Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1317: The fear of the Mi Empire

It only took the Dawn Army half an hour to mobilize the army. They mobilized the army while confirming the correctness of the order, thus avoiding a lot of unnecessary waste of time.

40,000 troops, plus 40,000 logistics troops, set out toward the North Atlantic.

They ride on the back of the dragon tortoise. Since the dragon tortoise is one of the overlords in the ocean, they don't have to worry about being threatened by the sea. The dragon tortoise will warn in advance.

After Han Yunxiao gave this order, although the soldiers in the City of Dawn were a little worried, they were more excited and excited. This is proof of China's strength.

Three hours after the order was accurately delivered, the Chinese Army Corps began to sweep the sea.

Six hours later, the Marine Corps cultivated by the empire of more than 200,000 meters was easily defeated, and more than 500,000 sea beasts gathered by special methods were beheaded.

After 12 hours, six research centers under the sea were destroyed.

Regardless of whether it is research materials or research materials, they are all destroyed on the spot, without leaving one.

Eighteen hours later, the Chinese army defeated the base built by the US Empire within 50 kilometers of its territorial waters.

Twenty-four hours later, 15,000 elite Chinese elites were displayed outside the coastline of the Mi Empire, holding various sophisticated equipment in their hands, neatly displayed on the sea.

Some black-haired, dark-eyed, yellow-skinned soldiers of the Mi Empire approached here, and they were shot and killed without hesitation by the bows in their hands. Those white-skinned and black-skinned soldiers, 50 kilometers away from the coastline, saw The battle conditions of the frontline soldiers immediately hid in the trenches and bases where the energy shields and scientific weapons were combined.

"Huaxia people are crazy."

"How dare they do this?"

"Aren't they afraid of starting a war?"

"Do they think that we have consumed a lot of power in the war with the demons, and the remaining power is not enough to deal with them? They will pay for it."

"We will sue them in a military court and make them pay the price of blood."

"To sanction China, we want to sanction China."

But the Huaxia soldiers on the opposite side didn't say a word. Once someone approached, they would be killed directly. There was no way to communicate. Looking at this posture, they didn't plan to communicate.

This makes them jump with anger.

How can Huaxia not abide by international conventions?

Does this prevent them from sanctioning other countries as they please?

The news reached the hexagonal building, and the top officials of the Mi Empire fell directly into panic.

"Why haven't so many people come? When is the time now? Now is the critical moment for the survival of our Mi Empire. Why can't our people participate in a military meeting on time?"

Shouted the chairman of the military committee of the hexagonal building.

"Maybe, they are preparing to escape!"

A Mi Empire executive said weakly.

"Shame, this is simply our shame!"

"Why can Chinese people muster up the courage on the battlefield? Our soldiers are so cowardly up to the top. Could it be that our battles over the past few decades have been in vain?"

"We don't need to think that their violation of human rights like this is worth learning. We have our own path."

"Don't talk about these falsehoods. The most important thing for us now is to discuss what China Xia wants to do? Are they really going to war? If you give China an excuse to start a war, I think you should know the consequences."

"If we don't resist now, they will surely destroy us in the future."

Ordinary people don’t understand the overall situation, don’t they yet?

Of course, I understand that the policy of fooling the people was put forward by them.

Because they knew that in the old days, the Mi Empire was a country where many ethnic groups were forcibly integrated. They were forcibly pieced together through brutal conquest.

Only they can make capitalists control national policies.

They knew better than anyone about the power of Chinese soldiers.

Once a war breaks out between the two countries, it is definitely not China that is unlucky.

"According to the latest news, the Chinese military has not moved at all. It is the City of Dawn that has moved. After they have captured Tianzhuyang, they have marched towards this side, and they want to bring the Atlantic Ocean under their control. It is the wolf ambition, they are trying to turn the entire earth into their own territory!"

This news immediately cheered everyone up.

"Hurry up and contact the Chinese military to let them stop the crazy behavior in the City of Dawn."

"Yes, only the Chinese military can stop the City of Dawn."

"But will they do it?"

"It's still not certain, but the self-assertion of the City of Dawn will definitely cause a lot of trouble to the Chinese military, at least it must be able to provoke their contradictions."

"Our research institutes destroyed on the seabed must also claim compensation from the Chinese military to make them compensate us for our losses. Otherwise, we will punish them for undermining human unity."

"No, the Chinese military rejected our communication request."

"What? Are they really going to war?"

The Legion of the City of Dawn could not be contacted, and the Chinese military directly refused their communication request.

They found that they had no way to contact anyone in China who could speak up.

This made the high-levels of the Mi Empire collectively panic.

They are good at using capital and political means to defeat opponents at the negotiating table, in the economic field, and in trial courts, and use international discourse power to sanction other countries.

However, these methods are only meaningful when they are used in the military field.

Without the threat of the military field, these methods are not worth mentioning.

After a long time, someone finally made a suggestion.

"We can contact the Protoss."

The whole meeting was silent.

Contacting the Protoss and using the power of the Protoss to deal with China, this seems not unacceptable to them.

For them, it is already very painful to go to the hegemony of the earth world, but at least they can be a blessing in their own country and use the power of the entire country to strengthen themselves.

Now Huaxia showed her fangs to them,

But, can they really do this?

A congressman stood up and glanced at everyone at the meeting with helpless eyes:

"Don’t you understand why the Legion of the City of Dawn blocked our coastline but did not launch an offensive? They are just waiting for a reason, a reason to destroy us in a fair and justifiable way, if we want to Contact the Protoss, what will be waiting for us? I don't believe your brain, I really can't think of it."

The entire conference room was dead silent. Once the Protoss could not resist China, what awaited them would be China's cleaning.

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