Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1313: An unexpectedly born artifact

"Already have a beginning, then slowly observe the changes, don't worry."

Chu Feng studied the Sun God Mirror for a while, and found nothing, at best, he verified some of his own guesses.

This gain is enough.

Even if it is the existence of the holy ranks of the highest plane, there are very few holy artifacts that have the opportunity to cultivate. Those behemoths with a long history will be able to prepare some holy artifacts for the younger generation.

Although those inherited sacred artifacts have lost their growth and entered the countdown to extinction, their power is extraordinary, much stronger than the immature new sacred artifacts.

Growth and fit do not represent power.

What's more, those inheritance sacred artifacts were cultivated by special means, and coupled with some blood sacrifices, the life span is longer than most holy ranks, and it can even kill more than a dozen generations.

Chu Feng didn't think about the idea of ​​hitting those sacred artifacts in the past.

The first is the tribe that possesses the sacred artifacts, the history is not short, once they hit their sacred artifacts, it will cause the entire tribe to counterattack, and eventually fall into an endless state of death.

The second is that those sacred artifacts are too difficult to control.

However, the inheritance of the sacred artifacts is basically through the cultivation of countless generations of a race, countless strong people, personal desires and spirits have very low influence on the sacred artifacts, and the sacred artifacts have become firm racists.

It is absolutely impossible to master the sacred artifacts without recognizing the life of this race.

The unusable sacred artifact is a better material for Chu Feng, plus the unusable aura, and some vitality, compared with the consequences of seizing the sacred artifact, it is simply too far apart.

The Sun God Mirror was a troublesome waste product in Chu Feng's hands.

After re-sealing the Sun God Mirror, Chu Feng went to the original place to check the status of those immortal medicines, and made subtle adjustments to make these immortal medicines have fewer side effects on the human body.

If Chu Feng's spiritual imprint has strengthened the combat awareness of those forward battalions, and at the same time blocked most of their possibilities, then just the enhancement of vitality and recovery ability, there is no concern in this regard.

Even if the Hell Knights have obtained the Immortal Potion, and therefore reduce their own recovery ability, it does not matter, because their core consciousness is fighting, not healing.

To trade healing power for combat power, most people are willing to make this cost-effective business.

What's more, most people in the Hell Knights have no healing power at all.

"By the way, the Hell Knights also have medics!"

Thinking of this, Chu Feng suddenly realized that in order to enhance the survival ability of the Hell Knights, there are many light and wood abilities among those with abilities, and these two departments have the strongest healing abilities.

"The treatment of these people pays more attention to emergency bandaging and treatment on the battlefield. If you want to treat hidden physical hazards and some hidden injuries, you still have to hand over to professional medical staff after the battle. To strengthen their ability to save the dead, they must still be given some specially made elixir."

The essence of Immortal Potion is actually a special source of magic weapon.

Realizing the hidden dangers of the original divine weapon, Chu Feng made some adjustments to these hidden dangers, so that the aspects that these hidden dangers affect, as far as possible, do not affect the aspects they need most.

Focus on combat, then don't strengthen their combat ability, but strengthen as much as possible in terms of abilities outside of combat, so that they can exercise their combat skills without distraction.

The same is true for the focus on treatment. The healers of the Hell Knights must also have sufficient fighting ability, otherwise they will not be able to keep up with the rhythm of the main force.

For these people he knew the elixir, so he had to be more careful.

After some adjustments, Chu Feng returned to the residence of Yuan Mansion. Zhang Ziqing, who was observing the dynamics of the Demon Race territory, noticed Chu Feng's arrival and smiled happily.

Su Yuan and Su Yuyan have been focusing on school matters during this period.

Although the two sisters have different paths, they are both very responsible women in essence. In this regard, they are the same. When both of them are focused on education, even Chu Feng is fast. It was ignored by the two.

Even the government affairs of the City of Dawn were handed over to He Chongyin and others.

Jiang Xinyue occasionally came to Chu Feng's small world, but most of the time, he would act as a contact between the two, or even between the three, responsible for resource allocation.

And Zhang Ziqing, who is relatively simple in nature, can be said to spend the most time with Chu Feng during this period.

As long as Chu Feng stops practicing, she can provide solace to Chu Feng in time.

However, when Chu Feng came to Zhang Ziqing's side, he found that the water source beads in Zhang Ziqing's body had produced some special things, which was a feeling very similar to those of the original gods.

"Take out your water source beads."

Chu Feng ordered.

Zhang Ziqing didn’t doubt it. He directly took out the water source bead and explained the change of the water source bead during this period: “About a month ago, this bead seemed to have undergone a special change. I don’t know what it is. Changes, but this bead is more handy than before when it comes to command."

Chu Feng: ""

More than a month ago, it seemed that he had ignored it.

It's not that he was too cold about Zhang Ziqing during this period, but that he hadn't touched this aspect before, so he often ignored it, as if most people would not notice the changes in the soil under their feet.

Zhang Ziqing was the first to practice the sacred artifact he had always longed for.

Of course, the current Water Source Orb cannot be regarded as a real sacred artifact. It can only be said that it has the prototype of a real sacred artifact.

"Is this luck? No, it should be the influence of mentality."

Chu Feng was thoughtful, Zhang Ziqing was pure in mind, even after experiencing a lot of cruel scenes, his xinxing was no longer as pure as in school, and he could become decisive when needed.

But even when she was fighting, her mind was pure.

When Chu Feng looked at the battle before and after the battle, in addition to thinking about the battle itself, he also considered the meaning of the battle, the impact of the battle, including the gains after the battle.

But if Zhang Ziqing wanted to fight and kill, once he made up his mind, then all he had in mind was the fight and killing itself.

Such an image is unavoidable, it is a kind of innocent heart.

Of course, Chu Feng will not change, because even if such a pure person has bad talents, his cultivation speed is slower than others, but when he encounters a bottleneck, he is better than most people, including many so-called geniuses. Easy to break through.

It was probably this kind of character, coupled with the peaceful environment of Yuan Mansion, that made her conceive a spiritual weapon in an accident.

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