Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1326: Swordsman

For these proud Protoss, ignoring them can arouse their anger more than being despised.

Only the incompetent will be ignored.


The generals also knew that they could not suppress the anger of the soldiers at this time, so they directly issued the order to charge, and launched a charge towards the soldiers from behind.

When they were about to approach the school swordsman, the thousand school swordsman suddenly turned around.

Their bodies tumbled and came under the horse's hooves.

The black swords in their hands were able to unfold all obstacles for them, so all the cavalry who charged in the platoon turned on their backs, and the school swordsmen stood up with the fastest speed to make up for the fallen Protoss.

With the break of these 1,000 soldiers, the remaining soldiers were relieved to intercept the Protoss reinforcements.

Even if some Protoss cavalry slips through the net, as long as the number is not a threat, they can completely ignore it.

The calibrators after the break did not have any extra words, and their tacit understanding with each other reached a high level, so that they did not need too much words between each other.

You don't even need eye contact, it's all superfluous.

It's just that their eyes are full of firmness.

Even if you pay your life, you must intercept the cavalry behind as much as possible.

The 4000 school swordsmen, under the cover of their teammates, passed directly by the forward battalion challenging their opponents. After beheading some enemies, they came between them and the reinforcements.


The eyes of the cavalry of the Protoss are full of anger, and with their mobility, it is true that most of the cavalry can directly bypass these 1,000 ordinary humans.

But the consequence of this is that when they went to hunt down the main force of the school swordsman, their backs were exposed to these terrifying fighters.

So these soldiers must die.

The Knights of the Protoss launched a charge against these swordsmen from three different directions.

The swordsmen intercepted head-on, and used superb combat skills with the help of the cavalry charge to slash these cavalry off their horses. However, after these cavalry fell, the cavalry on both sides killed them from the side of the swordsmen and let them head. The tail couldn't take care of it. At the same time, the cavalry in the back row stepped on the fallen cavalry corpse and attacked from the front.

This is a lineup for the strong. With the help of the powerful mobility of the cavalry, even if it is dead, it must do as much damage to the enemy as possible before dying.

Even if it falls here, it will die simply and neatly.

After he died, he could also make room for the back row to attack.

Under such a continuous offensive, these school swordsmen also suffered casualties. As the cavalry became more and more courageous, the number of school swordsmen's casualties continued to increase.

The 4000 school swordsman who left here stopped in front of the Light Guard.

The 4000 school swordsmen and 5000 light guards fought in front of each other, and the number of casualties continued to soar.

This is a tragic fight.

The sword in the hands of the school swordsman was the original magic weapon that Chu Feng prepared for them.

However, the weapons in the hands of the Guangming Guards are also weapons close to the holy ranks. Even the strong holy ranks cannot destroy them for a while. Under the confrontation between the two, the school swordsman has always relied on the weapon advantage and disappeared. Without a trace.

By this, the Protoss took advantage of the rank.

These light guards are all Tier 8 bases, and the captains of the 15-man level are Tier 9 powerhouses. With similar numbers, the school swordsman suffered tragic casualties.

A school swordsman chopped the war knife in his hand on the light guard's body, leaving a crack in the battle armor of the opponent, but the protoss soldier backhanded the enemy in front of him.

The four school swordsmen seized the opportunity, and four sharp swords swept across the body of the Protoss master.

However, other Light Guard's attacks also fell on these school swordsmen.

A school swordsman needs a few people to kill a light guard, but the Light Guard only needs one move to severely inflict or even kill the school swordsman. With this gap, the proportion of casualties continues to increase.

After a fight, less than half of the school swordsmen remained.

At this time, a group of soldiers with long guns came behind them.

Seeing these soldiers, the eyes of the Light Guards were full of shock.

"how can that be!"

These pikemen who appeared were the forward battalion.

During the short confrontation just now, the Qianfeng Battalion had already solved its opponents, with 50,000 elite protoss, and only less than 4,000 cores of protoss fled, and the remaining protoss was almost wiped out.

Under such a gap, the forward battalion can be said to be a complete victory.

The striker battalion that solved their opponents immediately began to face the elite of these protoss.

They have gained new strength and have enough confidence.

As a result, they passed by the school swordsman and pierced the bodies of one light guard after another with the spear in their hands, stabilizing the situation that was about to collapse.

The school swordsmen looked at these forward battalions, which were very different from before, and a strange feeling arose.

They only felt that from these forward battalions, a kind of wonderful power infected themselves, making the weapons and vitality in their hands resonate with them.

"Since it's here, go to die!"

When the Light Guard saw the appearance of the forward battalion, it was not afraid. Even in the highest plane, only the enemy was afraid of them, but they were not afraid of the enemy.

However, when they faced these forward battalions, they understood what kind of enemy their teammates were facing.

The long spears in the hands of these forward battalions are simply unfavorable. Whether it is piercing, sweeping, or slashing, nothing can be reached at all.

Even if they can block their long spears, they cannot block those spear lights.

With the addition of these forward battalions, the battle was in a stalemate.

When the Light Guard was in a bitter battle, some swordsmen with black sabers suddenly shuttled through the gaps of these widely spaced pikemen and came to them.

These Light Guards chose to ignore these swordsmen.

However, their ignorance is not because they are underestimating, but because they understand that these striker battalion masters with long guns are the strong men who can truly threaten their lives.

Once they get a little distracted, they lose their lives.

And these swordsmen, even if they cut a few times, they still have a chance to survive.

However, they soon discovered that they were wrong.

The black swords in the hands of these swordsmen suddenly seemed to have been replaced, and they easily tore their bodyguard vitality. Sometimes even if their armor had not been breached, the sword aura had penetrated theirs. The battle armor broke into their bodies.

"Why, these swordsmen have become so strong?"

Unprepared, the beheaded Light Guards were full of unwillingness.

The opponents who were clearly beaten by them just now can threaten their lives. It's outrageous!

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