Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1322: Permafrost

Merely using profit to entice others to fight for oneself is far from enough for a legion.

Those who fight for profit will continue to break through their bottom line for profit, such as ignoring the formation in order to grab the head on the battlefield, and using their partners to block the sword in order to survive.

Therefore, the City of Dawn must give them a grand goal.

That is home.

The original homes of the past have been shattered, but today's homes were built on the ruins of the old era. The belief of the Chinese people to guard their homes is the strongest among all ethnic groups.

Therefore, "Fight for Homeland" has become the slogan of the City of Dawn.

It is the same whether you are for your own little home or to protect everyone in all the little homes.

Chu Feng also promised: As long as I am in one day, I will not let the matter of abandoning my family for everyone happen. There is sacrifice in the City of Dawn, but there is no giving up.

Therefore, Xu Shaoguang also expressed his understanding of what this soldier said.

Those with dying powers can also entrust half of their power to the people who trust each other the most. The military does the best in this regard. Therefore, there are not a few powers who inherit the beliefs of others and survive.

When the reserve came, the soldier who refused to believe in the death of his companion gave his own life and death brother's war knife to the soldier who had been programmed into the school knife under the order.

When the new team member took over the saber, a breath suddenly erupted from the saber. ,

The new calibrator's eyes gradually changed.

The soldier who handed the saber to the newcomer also changed his eyes.

The two looked at each other, and they had a strange feeling of understanding. The soldier who had passed away felt his comrade-in-arms resurrected from the recruit on the opposite side.

Take a closer look. Apart from the look of the opponent, they are also completely different from his teammates.

However, just that little likeness is enough.

Seeing the smooth transfer of these swords, Xu Shaoguang sighed in relief, but seeing the new organization integrate into the collective too smoothly, he always felt that something was wrong.

This should be a good thing, he thought.

After the handover was completed, Xu Shaoguang began to convey the next order.

"Since the enemies of Antarctica already know our plans and are ready to attack in advance, then we can only launch an attack in advance. The beginning of our attack in Antarctica at the forward camp is the prelude to our general attack."

As his orders were given, the line of defense of the Dawn Army began to shrink.

The territorial waters that had just been hit have also been temporarily abandoned.

Even in the South Pacific, the line of defense began to shrink.

Under the education of the China New Era, the Chinese soldiers, even the Dawn Corps, would not care about the gains or losses of one city or one place. As long as the enemy is beaten down, how much territory can be recovered, not to mention this sea area. ?

After two days of rest and the new army, the 300,000 regular army and 300,000 logistics army in the City of Dawn arrived in Antarctica with more than 20,000 dragon turtles and some modified warships.

This is the place called the permafrost, the last forbidden zone of mankind.

In the old age, mankind has never given up on such exploration.

In the transcendental age, human beings have the power to explore here, but there is no opportunity to explore.

Today, the City of Dawn launched an attack on this place.

5000 soldiers with long guns stepped into this land neatly at a distance of 12 meters. The distance of 12 meters is the best distance for mutual cooperation without affecting each other.

Due to the characteristics of vitality, the half-meter-long flat tip of the spear can also serve the purpose of fighting.

After setting foot on the permafrost, 5,000 forwards began to march forward.

Behind the short mountain in the distance, 30,000 protoss soldiers were suddenly killed. These protoss soldiers came from three different races, but none of them carried the symbol of the crowned protoss.


Ruan Jianan is in charge of the command. Since it is the battle of the forward battalion, there is no need for so many bells and whistles. Kill directly and it is over. The task of the forward battalion is to open the situation on the battlefield.

The 5000 soldiers of the forward battalion who received the order, armed with long spears, silently launched the charge.

In the elite battlefield, those long-range bows and crossbows are eliminated, unless it is a special purpose crossbow like the God of God Crossbow, but the God of God Crossbow itself has limitations.

If it weren't for Chu Feng's research on the Demon Clan, the Demon Crossbow would only be a training item.

With close combat, the battlefield situation has entered a white-hot stage from the beginning.

Flesh and blood flew across, and a large number of Protoss soldiers fell.

However, when the protoss soldiers met with each other and the protoss soldiers suffered heavy casualties, incandescent flames suddenly ignited on these protoss soldiers, making their breath more fierce and fierce.

The weapons in their hands also showed a terrifying edge.

The sudden change caused some setbacks to the forward battalion. Some of the forward soldiers who were caught off guard were ripped apart by these special tough weapons. Their bodies were able to defend against the 7th-tier powerhouse's fine armor, and they were extremely flexible. The inner armor that was able to spread the damage evenly to a large piece of nearby body, in front of these special weapons, was torn apart like cloth.

Those burning flames invaded the soldiers' bodies along the wounds, burning their bodies, and the flesh and blood of the bodies were attacked by the power of this flame.

Even with the most sophisticated weapons, their bodies are still too fragile.

When these Protoss soldiers were not afraid of life and death and exchange their lives with them, the role of the Gods was greatly reduced.

But that's it.

The more than 100 soldiers in the front battalion, even though their bodies have been torn apart, their fighting will has not been wiped out.

A soldier whose half of his body had been destroyed exhausted his last strength and threw the spear in his hand forward, piercing the bodies of 5 Protoss soldiers.

A soldier whose head was chopped off swept the spear in front of him. The bodies of three protoss soldiers were cut open. The soldier who said he lost his head walked two steps forward before he fell on the snow. .

One soldier after another turned into a combat machine without pain.

No, where is this machine?

If the machine loses its core, it will stop running immediately.

Only a miracle that transcends life can enable these soldiers, even in the face of death, to transcend common sense and bring out their last strength.

The resistance made by more than 100 soldiers with their lives bought time for the forward battalion in the back row to react.

The forward battalion in the back row launched a charge, the spear and the short knife were connected, and countless short knives were turned into two halves.

These special weapons are no longer useful.

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