Chu Feng instinctively wanted to remind Zhang Ziqing to cultivate the water source pearls, but suddenly thought that he hadn't cultivated the sacred artifacts. If he insisted too much, it might be counterproductive, and he dispelled the idea.

"Well, since there is spirituality, let's communicate more!"

Chu Feng knew that if you forced it, it might be counterproductive, but there would never be a problem with more communication. The Yan God Clan has many records on this aspect. The prototype of communication is the safest way.

Other methods, whether it is killing or cultivating with a large amount of materials, may be crooked.

Zhang Ziqing nodded obediently. She could see that Chu Feng was also very surprised by this incident.

Although I don't know the reason for his surprise, it is enough to be helpful to him.

"By the way, I have one thing to tell you."

Zhang Ziqing suddenly remembered something and said in an uneasy tone.

"whats the matter?"

"My brother Xia has always wanted to join the army. Although I have been stopping him, he secretly signed up some time ago." Zhang Ziqing's eyes were full of worry.


Chu Feng remembered the little boy he met in Shangjing, Zhang Ziqing's half-brother, who bravely stood up to protect his sister when Zhang Ziqing was criticized.

Only after he received him in Dawn City and learned that his talent was not good, Chu Feng paid little attention to the boy, only reminding Su Yuan to help appropriately.

So, Su Yuan secretly gave Xia Xia some guidance, and later arranged some work for him in the City of Dawn, so that he knew the truth of self-reliance, even he thought he was helpful to his sister.

Although some little boys woke up, it was obvious that he was still very responsible.

For Chu Feng, talent is almost okay. He has a way to improve his talent, but if he has a bad temperament, then he can only say one thing that is easy to change, and his nature is hard to change.

Later, the things he encountered became more and more dangerous, and he gradually forgot about it.

"Don't you want it, let me pay attention to him in this respect!" Chu Feng frowned.

"I know he has trouble with the money, but I don't want him to have trouble, I want to adjust him to some safer positions." Zhang Ziqing's eyes were guilty.

She is not a demon of life to help her brother, and she does not help her brother too much. She is more to give Xia Xia a chance to grow up, but in the process, some things gradually become out of touch.

Chu Feng thought for a few seconds, and said, "It is impossible for the flowers in the greenhouse to grow. The City of Dawn is not without things to do. He wants to join the military, probably because he can see that, as long as he stays in the City of Dawn, The people around will protect him as much as possible, so the reason he joined the military is probably because of the opportunity to fight."

Zhang Ziqing's eyes dimmed.

Chu Feng squeezed Zhang Ziqing's round face and said, "Don't worry, I have already placed the amulet on him, the same as yours. If his life enters an endangered state, it will automatically activate and hang him. The last ray of life for him can also give me a chance to save him. Although it cannot be completely insured, at least it can be done so that he can be as safe as the outside world in the City of Dawn."

Zhang Ziqing let out a long sigh of relief, his eyes calmed down again.

She didn't even know the effect of the amulet that Chu Feng put on her car, but everyone who was closest to Chu Feng had one.

Chu Feng didn't explain too much either. If they knew that their lives were guaranteed, with Lu Ming's character, it was estimated that they would be more free on the battlefield.

The most elementary amulets are those placed on the Hell Knights.

When they were first trained in hell, those amulets reduced a lot of unnecessary casualties to the slightly immature Hell Knights. Unless it was an unfortunate encounter with a troll, there would be basically no worries about life.

Later, it was slightly strengthened, and it was also a high-level protective cover, which at most enhanced the life force.

However, the Yuanfu system is a very mature system.

Any elementary Yuan Talisman has an evolutionary route to the holy rank, and it may even be an evolutionary tree. Amulet is also a very potential Yuan Talisman.

The evolution of the amulet to the end is two magical powers, the immortal body is one of them.

The opposite of the immortal body is [Absolute Defense]. It can be invulnerable to swords and guns when it is trained, and the King Kong is not bad, at least it can prevent his physical injury from getting worse before the supernatural power is exhausted.

There were also reasons why Chu Feng didn't cultivate this supernatural power.

When the amulet reaches a certain height, it only requires some preparation beforehand to have the combined characteristics of the two magical powers. Even if there is a limit on the number of uses, the characteristics of being able to be placed on the person around him are enough to make him abandon the magical powers.

After all, it is impossible for him to let people around him never experience risks.

But the meaning of his hard work is to protect and prevent those tragedies from repeating.

The existence of amulets is a compromise effect.

When the amulet was turned on, Chu Feng's Yuanfu small world would be alarmed.

However, Zhang Ziqing's words also reminded Chu Feng.

"The end of the amulet is two great magical powers, so can I also refine the [Absolute Defense] magical powers into the original magic weapon, so that I can create an amulet that defends against the attacks of the Holy King."

Taking into account the difficulty of this and the consumption of the original strength, Chu Feng decided to postpone this matter first.

When this kind of war is over, his comprehension of the original magic weapon will definitely reach a new level, and then continue to make the original magic weapon, and the side effects of the original magic weapon can also be reduced.

After some rain with Zhang Ziqing, Chu Feng went to inspect Zhang Ziqing's achievements.

"These demonized creatures have been processed by you last time, and the surviving ones have changed a lot. Even those who survived will actively maintain the existing order and prevent other demonized creatures from making chaos. The transformation area has expanded a lot, but the order has become better. It feels that these demonized creatures are very close to the real demons, but there is a gap in the level of power."

Zhang Ziqing excitedly explained his contribution to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng also listened quietly.

Although his mental power can see the situation in every corner under one scan, as long as he wants to, he can easily observe the current situation of the entire area.

However, he was still willing to listen to Zhang Ziqing's report.

Only feelings that are constantly cared for and maintained can they be closer to eternity.

While listening to this, it was also Chu Feng's affirmation of Zhang Ziqing's performance. For her, this was a hard-won praise, and it was also an exchange between the two.

At the same time, this is also the foundation of maintaining humanity.

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