Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1337: Who is the monster

When the flames rose, the command center of the Protoss was solemn.

It took more than ten seconds before a high-level commander of the Protoss smiled.

"It's not bad to be able to solve the trump card of the earth."

Everyone knows that the Hell Knights are the symbol of the City of Dawn, and it is also the most powerful force under Chu Feng. Just now, this terrifying Knights have been wiped out by them.

Such an elite cavalry can't be trained in a few years.

Although two troops comparable to the Hell Knights have emerged recently, in their eyes, the Hell Knights are the most threatening, and the influence of the banner is even greater.

The Knights of Hell became the banner of the City of Dawn, and now this banner has been cut down by them.

This deep blow to the City of Dawn is inestimable.

It can be said unceremoniously that as long as the news of the destruction of the Hell Knights is spread, the morale of the entire mankind will suffer a devastating blow, which is a heavy blow to the human elite.

Of course, except for the special force that has been sacrificed.

"It's a pity, the two forwards ran away, not many deaths."

"Yes! Fortunately, it has been maimed by the Light Guard."

Their proud Light Guard, the guard of His Majesty the Holy Light God Emperor, was annihilated here, and under the siege of the three elite human legions, none of them escaped.

Fortunately, before the Light Guard was destroyed, the two infantry elites were also resolved.

Even if the organization is restored, how strong can it be?

However, the performance of those forwards who had just resumed their organization after they boarded the city wall really shocked them, and almost thought that the terrifying force was resurrected.

Fortunately, all this is over.

The Hell Knights were buried in the sea of ​​flames, and the remaining two elites, they also have a way to deal with.

"When this sea of ​​flames goes out, that's when we launch a counterattack against humanity."

As soon as the highest command of the Protoss spoke, he suddenly felt that his voice became dry.

In the distant sea of ​​fire, a scorched knight group whose body had been scorched, shook its figure in the sea of ​​fire, and then silently put away the weapons on the ground.

The broken forward camp and school swordsmen have no bones left.

Picked up those weapons and placed them under the saddle where they were placed. Then, the cavalry regained its formation. The leading knight holding the giant axe raised the giant axe in his hand and fell.

Protoss masters in the command center have all seen this scene.

Their eyes are filled with disbelief.

"How did they survive?"

"What do these humans want to do? They actually aimed at us."

"No, do they still want to continue fighting?"

"Impossible, they cannot have the strength to continue fighting."

"Guards, stop them, stop them!"

The Protoss masters in the command center are full of fear.

They couldn't believe what they saw with their eyes.

How could such a thing happen?

The scorching blackness of these people proves that they are not intact in the sea of ​​fire. The burned skin and the scorched cracks all foreshadow the heavy injuries they have encountered in the sea of ​​fire.

But, they still want to attack?

Are you kidding me?

The Hell Knights moved. They and the Hell Dream Horse beneath them seemed to become one body, and they launched a charge against the command center. Thousands of Protoss soldiers who were responsible for protecting the command center intercepted them.

The cavalry charged, and the black steel torrent lit up the crimson blade.

The red sword energy split the entire snowy field.

More than 1,000 Protoss soldiers who were the first to bear the brunt were directly slashed by this sharp knife, and there were casualties in an instant. However, the speed of these cavalry charges remained unchanged.

Then the high-levels of the command center shouted in a trembling tone:

"Kill, they are already seriously injured."

"Don't be scared by their appearance, they are already at the end of the battle."

"As long as they cause a little bit of harm, they will fall on their own."

"They can't be your opponents."

The scarlet flame sword fell, and the small round shield of the heart-guard tied to the saddle emitted some red air currents, enveloping the whole body of the Hell Knights.

The Hell Knights wielding a butcher knife felt familiar will from these breaths.

"Even if you are dead, do you still want to help us fight?"

In the dead eyes of the Hell Knights, a raging flame reignited.

The scarlet blade fell, and the protoss powerhouses in front of them fell like cutting wheat, and more and more protoss soldiers surrounded them, but the charge of the knights did not stop.

There is no living life that can stop them from charging.

Those high-level protoss who commanded the war could no longer use words to describe the scene before them.

"Are these human beings monsters?"

"No, where is the monster so terrible?"

"Escape, we can't die here!"

The high-levels of these Protoss turned and fled with some important figures of the Protoss. However, the Hell Knights' speed, as fast as lightning, has already killed all the thousands of Protoss soldiers who intercepted them.

Some elites with an average level of more than 8 are cut off for the big figures in the command center.

However, they were still greeted by the butcher knife of the Hell Knights.

The collision of knife and knife, the collision of life and life.

There is not much screaming for killing. Some powerful protoss used fierce offensives to pierce the weapons in their hands into the body of the Knights of Hell, but then, a few sharp sword auras split their bodies. It became a few paragraphs.

Even the Hell Knights, whose heart was pierced by themselves, still pierced their body with the sword in their hands.

"These monsters."

A Tier 9 powerhouse of the Protoss closed his eyes. He had just unfolded the rudimentary form of the domain. If these terrifying cavalrymen were to force his domain to break open.

He couldn't imagine how these weak-spirited soldiers could erupt with such terrifying power.

He felt a little regretful in his heart. Why did the Protoss confront such a terrible enemy?

If mankind had more such terrible knights, how many sacrifices would it take for the Protoss to produce such a terrifying race?

But these things don't need him to worry too much.

Because his life has stopped under the butcher knife of the Hell Knights.


The distant mountain collapsed and covered the sea of ​​fire.

4500 soldiers armed with long spears and 4,500 soldiers armed with black sabers, stepping on the ruins of the mountains and the sea of ​​fire, Cha forcibly crossed the battlefield in front of him.

The war has just begun.

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