacred artifacts, can continue to grow.

As long as you have the right training conditions, you can continue to move towards the top, and there is no limit.

Of course, there is no limit, it does not mean that it can really grow infinitely.

Just as the life span of human beings is constantly decreasing as human beings grow up, once a weapon moves towards the sacred instrument, it will have "spirituality" and "aura", in which spirituality is consciousness, and aura is the lifespan of the weapon .

The aura will continue to strengthen at the beginning, but once the original owner of the sacred instrument passes away, the aura will stop growing and will continue to fade over time.

This process of passing away is irreversible.

Although after changing the owner, there is still the possibility of the sacred artifacts continuing to strengthen, but something like Lingyun can only slow the passage, and eventually it will die.

When the aura is gone, the sacred objects will become empty shells.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng waved his hand, and a broken mirror appeared in his hand.

"The sacred artifacts of the Corona Protoss have been passed down for at least hundreds of thousands of years. Why the Sun God Mirror has always been the sacred artifact of the Corona Protoss in the history that the two can explore. However, the aura of the Sun God Mirror, Why hasn't it disappeared? I can suppress the Sun God Mirror, but I can never subdue it."

The sun **** mirror was clearly broken, but Chu Feng still couldn't surrender it.

Even communication is impossible.

Facing this problem, Chu Feng also had speculation.

First, the Corona Protoss has special means to circumvent this rule.

For example, through the belief of a race, as the sacred object of the Corona Protoss, the Holy Lord of the Corona is qualified to control the sacred object, and the power of faith to enjoy is inestimable.

The power of faith is not a vain power, but a special power that can turn decay into a miracle. Like the original power, it has no power in itself, but it can increase power countless times.

This is a power amplifier.

But the power of faith can affect more than just power.

Don't look at the sun **** mirror broken, but how did the sun **** mirror break?

It was a small world in the entire deep sea sacred land, and most of the original power was poured into the high priest's body, magnifying the high priest's blow by countless times, which caused a crack in the sun **** mirror.

Later, I encountered special items such as Eternal Wood.

The Eternal Wood is a part of the Eternal Tree, and there is only one in the God Realm.

Such results are difficult to replicate.

Therefore, even if the Sun God Mirror has been turned into two halves, it is still a very hard bone. Let alone use it, the Sun God Mirror will refuse Chu Feng even if it is restored.

And now, Chu Feng reached the threshold of the sacred artifact.

"It seems, something is missing."

Chu Feng carefully observed the Sun God Mirror. Compared to the Sun God Mirror, although his own original magic soldiers obtained some spirituality through their original power, this spirituality is more like artificial intelligence than wisdom.

There is not much difference at the low-end level, but when it reaches a certain height, the gap will be reflected.

And, batch production of holy artifacts?

It's too whimsical.

It's not that Chu Feng doesn't believe in miracles, but he believes that if there is such a way, then there will not be so many inheritances in the mysterious ancient books.

With such a method, what acrobatics are still playing?

Thousands of sacred artifacts come out at the same time, what kind of enemy can't kill? Will the mighty one fall?

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