Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1340: Casualty data

Human nature may desire peace, but usually does not oppose war.

What mankind opposes is only the harm caused by war.

As long as they can win, all the opposition from the people is not a problem. Even if the ruler is unwilling to make excuses for the war, the folks will find a reasonable excuse for the war.

The war two years ago reversed the human impression of the demons.

This time the war has reversed the human impression of the Protoss.

The victory of this war united the entire China, but the fighters of the Bear Empire quietly increased the amount of training in the Arctic Ocean, and many people even had food and accommodation in the Arctic Ocean.

But they are not saying nothing.

At least China’s activities in Central Asia and the West, the bear empire pretended to be out of sight. They knew that China was not something they could afford.

As for the Mi Empire?

Not to mention.

They were still looking for trouble with Huaxia, but Chu Feng instructed Tian Jing to secretly send someone to tell them: The City of Dawn has the evidence of the collusion between the Mi Empire and the Protoss and is preparing to investigate in the Mi Empire.

Such a news leaked to them, so that the Mi Empire quickly cut off all contact with the gods.

Not only had all traces been removed, but even the technology obtained from the Protoss was cherished.

Because they knew that Huaxia didn't destroy them, not because they couldn't do it, but they were unwilling to do it.

Huaxia now has a righteous image for itself.

If they were given an excuse to Huaxia, they would really dare to go to war.

After the war, the organization of losses was replenished.

The number of casualties of the regular army in the City of Dawn was 37,000. The forward battalion included reserves and the number of casualties reached 7,500. The school swordsmen included the reserve, with 7,300 casualties and more than 9,000 logistic soldiers.

The soldiers of the Dawn Legion all started at Tier 6, and the proportion of Tier 7 and above is 12%. This is already a very high proportion. After all, the entire Tier 7 master of China is around 600,000, and the deviation does not exceed 5. Million.

In such a battlefield, Tier 6 is just cannon fodder.

After the war, in the entire Dawn City, including the entire China, there were countless people who wanted to sign up for the Dawn Legion.

They know that joining the Dawn Legion is dangerous.

However, human beings are not only pursuing life, but also glory.

The Dawn Legion that defeated the Protoss represents glory. The forward battalion and the school swordsman represent the glory of glory. This makes many potential masters want to share this glory.

However, the attitude of the City of Dawn on this is: If you want to join in, start with the logistics and reserve.

If you can't even do the logistics and reserve services, don't even think about going to the front.

Those who persuade them to retreat under such conditions are not required by the Dawning Legion.

If so, there are still many people who joined the Dawn Legion, which restored the slightly lost organization of the Dawn Legion to 600,000.

After the war, Han Yunxiao found Chu Feng.

"Do you think that special weapons like the forward battalion and the school swordsman should not be popularized on a large scale?"

Chu Feng looked at Han Yunxiao with weird eyes, "It seems that you have great expectations for the prospects of our human beings! You can even think about the long future."

Han Yunxiao looked a little embarrassed, and he also knew that sometimes, it is not a good thing to think too long.

China’s crisis of extinction has not been completely eliminated yet!

"I know that such an army is necessary, but for those who use this weapon to fight, their future will also be ruined! Our City of Dawn has to move forward."

Han Yunxiao said firmly.

After experiencing the fact that the Hell Knights were almost completely destroyed, he originally dissuaded Chu Feng from making such weapons, so he dispelled it.

Because of the sacrifice of the forward camp, more people survived.

Being merciful is not in charge, this is the biggest lesson the Protoss has taught Han Yunxiao.

The enemy of mankind can use more than 600,000 protoss, which is equivalent to the sacrifice of an entire Dawn Legion, in exchange for a terrifying enemy of the Hell Knights' destruction.

In the face of such an enemy, the benevolence of a woman is not desirable.

However, after the war, the sight he saw dispelled his thoughts.

"All the veterans of the forward camp were killed, all the veterans of the school swordsman were killed. After the war, the Hell Knights fell into a coma due to excessive consumption. I went to check and their vitality was severely damaged. , There is almost no possibility of further progress, even if it can survive, I am afraid it will be abolished."

Han Yunxiao said firmly.

The establishment of the forward battalion is 5,000, but the number of deaths is 7,500.

All the veterans in the original establishment were killed.

Today's forward battalion members are all supplemented by reserves.

This is not a coincidence, but in such a dangerous place, if the veterans can't take the lead, then how can you expect the added reserve to fight hard?

Of course, there is another reason, and that is that their bodies cannot withstand such forces.

Borrowing the power of another small world, even if it uses weapons as a medium, will have a huge burden on the body and even the soul, which is simply not something ordinary people can afford.

"I understand, but don't worry. I have medicines to replenish their vitality and lost potential. You just need to take them back and take them. Their potential will be better than the original." Chu Feng said.

Han Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief, Chu Feng had already thought of this trouble.

It seems that I am worrying too much.

"If you feel that the fighting skills they have acquired will also block their space for advancement, then you might as well let them serve as a sparring partner for other systems during training.

Chu Feng continued, "Their upper limit has been locked. This is a necessary sacrifice, but as a sparring partner for others, such a high-level sparring partner should also be able to honed other organizational combat awareness!"

Han Yunxiao smiled bitterly: "I think too little."

The combat consciousness of this part of the people is locked, but it can be used to train other people! This is almost equivalent to half of Chu Feng, who came to be a sparring partner for those people.

What he didn't know was that this would also promote the growth of Chu Feng's own consciousness.

In Chu Feng's eyes, the entire army has become a whole, rather than a single individual.

Only by using the identity of the weak to practice with other weak can make him feel challenging.

"By the way, on the military side, the new version of the 20th-class military system is about to be completed, right?"

When Han Yunxiao was about to leave, Chu Feng said suddenly.

Han Yunxiao nodded and said: "Yes, they hope to use the power of the Demon Hunter Guild to jointly participate in the assessment, at least before China beats all the enemies to the ground, implement this ancient system."

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