Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1328: Undead cavalry

The scarlet long sword in Han Yunxiao's hand cut out a devastating sword aura, and several Guangming was blocked by a horizontal sword, but the sword aura directly penetrated the body.

At the same time, the reconnaissance battalion directly rushed into the formation of the Light Guard.

All the members of the reconnaissance battalion are elite, and they have the best equipment, and they also have the life-saving element that Chu Feng gave them, so they are not afraid of losing their lives on the chaotic battlefield.

Unless they encounter a strong holy rank, otherwise they will only fall in deep encirclement, being repeatedly consumed by the power of the protective element, and consuming the hole cards Chu Feng gave them.

As for these Light Guards?

If they were to single out the Light Guard, that would be a bit tricky.

However, the Light Guard also has forward battalions and school swordsmen as opponents!

The reconnaissance battalion easily defeated the Light Guard and took more than 200 lives.

The number of enemies they killed was not large, but the entire formation was pierced through, which gave the forward battalion and the school knife a chance. They quickly slayed all the enemies close to them with the reconnaissance battalion as the boundary.

Not many Light Guards were directly beheaded by the reconnaissance battalion, but the losses caused by this amounted to more than a thousand people.

The number of this pair was originally small, and the Bright Guard, who had been hit hard in the fierce fighting before, was another fatal blow, causing them to encounter unprecedented setbacks.

The number of the remaining Light Guards is only over 1,000, which is less than 1,500.


Seeing such a weird soldier coming out, the strongmen of the Bright Guard were unwilling to give the order to retreat, and 1/3 of the Bright Guards automatically took the back and desperately blocked the forward camp.

More than 50 captain-level light guards walked out of the queue and stared at the reconnaissance camp.

Now that they have gone, they continue to fight, and they are just making senseless sacrifices, so the few people that can be saved are just a few people. Ideally, they are the queens of ordinary soldiers. As long as the core master is still there, it will not take long. Can pull up a team again, but to deal with these terrifying enemies, there must be a master left behind.

The real elite of the Light Guard died, and there was more trouble to refill.

Now, they were forced to such a point on the earth, which has made them unacceptable.

With the help of the chaos on the battlefield, retreating to the side of a large number of legions, and then using cannon fodder to cover their own departure, this is the most reasonable decision, and also the most sensible choice.

Believe that those high-level commanders suddenly launched a general offensive at this time, just with this idea.

However, just as those Guangming Guards retreated in the direction of the Protoss Legion, more than 1,000 cavalry wearing blue armor suddenly slew out of the Protoss Legion that they used as cannon fodder.


They couldn't predict that the terrifying cavalry could easily pierce through their legion.

And the place the opponent penetrated was the legion that they used as cannon fodder cover.

Of course, this is not entirely a coincidence.

The Protoss Legion launched a general offensive. Of course, the Hell Knights chose the nearest enemy army to charge. When these elites of the Light Guard retreated, they chose the nearest cannon fodder.

"There are enemies!"

The Hell Knights, which had just penetrated a legion, suddenly saw someone blocking the way in front of them, so the instincts developed by the body allowed them to make the most correct decision.


Chu Feng cultivated the Knights of Hell and cultivated their indomitable momentum.

Even if you can't beat the enemy and prepare to escape, you must first cut a hole in the enemy's body and then escape, otherwise you can only leave the enemy behind.

The Hell Knights are the fastest on earth, not necessarily on the highest plane.

As a result, the Hell Knights, which had just completed the battle, fell into a hard fight again.

More than two hundred Light Guards who were too late to defend were directly beheaded in this way.

But the remaining Light Guard suddenly found out.

The trump card of the city of dawn seems not to be so strong.

It's not that the Hell Knights are weak, but compared to their enemies just now.

Those forward battalions and school swordsmen, although they have dropped a little in their level, but the weapons in their hands have very terrible lethality, as long as they are penetrated through the body, they will almost certainly be killed.

Moreover, their combat consciousness has completely crushed these self-proclaimed elite Light Guards.

This is what makes them most afraid of.

However, the cavalry in front of him was indeed fast, and his lethality was really strong, and his aura was also great, but he lacked the fierceness that could kill everything, and the terrifying fighting consciousness.

It's not that their fighting consciousness is too weak, it's that the shadow that those forward battalions have just brought them is too deep.

In contrast between the two, the knights in front of them seemed mediocre.

A knight group with powerful lethality and speed but no combat awareness to match it, of course the threat it brings to them is also limited. They believe that they will not lose if the numbers are similar.

The reason why they were not prepared enough just now is also because of the shadow that those forward battalions have brought to them.


The Light Guard, who was holding his stomach in flames, fought these cavalry frontally.

As long as these cavalry are defeated, the regiment that has just been pierced can also reorganize their lineup so that they can retreat calmly.

Although humans have those two powerful troops, their numbers are too scarce, and in the battle just now, that terrible human force was almost killed by them.

If the cavalry regiment is eliminated by half, then the protoss can occupy an absolute advantage in the elite legion.

In addition, the average strength of the Protoss was originally stronger than that of humans, and they would win this war.

Therefore, even though they lost more than 200 manpower by surprise, they were not afraid, and they fought fiercely with these cavalry frontally.

Those swordsmen who use black swords can use the charge of the cavalry to kill the other side in turn when facing the cavalry. They believe that they are better than those swordsmen.

Then the strength of those pikemen and swordsmen suddenly increased, and they were a little weaker than them.

Thus, an abrupt encounter began like this.

The momentum of the Hell Knights continued to move forward, and the sabers in their hands slashed at these light guards unceremoniously, but they were easily blocked by the light guards.

"Sure enough, those weird legions."

Bright Guard was confident in his heart, and his confidence in this local battle greatly increased.

So they unceremoniously used their weapons to greet the cavalry.

Relying on their rich combat experience, they easily pierced the body of one cavalryman after another with a weapon, but what greeted them was a bright red sword!

Life for life!

The Light Guard fell in batches, and the Hell Knights were still standing.

They are still fighting.

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