Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1330: Side effects of the original magic weapon

"Have you joined the new group so soon?"

When everyone in the reconnaissance camp saw this scene, they didn't know whether they should be happy or worried.

It is very difficult for a true elite to supplement key personnel. Even if the reserve is used to cover the establishment, it is impossible to integrate it quickly. This requires a process.

Time, training, running-in, the quality of recruits

A series of factors restrict the supplement of elites.

However, as long as there are veterans, it is only a matter of time before the new establishment becomes an elite division.

Following the veteran, the recruit will soon become a veteran.

But this is too fast.

It's almost chilling.

Han Yunxiao frowned, he turned on his mental power detection and observed the status quo of these soldiers.

However, it was discovered that in these weapons, some if there is no aura, from some weapons to other weapons, and then affect the soldiers.

Gradually, these soldiers were enveloped in some inexplicable aura.

Those elites who have experienced the cruel battlefield and gained the powerful power are distributed to the soldiers who have just joined.

"What power is this?"

Han Yunxiao's heart was full of shock. Although those powers alone were still a little weak, they brought him a sense of danger. If those powers were combined, it could bring him a fatal blow.

However, he still said to those around him: "At least, let's finish this battle."

Everyone nodded, what he said was not wrong, at least the battle must be finished.

Although this power gave them some special feelings, no matter what the side effects of the power, as long as it is helpful to this war, they can use it without hesitation.

Power itself has no distinction between good and evil, so use it to make it right.

Chu Feng, who was in the small world, opened his eyes at this time.

He felt the changes that happened to the soldiers.

When those soldiers were in crisis and had aspirations to death, the belief in death was combined with the magical soldiers in their hands. This power even communicated his small world.

The strength of those soldiers suddenly strengthened, not their own strength.

That is the power of your own world.

Of course, Chu Feng did not intend to interrupt this connection. The small world is a precious asset. What Chu Feng is melancholy is how to tap and use the wealth and power of the small world, and how can he worry about others stealing his power?

What's more, these soldiers are fighting for him.

If this is a road to tap the power of the small world, then he doesn't mind going on this road.

It is a pity that what has just been discovered is not only the new power of the original magic weapon, but also the side effects.

The original weapon will strengthen the power of the user, and even communicate with their own small world, providing them with more shelter, but the user's life itself is also feeding back the original weapon.

In the war just now, every soldier consumed at least five years of life.

Of course, even if the soldiers knew about this, they probably wouldn't care about the five-year life span.

In the last days, who would take longevity and longevity seriously?

Except for scientific research workers.

But the loss of life span is one thing, the more important thing is to supplement their vitality.

The rapid passing of vitality will have an impact on their reaction power, intelligence, and even physical fitness and potential. If they borrow too much of the power of the original gods, they will put an end to the path of rising on their own in the future.

"Fortunately, most of the forward battalions have poor qualifications."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng also had some luck.

People with good enough qualifications will always shine unless they have a big problem with their xinxing, and they will also easily emerge in the army. Those who join the forward battalion are usually not arrogant, but use their own. Fate in exchange for merit.

If it's not for being disappointed in their qualifications, who would be willing to gamble their lives easily?

They can't rely on their qualifications to eat, so they can only use a lot of merit to exchange their own opportunities for improvement, and the forward camp can advance their merits, first improve their strength, and then repay their debts on the battlefield.

Of course, there are many people who really have the belief in defending their homes.

What Chu Feng has been doing all this time is to unify these two thoughts.

He never felt that Xiaojia and everyone had contradictory directions. If he wanted his subordinates to make the choice of giving up Xiaojia for everyone, it would be the leader's incompetence.

But anyway, to join the striker camp, you must have the belief in death.

Just like the war that just happened, the forward battalion and school swordsman held the most elite equipment of the entire army, but their casualties were the sum of the other legions.

Not to mention the five-year life span. Even if the life span of 50 years is used in exchange for surviving in this battle, it is estimated that more than half of the people are willing to change it. Those who have died will not even have the opportunity to choose.

After the striker battalion makes up, still have to top the front line.

If you want to ask why, it's because they are a forward battalion.

"War, really annoying!"

Chu Feng let out a long sigh of relief. He was able to gain the experience of those soldiers on the battlefield and experience their feelings in life and death. When the soldiers over there died, he also felt the same.

"I don't want war, but we have to defend life with death."

After uttering these words casually, Chu Feng suddenly felt that his Yuanfu small world had changed, and the power of life and death was intertwined, and even blended with each other.

If Chu Feng has realized: "Life and death are never two opposites. Because of the existence of life, there is the concept of death, and because of death, life is meaningful."

The power of life and death blended with each other, a part of the original power of the original land, using the large amount of vitality in the Yuan Palace as the carrier, descended on the magical soldiers in the hands of the forward camp and the school swordsman.

This is the power of life.

These soldiers only felt that they and the magical soldiers seemed to merge into one.

A Ruoyouruowu power filled his body.

Even the recruits who have just joined, they feel that they are invincible now.

Then, another power came silently and silently in the body of the Hell Knights.

Before the Hell Knights set off, Chu Feng had already given them an elixir. This meant that they would not die easily unless their heads were exploded. The reason why there were 37 casualties was because they had rushed too many times. And the proportion of the 9th-order powerhouses of the Protoss is too high, and there are more night walks, and you can always encounter ghosts.

Now these powers of death have descended on their undying pills, causing these undying pills to change.

Every member of the Hell Knights has a drop of blood entering the elixir.

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