Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1327: Cavalry

"how can that be!"

Seeing that the Light Guard, which they regarded as the elite, was as good as the human elite, and even with the cooperation of the two arms, the Light Guard’s casualties were even higher than those of the humans, and the commanders of the Protoss were shocked. They couldn't believe what they saw with their eyes.

They responded quickly.

"The whole army is pressing! Launch a general offensive! The Sun Legion, go and save the Light Guard."

The commander of the Corona Protoss gave a loud order, and the Protoss blew the horn of charge.

Hundreds of thousands of Protoss powerhouses killed in the direction of the enemy.

Launching a general offensive at this time is obviously not the best time to make oneself passive, and sending an elite Sun Legion to rescue the Light Guard is not the wisest way.

But they know that they can't just consider the outcome of a war.

Light Guard, that is the personal guard of the Holy Light God Emperor.

Let the guards of the Holy Light Divine Emperor suffer here, even if they can win this battle, they will be severely punished after returning, and the more the Light Guard survives, the lighter their sins will be.

The Light Guard has killed enough human elites, and has given enough credit.

If the damage is here now, those credits need not be said, the shame of the Light Guard's complete destruction can cover up all credits.

When the hundreds of thousands of legions started to move, a group of knights wearing blue armor and crimson sabers in their hands suddenly appeared on the distant sea.

"Hell Knights!"

The commanders of these Protoss suddenly had a bad premonition.

The reputation of the Hell Knights has reached the highest plane.

The lions also need to fight with the rabbits. Of course, they will not fail to collect information on such a terrorist cavalry.

In the past, the Hell Knights they learned were the trump card of the City of Dawn and the most powerful elite among the human legions, but in their view, that was the case.

Such cavalry regiments can also occupy a place in the highest planes, but the number is a bit small.

For those ordinary small races, the Hell Knights are already strong enough to defeat most of the elite troops of most races without the power of the holy ranks. The second is the extreme mobility that is stronger than that of the Protoss. The Knights of the Pegasus are even faster, but unfortunately the number is too scarce to pose a big threat.

In front of the Light Guard, it was even more vulnerable.

But today, they can no longer think so.

The 10,000 human soldiers who were killed in the air have washed away their impression of human soldiers, and they no longer think that human soldiers are just weak representatives.

The 5,000 human infantry armed with long spears and 5,000 armed sabers are even comparable to the Bright Guard.

So what kind of power does the Hell Knights, which is regarded as the trump card of the City of Dawn, have?

Will there be some hidden means?

But the main force has already set off, and now even if the order is changed, it is too late. On a battlefield of this scale, their orders cannot be conveyed to every soldier's ears.

Then it can only depend on the flexibility of the commanders.

However, before the command at all levels changed orders, the cavalry of the Hell Knights had already stepped across the sea and came to this continent, attacking the school swordsmen who were under siege.

The crimson saber, with the help of the cavalry charge, passed the protoss cavalry side.

More than 1,000 protoss cavalrymen and horses were cut in half on the spot, and then another team of the Hell Knights was weakened from the periphery of these protoss cavalry.

The two charged down, and about 3,000 Protoss soldiers were killed on the spot.

With this, a brawny man holding a giant axe, with more than 20 elite of the Hell Knights, directly charged at the center of the Knights, and the giant axe in his hand seemed to be able to split the mountains.

The giant axe fell, and two or three hundred protoss soldiers turned their backs.

A gap was opened by the giant axe, and more than 20 elite cavalrymen armed with Chiyan sabers pierced the formation of the Protoss cavalry with lightning speed, and slew out from the other side.

After cutting through once, the elite of these cavalry turned their horses to prepare for the second penetration.

The protoss cavalry were all covered.

Where did the knights come from? Why is there such a strong strength?

It has always been the only thing that they pierce the formation of others in war. How could it happen that their formation was pierced? But before they could react, the cavalry in the dark blue armor charged them again.

Wei Pojun did the same, changing the direction and smashing through the formation again.

The soldiers of the Knights on both sides directly smashed in through the gap between the two formations, dividing the cavalry of the Protoss, and some of the elite of the Knights, once again pierced and divided.

When this step was carried out 5 times, the Protoss Knight Order was in chaos.

It was clear that they were the one with the advantage in numbers, but after being divided into pieces, no matter where they looked, they found cavalry in that direction, giving them a feeling of being scattered and surrounded.

The school swordsmen who were caught in the hard fight did not let go of such an opportunity.

The school swordsmen who were once played by these knights relying on their speed, and then charged repeatedly, had already accumulated a lot of anger in their hearts, and only waited for a chance to vent.

Now, this opportunity has come.

The school swordsmen waved the black sabers in their hands and kept harvesting the lives of these cavalrymen.

During the exercise, they had cooperated with the Hell Knights more than once, and now they were all familiar with each other, and in a blink of an eye they eliminated the remaining cavalry.

After killing the remaining cavalry, Wei Pojun raised his great axe and shouted:


The Knights of Hell are no longer what they were at the beginning. They need to rely on the power of slogans to improve and gather morale. They have enough courage and faith.

As a result, these blue-armored knights riding on black horses, brandishing red sword auras, launched a charge against the elite legions of the Protoss that were countless times larger than themselves.

With a swift speed, it directly penetrated the formation of the Protoss legion that ran in the front, and then killed it from another one.

Then, dozens of powerful men riding black horses joined the battlefield.

"There, it should be the Light Guard in the record!"

As soon as Han Yunxiao set foot on the battlefield, he targeted the Light Guards who were fighting with the forward camp and the school knife.

"Kill them all."

Han Yunxiao gave an order, and the elites of the reconnaissance camp rushed in the direction of the light guard.

The Light Guard, who was caught in a bitter battle, was already on guard against these cavalry when the Hell Knights first appeared, but these cavalry seemed to ignore them directly and directly attacked the army.

Before they could relax, they saw the strong from the reconnaissance camp arrive.

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