Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1323: Landing battle


Ruan Jian'an, who commanded this local war, was already shocked by these weapons.

When Chu Feng gave them all the military power, they were constantly familiar with each other's strengths. The forward battalions were all elites eager to achieve the ultimate in combat exploits, and it could be said that even the reserves were desperate lunatics.

Similarly, they also have very outstanding combat capabilities and sophisticated equipment.

But this does not mean that their combat awareness can reach this level.

Elite legions are two different things from individual strength.

Compared with the time when they were training, these people are like a group of people, each of them is like a warrior who has experienced many battles, and there will be no mistakes when fighting.

After experiencing damage without intelligence, these protoss weapons were never made to work.

Under the short-handed combat, a large number of battle knives were either cut off or blocked, or there was no time to injure people at all, and the user himself had been beheaded.

In this combat mode, the effect of the Protoss ambush is greatly reduced.

"General, it's time for us!"

The nearby officer said to Ruan Jian'an anxiously.

Ruan Jian'an looked at the forward battalions that were fighting intently, and firmly refused: "Wait a second, wait for the forward battalion to open up, you will first rectify the military."

When you are on the battlefield, you can no longer treat human lives as human lives.

The lives of soldiers will be treated as treasured resources.

The forward battalion has shown great strength, and their battle damage ratio can be said to be the lowest. If the rear army assists in the battle, it may reduce the loss of the forward battalion and end the battle faster, but the total number of casualties will be very large. .

It is better to put the loss on the forward camp.

Such a decision sounds cruel to the forward battalion, but as a general, when it is critical, he must put his personal feelings behind and use the coldest-blooded thinking to calculate the least casualties.

The battle between the forward camp and the ambush of the Protoss soon came to an end.

Only 12 minutes later, the corpses of more than 20,000 Protoss fell to the ground, and the remaining Protoss powerhouses covered a few high-level Protoss and turned and fled. Qianfengying just wanted to chase and kill, but was ordered to rest on the spot.

Now is not the time to talk about it, it is impossible for the Protoss to count on these 30,000 ambushes to solve the Dawn Legion.

Sure enough, shortly after these legions withdrew, there were more than 500,000 protoss legions in the distance, killing them from all directions.

In this war, the two sides may not know each other's strength very well, but they will definitely not conduct those boring trials, because this is a war that determines whether the Protoss can shed the last foothold on the earth.

"Forward battalion, start the charge ten minutes later, the reserve is ready to take over, the rest line up."

Ruan Jian'an gave the order indifferently.

Landing wars have always been the war with the most casualties.

The soldiers of the Dawn Legion are in order, but it still takes a certain amount of time to prepare all combat units for battle, and it takes longer to prepare them for battle.

But the Protoss obviously didn't want to give them such an opportunity.

Ruan Jian'an didn't expect to be able to make all the preparations, he just hoped that with the least sacrifice, he could buy more time for the main army and make them more fully prepared.

This smallest sacrifice is naturally the most elite forward battalion.

Ask why they are being persecuted, because they are strikers.

Xu Shaoguang took the school swordsman and landed before the main army landed, and then lined up in just 30 seconds to prepare for the battle. This surprised Ruan Jian'an.

He hadn't seen the battle of the school swordsman, naturally he didn't know that the Dawn Army had such an elite.

"They are the same?"

Ruan Jianan's eyes fell on the reflective black sabers and asked Xu Shaoguang.

Xu Shaoguang nodded: "Well, they are very strong."

Ruan Jian'an nodded and understood.

The third batch of landings are crossbowmen. In the extraordinary era, the air force is definitely the most dangerous profession and the lowest cost-effective profession. There are never as many flying methods as possible.

But this does not mean that you don't need to be prepared.

In fact, the Air Force is weak because it targets too many methods.

But if you don't have the means to target the Air Force, it will definitely be a nightmare that makes you reluctant to wake up.

Therefore, these crossbowmen, who were greatly discounted in the extraordinary era, will be used as backups.

Behind is the main force with spears and sabers.

However, when these crossbowmen landed, the opposite Protoss Legion was approaching, with 50,000 Protoss Legion as the main force, and 20,000 Protoss cavalry on the left and right sides respectively, killing them from both sides.

On this plane, the status of the cavalry is far from that of the Cold Weapons Age.

Their more role is to exist as a support and mobile force, reducing the physical consumption of the army when speed and marching, this is the most important role of the cavalry.

Only the seven temples of the God Realm can truly regard the cavalry as a combat unit.

However, when the cavalry really formed enough combat effectiveness, it was also very terrifying. This was the reason why Chu Feng increased his investment in the Knights of Hell again and again.

"Can you stop it?"

Ruan Jianan asked Xu Shaoguang.

Xu Shaoguang took a deep breath and said, "No problem."

Ruan Jian'an asked, of course, the combat effectiveness of the school swordsman.

If it were in the past, he would have been very proud to see such an elite division appear, but now, he only feels that this army is really outrageous.

If there are only 10,000 of them, there will be nothing, which should be considered a good thing.

If there are too many, it is a disaster.

The reason why they have such worries is because they have never seen Chu Feng's full strength, and they don't know whether Chu Feng can manufacture tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of such weapons.

Even if Chu Feng equipped everyone in the world with one, they would not be surprised.

"That's good, striker battalion, fight."

Ruan Jian'an gave an order, and the Qianfengying battalion sent out and killed 10 times the number of the Protoss army.

These elite strikers of the Protoss are all 7-rank masters, occupying one-fifth of the 50,000 legions, and there are a large number of 8th-rank masters behind them, and even the 9th-tier strong players.

Immediately afterwards, 20,000 cavalry on the left and right sides began to attack.

Once these cavalry complete the cover-up, no matter how elite the forward battalion can stand.

However, the forward battalion is still fearless.

Short-handedly joined forces, flesh and blood flew, vitality exploded, countless figures fell.

The forward battalion closed, like a sharp knife, directly pierced into the abdomen of the Protoss Legion, as an infantryman, directly tore the Protoss Legion apart.

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