Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1316: Foolish policy


The officer who was stopped suddenly had a bad feeling.

Han Yunxiao glanced at the Mi Empire team with cold eyes: "Even if you don't know the language, others have to translate your words. Where can you get the courage to see the sights here?"

Hearing Han Yunxiao's undisguised words, the face of the Mi Empire team changed.

Language proficiency and language recognition are 6th and 7th levels.

In this team, there is really no master of this level.

Then, the reasons why these people dared to clamor is worth considering.

However, Han Yunxiao quietly explored the surroundings with mental energy, but found nothing.

"Hey! We are representatives of the Mi Empire. Don't think that your level is higher and you can do whatever you want. Once you hit me, it will be a declaration of war between China and the Mi Empire."

The Mi Empire who knew Chinese language yelled unceremoniously.

His words are full of self-confidence, and he seems to trust the country behind him very much.

Han Yunxiao frowned, he always felt that something was wrong.

The soldier saw that Han Yunxiao did not speak, and continued to shout: "Knowing that your Huaxia is in a difficult situation, Tier 6 masters like you who understand the language should be rare! Even if you still have some status, but Can you Huaxia bear the consequences of fighting our great Mi Empire?"

The surrounding Mi Empire soldiers seemed to have plucked up their courage.

"Hehe, how could China dare to start a war with us?"

"The weapons we have on us can allow us to easily kill them."

"Yes, for the so-called national martial arts plan, we have abandoned our human high-tech weapon road. With their backward equipment, let alone cause international conflicts, even our opponents are not."

"Why don't we just kill them here! Anyway, China doesn't dare to provoke us."

"Forget it, leave it to the top to decide!"

"Huh! How did you deal with the crisis last time? If we hadn't turned the tide, Huaxia would have disappeared. For this loss, we must make Huaxia pay sufficient compensation."

Listening to the words of these people, the expressions on Han Yunxiao and the officers of the Dawn Legion became more and more weird.

Seeing their silence, the other side became even more arrogant.

"Did you write down the scene just now?"

Han Yunxiao suddenly said to the people around him.

"take note of it."

The officer who was stopped by him straightened his back, his eyes full of pride.

Unlike the people on the other side, they use their own eyes and their bodies to witness everything in this world, and their footprints have crossed to the other end of the earth.

"Remember, this is the attitude of the weak, no, this is the attitude of the weak country!"

As Han Yunxiao spoke, he suddenly pulled out the long sword around his waist.

The lavender sword light flashed, and the sword aura was vertical and horizontal.

Those faces are full of pride and pride, and their expressions are frozen at this moment for those soldiers of the rice empire who are holding the broken copper and iron and full of confidence.

They could no longer say those arrogant words.

A blood hole appeared on everyone's head, and their consciousness was completely extinguished.

Han Yunxiao's sword has been re-sheathed at some point.

The corpses of the soldiers of the Mi Empire just fell from the surface of the sea, but it was too late to sink to the bottom of the sea. These corpses raised flames from the center of their eyebrows, causing their corpses to burn.

The weapons they were so proud of were also burned to residue.

"Commander, although this is a relief, does it really matter?"

The officer who was stopped by Han Yunxiao had a happy expression on his face, but worry immediately surfaced.

Didn't they always avoid it before and cause international conflicts?

But before, the things they saw in the undersea laboratory made them angry, and the trail had been discovered by the enemy, they simply hurt the killer.

But now, what does the commander do?

"I had a misunderstanding before, because China has been pursuing illusory peace since ancient times. We obviously have the strength to unify the world, but we refuse to launch war."

Han Yunxiao's mouth showed a proud smile, "But now I have something to understand, the real overlord, the real strength is not reflected in the external conquest, but a kind of strength from the heart."

The officer was a bit unclear, so he didn't understand what Han Yunxiao was talking about.

He can understand the commander's content, but he doesn't understand what the commander wants to express.

Han Yunxiao suddenly ordered: "The order is passed down, and 30,000 main troops and 10,000 crossbowmen will be dispatched. Starting from the coastline, everything above the sea is our China’s territorial waters. All enemies we encounter will be killed. , All resistance is destroyed, all resources are destroyed, no snatching is allowed, no traces are allowed."

Hearing Han Yunxiao's unusual order, all the soldiers were dull for a moment.

But they reacted immediately.



Han Yunxiao stopped them suddenly, and the soldiers turned around and waited for Han Yunxiao's instructions.

"Use a few cloth strips to cover up the China-related marks on your body. You don't need to change your clothes. You should be afraid that the international conflict is not us, but the Mi Empire."


All the soldiers shouted loudly.

Through this, Han Yunxiao ordered the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion next to him: "After the order is passed on, you stay here to watch the scene. Remember, don't stay alive."

Using a few cloth strips to cover up the marks on the body is to some extent self-deception.

However, they just want to bully!

These people from the Mi Empire just said that China was afraid of them?

Huaxia defeated the main force of the demons and killed ten times as many enemies as other countries combined. However, they even said that the Mi Empire saved the world.

This is a humiliation to their China!

This is a blasphemy against the soldiers who died in battle!

Han Yunxiao can understand Mi Empire's approach. After all, this is the best way to boost the morale of the country and unite people's hearts, but he is unwilling to agree.

Why do you maintain order and step on our Huaxia superior?


Don’t you say that the Mi Empire is the global hegemon? Don’t you say that you are the savior who saves the world? Didn’t you say that China Huaxia dare not provoke you?


We are here in China.

Our soldiers have already set foot on your territorial waters, and our army is declaring sovereignty over the sea. You so-called international hegemon, dare to go to war with China?

We are not afraid of causing international conflicts, do you dare?

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