Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1315: International conflict?

Looking at Zhang Ziqing with a satisfied face, Chu Feng smiled.

There are many women around him, and Zhang Ziqing has a unique position, not only to seize the opportunity, but also because of her purity, which can make people peaceful.

For her, it is undoubtedly the most satisfying thing for her to be affirmed by her partner.

Mental communication is more reliable than physical communication.

Of course, for Chu Feng, if he can satisfy his physical desires, there is no need for him to wrong himself.

On the earth, the Dawn Legion marched into the South Atlantic Ocean very slowly and cautiously. After all, one carelessness would cause conflict.

They represent the City of Dawn, so the conflict caused by it is no longer between the Demon Hunters.

In this way, in the midst of high tension, it lasted for half a month. During this half a month, they cautiously launched three small-scale battles, killing more than 200,000 sea beasts with combat effectiveness.

Compared with the Tianzhuyang war, these three small-scale battles are not mentioned.

However, what they have to do is not just to fight, but also not to let the result of the battle affect the outside world, so the tension of the war is no less than that of the previous war.

Only the forward battalion and the swordsmen have no chance to go to the battlefield.

If they are on the battlefield, the remaining soldiers can only be responsible for cleaning the battlefield.

At the same time, they also arranged 12 small artificial islands in the South Atlantic, and arranged more than 50 ships for rest, including more than 2,000 dragon turtles used to transport troops.

Most of the dragon tortoises cultivated by Chu Feng were rented out, and some were sold to the army.

Chu Feng did not take back the dragon turtles that were leased out, but of course Chu Feng could not leave the eggs laid by those dragon turtles to those adventurers. By the way, he also asked those dragon turtles who were resting to deal with those that were saved before. Dragon tortoise eggs hatch.

As for whether these dragon turtles who are less than two years old will lay eggs, that is not a problem at all.

Due to the needs of the breeding group, the dragon tortoise clan can lay hundreds of dragon tortoise eggs at a time. Each dragon tortoise hatched out of an egg has only 2 stages, and it grows to 4 stages in a year, and it can grow slowly after cultivation. 6th order.

They can also spend 10 years to incubate a dragon tortoise egg specifically, so that this dragon tortoise egg has the potential to grow to the 9th rank, and even hope to become a holy rank.

After all, the dragon tortoise clan also has holy ranks in its ancestors.

In the future, there will also be a dragon tortoise that will become the holy order, the megatron.

Although it is inferior to the ten beasts in the last days, the indestructible shell can also make many people a headache.

Chu Feng didn't need the Dragon Turtle Clan to become a holy rank, or even the 8th rank. What he wanted was the Dragon Tortoise Clan's ancestors to become human servant races for generations, and the servant race only needed to be a transport ship.

In the future, there will be more dragon turtles, and Chu Feng can consider using the inheritance of the sea clan to specially cultivate some high-level dragon turtles, but now he only requires a large number.

On the 18th day of marching into the South Atlantic, the first conflict finally broke out.

"Why so fast?"

Han Yunxiao received the news and immediately took a quarter of the members of the reconnaissance battalion, riding the Hell Nightmare Horse galloping on the sea. With the speed of the Hell Nightmare Horse and the degree of control over Yuanli, it is very easy to run on the sea. .

Han Yunxiao had been on standby on the border of the Black Continent, and within half an hour after receiving the news, he rushed to the scene of the incident.

When he rushed to the scene of the incident, he used his mental power to perceive the surface of the sea, where it had been stained red with blood, and more than 1,000 fresh corpses floated up under the surface of the sea. The members of the Dawn Army took weapons from Leaving under the sea, returning to the dragon turtle's back above the sea, and using Yuan Li to steam dry the water and salt on the body.

The situation is already obvious. It is the Army of Dawn that caused the conflict.

Seeing this scene, Han Yunxiao's expression became a lot more relaxed.

People in the City of Dawn are fine, so it's not a big deal.

The city of Dawn has strict military discipline. After experiencing the war in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, even the exercises will cause casualties. They will never massacre the enemy for no reason.

Han Yunxiao is still willing to give this trust.

Several high-ranking officers came to Han Yunxiao's body and exchanged glances with each other. A relatively high-ranking officer stepped forward and reported.

"Report commander, we have discovered the Mi Empire laboratory here. They are actually conducting biochemical experiments on the seabed, and they are studying the combination between humans and sea races. Many innocent survivors have become experimental objects here. After we found out, they tried to kill us and were killed by us. After seeing the scene of the laboratory, I did not hold back and gave the order to kill."

Han Yunxiao nodded, the information is basically true.

The only thing that is not true is the anxious eyes of other officers.

He quickly judged the cause and effect. It is estimated that these people could not help but wave the butcher knife after seeing the brutal scene of the laboratory, and the officer intended to take all the responsibility on himself.

If a dispute really arises, he can use the military's obedience to orders as an excuse for his duty.

This really requires punishment, so he is the only one who receives the punishment.

Although other officers have a little anxiety in their eyes, they also understand that speaking at this time, especially deliberately sharing the responsibilities already on one person, the consequences may be more serious.

"You did the right thing."

Unexpectedly, Han Yunxiao did not punish him. "But you have to remember one thing. You have not found anything here. You just met some robbers who wanted to rob yourself. Those robbers are fighting back, you don’t know the identity of the robbers, and you don’t know what happened under the sea, this is not what you did."


All the soldiers who participated in the massacre showed enthusiasm in their eyes.

Even if they know that this kind of thing is said to be said, they don't care, but this is not China's laboratory after all. If something happens, the short-term peace on earth may be broken.

Han Yunxiao meant to protect shortcomings.

Han Yunxiao checked the terrain and said, "Now let's retreat."

But at this moment, a Mi Empire army of more than 50 people came here, and a Mi Empire man who knew Chinese language shouted: "Huaxia people, you have to give me a reasonable explanation."

Another officer of the Mi Empire gave a few words to the soldier, and then the soldier said loudly:

"Why is our laboratory destroyed? What are you doing here? Hand over those who did the evil you just did, and we will impose sanctions on them in the International Military Court."

The soldiers in the City of Dawn showed heavy expressions in their eyes.

He came so soon?

Being caught face-to-face, it seems that it is very difficult to dismiss it.

The officer who had put the responsibility on him before was about to stand up again, and stopped him with one arm.

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