Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1341: The new twentieth-class military system

The twentieth rank system was the system of the Qin Dynasty.

This is a system born for war.

Such a system is no longer suitable for modern society.

Under such a system, people will indeed work hard, but even the food standards in the army are different. Lower knights can only look at higher knights. If you drink spicy food, it will destroy your harmony. People When you can't find a way to make progress, you can hardly persuade them to use proper methods.

Fighting for credit, fighting for trophies and delaying military aircraft, this kind of thing happened from time to time when the Dawn Army was just established.

However, those parts that are not in line with the times can be deleted, while the essence of the system can be retained.

A total of 30 military merit standards of varying degrees have been set in the military, from the tenth grade to the first grade.

Whether it is war merits, production inventions, discovery of mineral resources, including the discovery of rare animals in the wild, the discovery of special uses of these animals and plants, as long as they are useful, can be counted as military merit.

Even if a person finds a rarer and more special plant in the wild, and after reporting to obtain military service, he gets 10 grades of credit, and the military discovers more uses from this plant. If more profits are made, then a part of these new credits will be allocated to the discoverer.

The same applies to mineral resources.

If you find a new mineral resource and report it, then all the profits that this mineral resource brings to mankind, including the premium of mineral resources, and the role of the equipment in the army, will be part of the profit. By.

Under such a system, human enthusiasm for production and discovery has increased unprecedentedly.

Many demon hunting groups have entered the pace of exploring famous mountains and rivers.

Especially the demon hunting group in the military control area is on the way to find new minerals all day long. Even if the mineral veins are not found, at least some precious animals and plants must be found.

Moreover, this is no different from ordinary wild hunting.

However, after the initial frenzy of exploration has passed, most of the animals and plants have been discovered, and all kinds of monsters have been registered in the book.

If you want to explore and discover new things, you must at least understand what humans have already learned.

"The military has completed the new version of the twentieth-class military system. Well, maybe it should be called the thirty-class military system. It’s just that it’s very difficult for war to break out now. Just wait for the next large-scale war to break out. Time to activate."

Chu Feng also knew the military's thinking, and this system could be used soon.

It is not too long before the next tide of heaven and earth.

The next tide of heaven and earth can allow the earth to accommodate the existence of holy steps.

What is this concept?

The earth may be able to defeat the highest plane at the level below the holy rank, but that is because the true genius of the highest plane has either fallen or has already embarked on the path of the holy rank.

The lifespan of the 9th level of the non-blood cultivation system is between 500 and 1000 years, and some special races will be extended.

But the holy ranks exist, and few die old.

There is no holy rank that is qualified to die for old age, and there is no one with a lifespan of less than 5000 years. This is equivalent to the length of China's history. Such a terrible life length makes every stage of the strong in this class not easy.

Chu Feng killed many holy ranks, but that didn't mean that he could treat the holy ranks as nothing.

Even in the face of the weakest sacred existence, he still has to use the eternal wood and the four swords of Zhuxian, the former is the highest sacred object of the gods, and the latter is a world as the background, plus the imperial family of the gods They are regarded as the treasures of holy things.

If only relying on his own strength, Chu Feng would only have magical powers.

However, even the magical phenomena are the inheritance content of mysterious ancient books.

Han Yunxiao agreed and said: “Yes, the military meritorious service is a system born for war. Whether it is released too early or ended too late, it will cause catastrophic consequences.”

"Do you really think so?"

Chu Feng asked back.

"Is not it?"

Han Yunxiao has some doubts. The first version of the military meritorious service has actually been implemented secretly. Even the military military meritorious service is based on the reward and punishment system of the City of Dawn.

Later, some privileges and safeguards for future generations were added.

For the brand-new system, the City of Dawn often sends representatives to discuss with the military and put forward opinions on the formulation of some specific terms, but it has not been implemented.

In his view, this system itself has no flaws, but only applies to the war era.

"They are not planning to implement it now, but are waiting for an opportunity to experiment. Moreover, the military meritorious service may be applicable in the old era, but in the extraordinary era, the military meritorious service is simply a system designed for the strong."

Chu Feng shook his head, "Regardless of the few geniuses who can fight at a higher level, such a system can simply allow the strong to abuse the weak unscrupulously, and it is difficult for the weak to even get the opportunity to advance, plus rewards for the strong. , It will cause the strong to remain strong, and the weak to become weaker. It may also intensify the contradiction between the superpower and the warrior."

Han Yunxiao's face became pale.

From what Chu Feng said just now, he heard some disappointment.

Chu Feng continued: "They are waiting and thinking about how to weaken the contradiction between the strong and the weak. They are also thinking about how to protect the interests of the strong. Although they are not reconciled, the entire forward battalion adds up. It may not be as strong as a strong person who may become a holy rank, but this cannot be taken for granted."

Han Yunxiao thought for a moment, and gradually calmed down, and said: "I don't think it is wrong for the strong to enjoy the privileges, but the way for the weak to rise must be protected. After all, I was also a weak."

The rise of Han Yunxiao can be said to be the inspirational story of many civilians.

If Chu Feng's rise process is too illusory and makes people feel too surreal, then Han Yunxiao's rise process relied on his own strength and wisdom to reach this step step by step.

His path can be copied.

Therefore, he also understands how important such an upward path is.

It can be said that if Han Yunxiao's panel is not reduced by half in the propaganda newspaper of the City of Dawn, the quality of the recruits will be reduced by 20% in this conscription activity.

Mankind’s paranoia about hope is immeasurable.

To become the next Chu Feng is an unattainable dream for many people.

But becoming Han Yunxiao, that is the future that can be seen.

Although, it is equally difficult.

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