Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1343: Implementation of the new law

"Go? Where?"

Han Yunxiao still didn't react for a while.

"Go and make the rules!"

Chu Feng took it for granted, “The military controls the entire Huaxia. Any wrong decision will affect millions or even tens of millions of people. Even a wrong direction will shake the foundation of Huaxia. So every decision You have to be careful, but the City of Dawn is different. Although our influence is great, it is a small boat. Even if the direction is wrong, you can turn around. With my influence, you can force a lot of mistakes. The bad consequences were wiped out.

That being the case, is there a better place on Earth as a pilot for new rules than ours? "

"But, why am I going?"

Han Yunxiao was a little apprehensive. It wasn't that he felt that his abilities were inadequate. It was just that the impact of this kind of thing was too great. Shouldn't this be something that the city lord himself promoted?

He knew very well what prestige would be gained by those who did such a thing.

"If you are worried about affecting my life, then there is no need for the cause, because I have already left this level."

Chu Feng said, "As a hero who just made a great contribution to China and led a purely human legion to defeat dozens of times his own Protoss enemy, you now have enough influence to accomplish this thing. It doesn’t matter if you are not good at this aspect. You only need to use your influence and select professional talents."

As a leader, you may need to work hard during the entrepreneurial period.

But once you have a certain foundation, the most important thing is to be able to employ people.

Han Yunxiao smiled bitterly: "But, what would others think of me?"

Some conspirators are already spreading, and they are being jealous and persecuted by Chu Feng.

The tragic sacrifices of the forward battalion and the school swordsman are such examples.

He didn't take such conspiracy theories seriously, not just because he had a clear conscience, but because he knew that such a thing was impossible.

Challenge Chu Feng's position in the City of Dawn? Go to sleep!

However, Chu Feng entrusted him with the establishment of the new law, which is somewhat intriguing.

This is simply deliberately making him a master!

"Are you afraid?" Chu Feng asked.

"It's not a question of whether you are afraid or not."

"Do it if you are not afraid."

"it is good!"

Han Yunxiao took a deep breath, he decided to go all out, "Give me a voucher, I will complete this thing."

Since Chu Feng wanted him to do this, there must be his reasons.

Regardless of the reason, he must believe it anyway.

Some important things, because of the need for confidentiality, even people around you can't tell.

"No." Chu Feng said calmly.


Han Yunxiao was dumbfounded. He suddenly realized that the City of Dawn had no soldier charms at all, or the seal of the lord of the city. The City of Dawn was a city, and everyone knew Chu Feng. He just had to brush his face.

He was about to speak, asking Chu Feng for something iconic around him, but he was rejected in advance.

"Do it first, and if you encounter resistance, try using the voucher again!"

Han Yunxiao sucked in a cold breath, this is to ask him to brush his face too!

He is responsible for the military.

Asking him to brush his face, this is the rhythm that really wants to seize power.

Even he himself couldn't guarantee that if he really did this kind of thing, he would gain a certain threat to Chu Feng in the future, and he would be dissatisfied.

Even if he doesn't have any dissatisfaction with Chu Feng, it doesn't mean that he won't take that right as his own.

Residential properties can be turned to customers, what else is impossible in this world?

"Yes, I'll go."

Han Yunxiao gritted his teeth, since Chu Feng asked him to do it, then he must do it.

"Right, there is one more thing."

When Han Yunxiao was about to leave, Chu Feng suddenly stopped him, "I recently improved a batch of specially made goddess crossbows. You should inform Zou Mengxuan or Xu Shaoguang and ask them to select a group of masters who are good at bows and crossbows. Moving at high speed, even on the horseback of the Hell Dream Horse, facing different enemies, you can use more than 18 different types of crossbow arrows. It is best to choose 5000 people to form a sacred crossbow camp."

"Yes." Han Yunxiao agreed decisively.

Compared with the matter of legislation, the formation of a battalion like a forward battalion is simply trivial.

For facing different enemies, being able to use more than 18 different crossbow arrows, although the requirements seem a bit strange, but it is not difficult to select such talents.

In this extraordinary era, with the increase in level, people have not only increased their speed, strength, and physique, but also greatly improved their reaction ability and thinking ability.

It is difficult to find so many masters at this stage, but it is still very easy to find a batch of masters to train.

In the next three months, Han Yunxiao frantically brushed his face in the City of Dawn, and tried to implement the new law, centering on the past contribution system of the City of Dawn and the new version of the military hero system of the military.

The changes to the new law are actually not that big, because they were made on the framework of the past, but the implementation still encountered great resistance. The biggest resistance was that Chu Feng did not agree.

Of course Chu Feng did not object, he was just playing and disappearing.

Except occasionally looking for a few women to be gentle, they have disappeared from the public's sight.

How can we implement the policy without Chu Feng's affirmation?

Han Yunxiao did not directly use force to suppress, nor did he go to Chu Feng. Instead, he first implemented the new law from the Dawn Army and military family members. The most important thing was to protect the interests of the military.

For those who join the army in the City of Dawn, it is easy to find a woman with the generous salary.

They also don't have lofty ideals like Chu Feng. Many people have had children in the past few years. Many fighters who are fighting abroad are most concerned about what kind of protection the children can get.

Therefore, Han Yunxiao's new law began to be implemented in the military in the name of military protection.

From the subsidies their children go to school until they grow up, including the future military and political affairs, all things have priority. As long as they do not betray the City of Dawn or China, this authority will last until the age of 28.

It can be said that as long as they work a little harder on their own, don't indulge in enjoyment and wasteful studies. The protection they get before the age of 28, so let them have a life of food and clothing.

Moreover, the guarantee provided by the City of Dawn to their education also allows them to have a good educational environment.

Such a policy immediately received the support of all legions.

Including the Hell Knights who were recuperating in the hospital, all the soldiers up to the city defense army passed such a guarantee ordinance unanimously. Whoever dares to oppose them will be anxious.

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