Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1318: The change of the sun **** mirror

"Yes, we can never give them such an excuse."

"Huaxia is the most hypocritical nation in the world. Even if they are looking for excuses to start war, they will definitely not look for vanity. As long as we insist on not giving them excuses, then they can't do anything to us."

"And we don't believe that they can always occupy the resources in the ocean."

"When they leave, we will bring back our own things."

"It's just that the development of the Southern Continent is about to come to a halt again. The Tree of Life is intercepted at the transportation hub leading to Nanda Road. We simply cannot send a large number of troops. We originally planned to attack from the sea, but now we have to stop."

"I can only bear it temporarily."

"No, we can't bear it only if we develop. We will send the biochemical army to develop the southern continent. Otherwise, the gap between us and China will grow. Even if there is a tree of life blocking the way, we must go."

This discussion lasted a day.

Members of the four imperial clans quarreled endlessly for interests.

Even if they are jointly developing the Southern Continent, they must have a primary and secondary role. How many troops should each family send? There is room for quarrels as to how much benefits can be allocated.

As for the Huaxia military, after a day of panic, they finally contacted the Huaxia military.

Faced with their accusations against the Dawn Army, the Chinese military only responded indifferently:

"Nothing to check!"

Such a reply simply made the high-levels of the Mi Empire blow up.

What does it mean to check nothing?

Which cloth strips of these people cover the emblem of the City of Dawn, do they think they can't tell who it is?

But Huaxia firmly denied this, what can they do?

Do you go to war with China?

Give me a break.

If they really have the determination to go to war, they will not adopt a policy of fooling the people.

Meeting after meeting, all ended in vain.

However, as time went by, they discovered that as long as they did not take the initiative to provoke the Legion of the City of Dawn, the City of Dawn would not easily deal with them.

The scope of influence of the City of Dawn is only the coastline.

No one set foot on land, and no crossbow arrow set foot on land.

Such strict military discipline actually relaxed them.

"As long as we don't go to the coastline, we will be fine."

"They will definitely leave anyway."

"Leave them alone."


In this way, after experiencing the extreme panic at the beginning, now that the Dawn Legion did not hit them, they felt that this was good, so they accepted the fact that the Dawn City managed the sea area.

The entire North Atlantic has also fallen into the hands of the City of Dawn.

Although it was only a short-term takeover, when the Mi Empire accepted this fact, some of their things had already been lost.

After 15 days in this way, both sides are in peace.

Even the senior officials of the Mi Empire gradually relaxed.

They began to send more people to develop the resources of the Southern Continent. Although the Tree of Life was terrifying, the Tree of Life could not completely block the Southern Continent.

As long as they send a large number of small groups of troops, they can still continue to transport manpower to the southern continent.

In this way, the international situation has fallen into a strange balance.

But Chu Feng's Yuanfu small world had changed.

"The Sun God Mirror!"

Chu Feng, who was using time to accelerate the concentration of his true essence, suddenly changed his complexion, and a teleport came to the place where the sun **** mirror was suppressed. It turned into two halves of the sun **** mirror, constantly shaking.

The chains that had condensed into black threads were also disintegrating every inch.

As soon as Chu Feng stretched out his hand, a wooden sword appeared in his hand.

After two consecutive swords passed, the Sun God Mirror became quiet.

Although the Sun God Mirror was mysterious, after all, after losing its owner, even if it could produce some abnormal changes, it would become weak after being swallowed by the eternal wood.

After suppressing the Sun God Mirror, Chu Feng felt the sensation around the Sun God Mirror.

When the Sun God Mirror was in a defensive state, Chu Feng also had nothing to do with the Sun God Mirror.

Unless he is willing to consume more than half of the world's origin and pour all these forces into a single blow, otherwise, the crack on the sun god's mirror can't even expand.

Consume the world origin to deal with a dead thing? He is not so stupid.

"It's the Corona Protoss, do you want to use the Sun God Mirror to prevent me from shooting?"

Chu Feng thought for a while, and he understood the plan of the Corona Protoss.

If the Coronary Protoss had the ability to regain the Sun God Mirror, they would have done so long ago. The reason for not doing so is of course because their own strength is suppressing it.

Even when the sun **** mirror was hanging high at the gate of the city of dawn, it was supervised by Chu Feng.

The Coronation Protoss really sent an army to come and die.

If they can achieve their goal, the Corona Protoss is not afraid of sacrifice, but for an impossible thing, they certainly don't want to send too many people to die.

Moreover, sending someone over would enhance Chu Feng's strength, and it would be even less worthwhile.

This is not called bravery, this is called stupidity.

However, this does not mean that the Corona Protoss really gave up.

On the contrary, the Coronation Protoss has never given up taking back the holy objects.

"If I leave Yuanfu, then the Corona Protoss can cause chaos in my small world for a certain price, so unless I add more seals to the mirror of the sun god, I will risk the small world to be disturbed. The danger is turned upside down, and even if the seal is applied, a lot of time will be wasted according to the seal technique skills I have shown in the past."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng sneered.

"Exposing such a hidden danger as the Sun God Mirror, is it just in exchange for me not to make a move? The Corona Protoss is really naive, so good, what if I don't make a move?"

After understanding this, Chu Feng really didn't make a move.

The action of the Corona Protoss means that they will definitely make arrangements in Antarctica, and even have sent troops to attack the sea. After all, the border of China is suppressed by a super formation.

Corona Protoss is not impossible to crack, but it takes too much and time-consuming.

If they are going to invade China, there is no need to stun them.

And Chu Feng’s current strength is no longer what it used to be, and with time abilities and years of supernatural powers, his understanding has also been greatly improved, plus time to accelerate auxiliary cultivation, he can spend more time In terms of studying the absurdity.

Chu Feng had already had a lot of plans for the field's fascination. It was only for the pursuit of perfection that he did not become a true holy rank. Of course, his field was unprecedented.

Bound Shensuo, as Chu Feng's early fascination, has certainly improved.

After sealing the Mirror of the Sun God, there is no time to go to the battlefield.

But, for Chu Feng, what if he didn't make a move this time?

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