Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1329: First victory

"Finally withdraw it?"

Seeing the Light Guard in the distance, a part of them was dragged to hold the forward battalion and the reconnaissance battalion, and more than 1,000 fire species were left to retreat. The high-level commander of the Protoss in the rear was relieved.

If some elites can be retained, the Light Guard can be reorganized.

It's a pity that their losses are still too great. You don't need to think about their achievements in this battle. It's a blessing to be able to not accept punishment.

However, they also saw that the terrifying army of 10,000 humans is now less than 3,000 in number and is already in a half-waste state. As long as the following operations are good, there is a chance to completely eat that elite.

Even if all the hundreds of thousands of legions here are exhausted, it is enough to exhaust the human elite.

When the Light Guard retreated, he encountered the Knights of Hell head-on.

Bystanders are clear that these commanders who are observing the entire battlefield from the rear can see that the threat of these cavalry seems to be weaker than that of the forward battalion.

Only half of the cavalry encountered the Light Guard, and they were not an opponent of the Light Guard at all.

As a result, the two sides began to fight hand in hand.

They saw one after another Light Guards, relying on their superb combat experience, piercing their swords into the enemy's body, and smiles appeared on their faces after a long time.

Disabled the striker camp, and killed half of the Hell Knights, this kind of feat is at least unparalleled.

As long as the process of this battle is reported, they will not be punished.

But the next scene subverted their three views.

The combat consciousness of the Hell Knights is indeed worse than that of the Light Guard, but their speed and momentum are sufficient, and they can easily do it when they change their names with the enemy.

As a result, the Light Guards were cut one after another.

These Hell Knights easily harvested the lives of one enemy after another.

Those soldiers who pierced their weapons into the Hell Knights group had no time to pull them out, and they were pulled close and chopped off their heads.

Those Light Guards who thought they had killed their opponents and relaxed for a moment just lost their lives in a daze.

There is no suspense in the next battle.

The declining number of Light Guards had less than 800 people after the charge just now, and because they didn't understand the opponent's combat characteristics, they lost more than 300 people again.

Now, more than 1,000 Hell Knights are besieging less than half of the Light Guards.

In addition to the other half, Han Yunxiao, who had solved the opponent, also came to support with the reconnaissance battalion.

The wisdom of the Corona Protoss is like dead ashes.

They are desperate.

Light Guard, it's over.

The 5000 light guards, this is the elite that the Holy Light God Emperor personally handed over to them, and it is one of their biggest trump cards for the earth, and it is lost here.

After desperation, a commander of the Corona Protoss said in a dry tone: "At least, we have to pass the information back, and to fight this defeat."

The God Realm is definitely not a peaceful world, and they have also experienced failure.

It's just that no failure is so humiliating.

As a result, these commanders forcibly expelled the negative emotions in their minds, while giving orders to the army on the front line to make this doomed battle fail more beautifully.

At least, it can cause the most obstacles to the enemy.

Through this, they began to analyze the enemy's intelligence.

"Why, these cavalrymen are not dead? No, not only are they immortal, even if they are penetrated through the body and the heart, they have not taken their lives?"

"Could it be that these are the Ming Clan? Only the immortal Ming Clan possesses such characteristics."

"Human Chu Feng, many things are obtained from hell. We have already reported this information to the superiors, but the above told us that we don't need to be surprised, they already know."

Thinking of this, these commanders felt bitter.

Obviously, the senior officials of the Corona Protoss knew some human Chu Feng information, but the information was too important to tell them at all.

It is ironic to say that the enemy's intelligence is hidden from his own people.

However, they can only accept it.

"No, we can't simply summarize the other party's immortality characteristics as the Underworld. If there is such a possibility, then it is absolutely impossible not to tell us from the above, and we have also obtained some information on the past battles of this knight. They are indeed humans, and there have been many casualties when they attacked the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races."

"Then, there must be reasons we don't know behind this."

"Exploring the reasons behind this is not something we have to do. What we have to do is to find a means to restrain this cavalry."

"Their helmets are much harder than the armors on their bodies. The armors on their bodies look like paper in front of the Light Guard, but it is also very difficult for the strong of the Light Guard to cut off their helmets."

"Wait, that cavalry has suffered casualties, and their weakness is indeed the head."

They saw from a distance that some of the Light Guards who had been driven to a dead end had exploded with terrible fighting power before they died, and even half of the field had appeared.

The Hell Knights rushed up without fear, causing a lot of casualties.

Han Yunxiao shot in time and did not let the casualties continue to expand.

However, this short scene has already provided them with key information.

"Receive your troops!"

The entire army of the Light Guard was annihilated, laying the foundation for the defeat of the Protoss Legion.

The forward battalion and the Hell Knights became more and more courageous as they fought, and there was no enemy to resist wherever they went. The Protoss Legion was repeatedly broken up, defeated, and suffered countless casualties.

Similarly, their battles also bought precious time for the Dawn Army to rectify the army.

When the Dawn Legion joined the battlefield, what they needed to face was already a dish of scattered sand enemies, and what they had to do was to destroy the scattered sand one by one.

In the end, only about 100,000 of the 500,000 Protoss army retreated smoothly.

Those unnamed Protoss other than the Corona Protoss were almost wiped out here.

The first battle to land on the permafrost ended in the victory of Dawn City.

After sweeping the battlefield, combat information was also transmitted back to the City of Dawn at the fastest speed.

The Dawn Legion won the first battle, beheading more than 400,000 enemies, 6500 people in the ordinary legion, and no damage to the logistics legion.

The 5000 striker battalion killed 3805 people.

5000 school swordsmen, 3557 people were killed.

Knights of Hell, 37 people were killed.

The combined damage of the two strongest armies exceeded the sum of all other armies. After this battle, the forward battalion and the school swordsman won the respect of all the Dawn Legions.

They have also become elites whose reputation is no less than that of the Hell Knights.

In the eyes of the Dawn Corps, these two units are their banners.

At the end of the battle, the reserves of the forward camp and the school swordsman, beside the bodies of the dead seniors, took the two elite signs from the hands of the remaining players.

The mighty power enveloped their bodies.

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