Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1336: Knight in fire

Seeing this scene, Han Yunxiao's heart tensed, pain and regret filled his mind.

Why didn't I notice it earlier?

He also knew that if he wanted to make excuses for himself, he could find a lot.

The most reasonable excuse is that there are many Protoss soldiers on the wall.

When he used mental power to explore before, in addition to the traps set by the Protoss in front of the fortress, he saw that there were more than 600,000 Protoss soldiers on the fortress.

Among these 600,000 Protoss soldiers, more than 10 Protoss have more than his spiritual power.

There are more than 200 people who can discover his spiritual power.

Moreover, the Protoss army on the fortress was cleaned up. Obviously, they had been preparing for the defense wholeheartedly. It was impossible to think of this matter from their expressions but from reading their inner thoughts.

In order to get rid of the elite of the human legion, the Protoss even killed its own 600,000 army.

This kind of cruelty is beyond Han Yunxiao's imagination.

"Merci is not in charge, that's why!"

Looking at the flames rising into the sky in the distance, watching the Hell Knights swallowed by the flames, his heart was full of self-blame and pain. He did not expect that this time when he was in charge of military power, such a thing would happen.

Charity is not in charge of soldiers, it is only four words, but behind this it means countless tragedies.

It is precisely because he cares too much about the casualties of the Dawning Legion, so he can never do it himself, using the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of the Legion in exchange for the victory of the entire war.

It is not even for the victory of the war at all, but just to weaken the enemy.

This thought was also passed on to the enemy.

In his concept, the Protoss should also try their best to fight this battle, but he didn't expect that the 600,000 Protoss army would say so and sacrifice.

Sacrificing 600,000 protoss army, just to kill more than 10,000 humans.

Is this a proud Protoss?

Is this a military strategy developed by the Protoss who look down on the indigenous people in the remote areas?

The members of the reconnaissance battalion, covering the remaining forward battalion and school swordsmen, returned to Han Yunxiao. The distant sea of ​​flames was still burning, and countless protoss soldiers were in the sea of ​​flames without even screaming. In this way, he lost his life directly, and some powerful Protoss warriors made all kinds of curses before they died.

This scene, the touch to them is extremely huge.

They also realized what the enemy they were facing was.

In the past, following Chu Feng's side, the battles went too smoothly, making them a little bit forgetful. This time they thought they had exhausted their best and did their best to do their best.

But reality gave them a stern hammer.

What do they call perfection?

Even if you can't use the most malicious intent to predict the enemy, what right do you have to say that you are perfect?

This battle is to teach myself the biggest lesson.

The elites of the reconnaissance camp did not express their anger and humiliation on the outside, but the anger suppressed in their eyes was about to reach a critical point.

The soldiers of the Dawn Legion looked at the collapsed fortress and the sea of ​​fire in the distance, and their hearts were full of complexity.

Is this war?

They asked themselves that the war they had experienced was already very tragic, and the scenes they had seen were not small, but seeing that the other party sacrificed hundreds of thousands of gods without hesitation, their hearts were still full of unspeakable fear.

Are they at war with such an enemy?

Is this the Protoss?

Does the humanity of the Protoss still exist for a soldier who sacrifices himself so easily?

The sea of ​​fire gradually became smaller, but the depression it brought to them did not abate at all.

Han Yunxiao looked at the mountain peaks on both sides, using the fastest speed is the next strategy for the test. Now is not a sad time, the sacrifice of the Hell Knights cannot be wasted.

But at this moment, suddenly exclaimed: "Look, they are still alive!"

This sentence was like thunder and awakened the reconnaissance camp.

The distant sea of ​​fire gradually weakened. More than 2,000 cavalrymen stood in the middle of the fire, with flames burning at their feet and beside them, but they were still standing.

"This, is this the power that the City Lord brings to them?"

Han Yunxiao's heart was greatly shaken, but immediately, his heart was filled with determination, "No, whether it is the power given to them by the city lord, now such power is their own, and they are fighting with this power."

In the sea of ​​flames, the members of the Hell Knights quietly put away their weapons on the ground and placed them in the weapon slot under the saddle.

The entire knight group was silent, and no one made a sound.

Wei Pojun put a black war knife into the scabbard, but he didn't want to swallow the black war knife, he just wanted to take these robe weapons back and hand them to the next person.

Right after the fortress exploded, everyone was in a panic.

However, these 1,000 soldiers who were responsible for the severance exploded all their vitality at the critical stage just now, forming an external interaction circle around the Hell Knights.

The explosion from the bottom to the top from the outside to the inside and the vitality of these people erupted, resulting in a huge conflict, because it broke the face with a point, forming a convection of vitality.

Then, their bodies were torn apart by the vitality that became more turbulent.

Their sacrifice is not without value.

Their timely response has bought the Hell Knights 5 seconds of precious time to protect the Hell Knights from harm when the explosion was the most intense.

When this place turned into a sea of ​​flames, the Hell Knights had not suffered the strongest impact.

All they need to endure is the burning flame.

But how can these burning flames compare to the anger in their hearts.

There have been extensive burns on their skin, but no one feels painful.

The undead medicine in their bodies infected their beliefs, and it had mutated, and a steady stream of power emerged from their bodies to protect their bodies.

They did not feel the increase in strength, but they felt that they had become omnipotent.

As long as you need strength, strength will continue to emerge.

The flames were still burning their bodies, but they didn't affect their combat effectiveness in the slightest.

Wei Pojun raised the giant axe in his hand high and swung it down towards the Protoss Command Center.


The members of the Knights didn't shout slogans or made extra moves. They just quietly launched a charge after putting away the weapons in the same robe.

In this unextinguished flame, they dragged the body burned by the flame and launched a charge at the enemy.

They don't know how powerful the enemies there are, but their instinct tells themselves that there are people there, in a high place, looking at them condescendingly.

In that case, kill it!

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