Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1324: forward

When the protoss fighting legion was torn apart by the forward battalion, the protoss behind was shocked.

"Are these human beings monsters?"

Of course, they would not doubt the elite combat ability of the Protoss, but the elite they were proud of, in front of this army that was less than one-tenth of them, was torn apart by just a face.

"Close, kill! Be sure to leave this elite of China!"

The Protoss commander in charge of the rear shouted loudly, "At all costs, let this Chinese troop stay here forever, otherwise we will have no chance of winning. Light Guard, give it to me, even if it’s dead. This troop group will also be destroyed."


The 5000 Protoss soldiers wearing the white armor of Phnom Penh led the way, and without hesitation, they killed the army of China.

The Light Guard of the Corona Protoss, at the core of the Sun Legion, is also one of the most elite troops.

The commander in command gave such an order, which means that the threat of the opponent is above them.

However, they did not waver because of this, and wanted to prove their value above the threat of the other side. The only way was to use the war knife in their hands to destroy the army that was deemed dangerous by the commander.

After the forward battalion tore apart the enemy's army, along this rift, it directly smashed the middle army of the Protoss.

The Protoss on both sides were shocked by these lunatics at first.

Earthlings, aren’t ants who have just risen a few years ago?

Having grown to this point in just 5 years, what kind of monster is this race? How did the monsters of this race gather in a legion?

The formation was torn apart, and these protoss warriors suffered heavy losses.

However, they reacted quickly.

To tear open the strong formation with the weak, this is looking for death.

It was also the most dangerous moment before the opponent completed the interleaving, because they were caught in the flanking attack on both sides, even if the army was torn apart, they were still strong men with not weak combat effectiveness.

These Chinese elites cannot be allowed to grow up.

This corps, as long as commanders with some vision, such thoughts emerge in their hearts.

These commanders exchanged glances with each other, and then simultaneously waved the formation flag.


The Protoss soldiers on both sides began to pincer the fighters in the middle, but they were horrified to find that the combat consciousness of this legion was too terrifying, and each of their moves and styles was approaching the extreme, the extreme cruel.

It seems that there is no need to think at all, and you can instantly find the way to hurt the enemy the most.

Every group that will be able to live will give birth to individuals with a strong sense of combat.

However, no one wants to gather these geniuses together.

What is even more frightening is that these people with super-strong combat consciousness even know how to cooperate with each other.

The Yuanli Cultivation System is different from the Bloodline Cultivation System. Even if there is a difference of one or even two large positions, if the Yuanli Body Guard is not used in advance, there is a possibility that the opponent will break the defense.

Coupled with the sharpness of these terrifying weapons, their combat effectiveness is not inferior to the 7th-order powerhouse.

It's even worse.

After all, the Corona Protoss is now at war with the Demon Realm, and what is sent to the earth is the accumulation of the past. In their calculations, so many troops are enough to sweep the earth and scavenging all the resources on the earth.

Although many elites were dispatched later, after all, it was impossible to regard the earth as the most important enemy.

The two armies fought, and the number of casualties on both sides continued to increase.

And the casualties of the Protoss were even more than these humans.

"Why don't these humans fall?"

During the battle, the protoss soldiers felt a chill inexplicably when they saw the eyes of the humans who were fighting against them, but then, these chills turned into anger.

They are Protoss!

They are the crowned gods, the royals of the gods!

The glory of their royal family was not given by themselves, but was laid out with countless lives and the bones of the enemy. They are the nightmare of the enemy, and they are the masters of the gods.

The glory of the Protoss and the royal family supported them to continue fighting.

And the soldiers of the forward battalion also felt the battle spirit boiling.

The earth is their home.

Their past homes have been destroyed. Today's homes were built on the rubble of the past, but these invaders still want to destroy their hard-won homes!

They don't know if their homes are destroyed again, whether there is still a chance to rebuild them.

But they understand that only fighting is the only way out.

Fight with these invaders, bet everything to fight.

Winning is their only choice.

The soldiers of the forward battalion continued to reduce their personnel. One soldier after another fell. The spears in their hands fell, but the boiling fighting spirit did not abate.

These spears are waiting for the next person to pick up.

They are waiting for the opportunity to fight again.

More and more soldiers from the forward battalion are falling, and now they continue to support them in the fight. They know that the more they kill now, the greater the chance of winning this war.

Even if it is death, at least it is necessary to drag as many others into the water as possible before dying.

The cavalry who supported from both sides were a little dumbfounded, because the soldiers of the forward battalion had already entered their formation. With the cover of the Protoss Legion, they no longer had the opportunity to cover up and kill from the sides or the rear.

At this moment, a group of soldiers with black sabers rushed over.


When there were fewer than 3,000 soldiers left in the forward battalion, their eyes had turned red, and a strong killing intent filled their minds, and even filled their bodies.

Breaking into the enemy formation is the best way for them to avoid being charged by the cavalry.

However, this also leaves them no retreat.

Seeing that the comrades around me died one by one, their desire for strength had already infested their will.

The spears in their hands gradually filled with blood-colored power, which resonated with these soldiers, and they suddenly felt that their power seemed to have changed.

A soldier stabbed his spear at a Tier 9 Protoss general.

This powerful Protoss general has already beheaded several masters in the forward camp, and the forward camp also tried to kill the general, but they were all blocked by the opponent's guards.

The long spear in his hand pierced out, and at this moment he had a strange feeling that no one could block his shot.

A protoss master holding a shield stood in front of him, and the sharp spear light directly penetrated the body of the protoss master, and split his body into pieces. The remaining spear light stabbed unabatedly. Into the body of the Protoss general.

The Protoss general didn't expect the opponent's attack to be so fierce that it was directly penetrated through the body.

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