Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1321: Spread fear

After the crossbowmen and the school swordsmen joined the battlefield, this protoss soldier had no room for a comeback.

"What kind of force is this?"

"Is the human race so terrible?"

"Impossible, why are there so many powerful humans?"

These school swordsmen with reflective black swords didn't look so powerful at first, with an average level of 6 and a very small number of captains were level 7 masters.

With such a lineup, only the equipment looks more bluffing.

But when the two sides really fought, the faces of these Protoss soldiers changed.

Each of these swordsmen has a very terrifying combat awareness. The black swords in their hands can split most of the weapons and armors, and most of the human and **** races are simply vulnerable to them.

Even more frightening is that their combat consciousness is definitely not Tier 6.

If there are powerful protoss masters who block the swords in their hands with weapons in their hands, then there will definitely be a companion of this soldier who will come over to make up for this protoss master.

Able to hack the enemy to death with one blow, absolutely will not use the second blow

Being able to cut the opponent's vitals is definitely not just content with serious injuries.

If they can easily interrupt the opponent's attack when hitting the opponent, then they will not easily let themselves be hurt.

Similarly, when they cooperate with each other to achieve outstanding results, these people will not fight individually.

Whether it is a single combat awareness or the degree of tacit understanding of the team, all have reached a peak, and everyone seems to have experienced battles. It is a peerless master who has been killed in thousands of battles and in countless life and death struggles.

Even though their level is somewhat weak, the strange power of these weapons makes up for these shortcomings.

In less than 5 minutes, more than 5000 Protoss had died in their hands, but the number of casualties of these terrifying swordsmen was less than 30.

At this point, the number of Protoss soldiers participating in the sneak attack was less than 20,000.

The masters of the Protoss saw this scene, and their hearts were full of chills.



You know that in this sneak attack, it is no longer possible to continue to expand the results.

As a result, more than 5,000 Protoss soldiers desperately stopped the soldiers of Huaxia, and the remaining Protoss soldiers covered the powers of the Protoss to leave, avoiding the loss of the top powers as much as possible.

If the top powerhouse falls, then these soldiers will all be put to death.

Even if they all died in battle, the treatment of their families is just normal compensation.

But those strong of the Protoss go back alive, so in addition to the normal care, the strong who survived because of their cover must also take care of their families. If this is not possible, then the entire Corona Protoss There is no place for them.

It is precisely because of this combat system that the Protoss can hang the demons to fight in a legion battle of the same scale.

The strongest elite of the sneak attack squad has been wiped out. If even the commanders at all levels cannot go back alive, then their sneak attack will be meaningless.

Now, they can at least bring the information back.

The soldiers of Huaxia were about to chase, but the horn of truce sounded.

"Captain Xu, don't you keep all those masters?"

The masters of the reconnaissance camp, after beheading some protoss masters by taking advantage of the chaos, said unwillingly, "Those escaping protoss, but there are many high status."

"Don't chase the poor."

Xu Shaoguang shook his head and directly rejected the suggestion to investigate, "If all the protoss troops are annihilated, then there will be no protoss, and the fear will be brought back. We have to take a long view."

Of course, the information here cannot be completely covered up.

Even if all these protoss were killed, the information could be transmitted back before the fall, but the protoss that did not return alive always conveyed more truth.

However, true intelligence may not have a positive effect.

Just now, he saw strong fear in the eyes of those escaping Protoss, this is the reason why he ordered to stop the pursuit.

If the other party sees only the information on paper, they will treat the school swordsman as a special elite, but after these soldiers return, they will not easily erase the fear in their hearts.

When these soldiers fight the school swordsman again, their fear will be transmitted to the Protoss around them.

This is the deadliest thing on the battlefield.

It's just a group of protoss. Unexpectedly, there are only tens of thousands of protoss, but after wars continue, it will be able to leave an indelible mark in the heart of the protoss.

In the old age, more than 2,000 years ago, China was beaten badly by the nomads in the north. Each nomad’s cavalry was able to beat 5 Chinese, but after a certain land king inquired about those nomads, every Chinese was Five nomads can be beaten, and in the next 300 years, the backbone of the nomads has not been able to connect.

This is momentum and influence.

Even at the beginning of China's new era, that war has left an indelible mark on the hearts of more than a dozen countries, preventing them from provoke China for decades.

This is fear and momentum.

Although Xu Shaoguang values ​​merits, he understands that as a reconnaissance battalion that Chu Feng valued, he can't just focus on the interest in front of him, he needs to look at the long-term perspective.

This is the best result of the reconnaissance battalion after a day of discussion.

After this attack was over, the soldiers of the City of Dawn began to count the losses.

There were more than 5,500 casualties for ordinary soldiers, more than 600 casualties for logistic soldiers, and 32 deaths for school swordsmen. However, school swordsmen have enough reserves and those reserves are also numbered. It only takes two hours to refill the organization .

"Bury the nameplates and ashes on them together, leave the daggers to their family members, and leave them to their comrades who don't have family members, but all the equipment on their bodies must be recycled and handed over to the next batch of replacement personnel.

Xu Shaoguang gave the order.

Originally, the City of Dawn had buried their name-engraved equipment and ashes together, but as a result, tomb robberies frequently occurred because their equipment was too expensive.

Under repeated prohibitions, the regulations had to be revised.

The school swordsmen silently collected the swords from their comrades. A school swordsman suddenly shouted: "Our brother is not dead. I can feel that their will is still on this knife. This knife is His avatar."

His loud shout drew the eyes of countless soldiers.

It is quite normal to refuse to accept the death of a companion.

Xu Shaoguang walked up to the soldier and said solemnly: "Yes, his life is gone, but his will has not been wiped out. This knife will pass on his fighting will, and its successor will Continue to fight with the combat awareness of your comrades-in-arms and open up tomorrow for us and our homeland."

"Fight for tomorrow!"

"Fight for tomorrow!!"

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