Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1344: New law

"Yes, I know that I should protect the interests of the people around me first, learn and use it so quickly, and get the support of the army. The remaining details are not a problem at all."

After knowing Han Yunxiao's decision, Chu Feng also applauded.

Chu Feng also knew that he didn't actually have much political or managerial talents, and the scheming he showed in front of others was all a lesson.

Since there is no talent in this area, then cultivate more talents in this area.

Anyway, he has the strength to suppress everything.

He will definitely not put some unnecessary energy on unnecessary things like his previous life.

Of course, he wasn't completely without intervention.

For the special structure of the City of Dawn, the implementation of the new law does not require a **** coup or much sacrifice, but some negative teaching materials are still needed.

At this time, Jiang Xinyue volunteered to stand up and solve the problem.

Due to China's historical factors, some hidden families are not as mysterious as many people seem to see. The proportion of talents is indeed much higher than that of ordinary people, but among the families, there are also very few who enjoy elite education.

A group of wastes that have some abilities but are very dependent on themselves are easier to control.

The Jiang family has developed well in the last days, but it is only in control of a small power of hundreds of thousands of people, and there are several smaller and **** allies. The headwinds may be unreliable, but the tailwinds still have. A lot of helpers are considered huge in the eyes of others, but it looks like that in the City of Dawn.

When Jiang Xinyue was trapped in the City of Dawn, the Patriarch of the Jiang family came forward to plead with Chu Feng for her daughter, but there weren't many people from the Jiang family to come over. Obviously, he was ready to abandon the Patriarch.

The position of the owner is always more important than the person in the position.

But as Jiang Xinyue became Chu Feng's woman, the Jiang family began to become active again.

Many Jiang family members began to take advantage of Jiang Xinyue's influence to take advantage of the benefits of the City of Dawn. What they did was not too much, and Chu Feng didn't mind his women enjoying the glory and wealth he gave her.

But Jiang Xinyue felt this was very embarrassing.

She was originally a woman who dared to break into the tiger's den by herself for good. She almost died in a trap set by Gu Nanfei. Talented people naturally despise the incompetent.

It doesn’t matter if you have the ability. She also contributes to the City of Dawn. This is good for her. But the wine and rice bags in the family can only be used as idle posts in the survival base controlled by the family. The family can’t afford a few wastes. .

But the old-age care is coming to the City of Dawn, which makes her feel a little embarrassed.

She is really not angry!

Han Yunxiao did not implement the new method, she had to take care of those worms.

Now that she has the new law, she will go along with the flow.

As a result, the 82 members of the Jiang family sent to the City of Dawn were dismissed from their posts by the new law, and 15 were executed. All the rest were kept for inspection, and all salaries were cancelled.

Since your glory is shared, the punishment must of course be shared.

These dismissed people even asked Jiang Xinyue to cry.

The consequence of crying is that those who stayed for inspection were also dismissed by half, and the remaining half were all demoted. The power that Jiang Xinyue enjoyed in the City of Dawn was also weakened by most.

When Jiang Xinyue's father learned of this, he directly led people to deal with those who pleaded with Jiang Xinyue.

He was going crazy.

"Do you know that the City of Dawn is our biggest thigh, but there is no shortage of women by Chu Feng's side. I dare not claim to be Chu Feng's father-in-law. Where do you come from? Worm? Now the new method of the City of Dawn, but Chu Feng's will, where are you confident, feel that you can shake Chu Feng's will!"

After losing his temper, he sorted out the family members.

Regardless of his identity, Jiang Xinyue was also a Tier 9 master, and the influence of a Tier 9 master was enough for him to complete the clean-up within the family.

The people in the City of Dawn were sweating for Han Yunxiao's behavior.

Even Chu Feng's women's power dare to cut, you don't want to live anymore?

The entire city has entered a stage of turmoil, and people with a little bit of power are all anxious, for fear that they will accidentally be involved in some vortex that should not be involved, and then be crushed to pieces.

But when the limelight passed, what would happen to the City of Dawn? Jiang Xinyue still continued his intelligence analysis and resource allocation work. Now that Han Yunxiao was implementing the new law, they understood.

What's so special is to sing double reeds.

After this incident, the implementation of the new law has no resistance.

Although Chu Feng did not come forward, Jiang Xinyue had all the Jiang family members cut off. There were more than a dozen heads on the ground, which was the biggest sacrifice since the implementation of the new law. If they still don’t understand what this means, then they should not enter politics. It is safer to set up a demon hunting squad, or find a factory to work, even if it is to go mining.

One year after the introduction of the new law, the military is also slowly implementing the new law everywhere.

In addition to the military meritorious system that turns the country into a war machine, rewards production, rewards inventions, rewards discovery, rewards fighting against bugs in the wild, rewards resources for exploring the seabed.

In the past, these rewards were all substantial, but now part of them has become the protection of the family.

Although it seems to have increased the financial pressure on the military, it has actually greatly eased the current pressure and pushed a large part of the pressure into the future. As for the future?

I'll talk about it in the future.

A large part of the money saved now has been turned into arms. With arms, what problems can't be solved? Anyone who dares to raise a problem can solve it.

It really doesn't work, the big deal is to issue war bonds.

Unlike the City of Dawn, they do not have the huge financial resources of the City of Dawn to guarantee the rights of the descendants of the martyrs, but among those fighters, especially the surviving fighters, they will also provide shelter to the families of those comrades in arms.

A guarantee made by a country, even if it has fewer benefits, is more stable than a system built on a human basis.

Moreover, it is not so easy to join the City of Dawn.

Being able to do so, even joining the military has become a candidate, and the development of the City of Dawn is a miracle.

However, apart from the implementation of the new law and the establishment of schools, the overall human environment is still peaceful, and there are not many people affected by war. With the development of seabed resources, mankind has entered a period of rapid development.

The social contradictions during the period of rapid development are the least. Compared with the benefits that natto is striving for, it is the most important thing to put the resources in your pocket as much as possible.

According to experts’ estimates, with China’s current development speed, the earth’s resources are sufficient for everyone to mine and explore for 10 years.

These 10 years will be the key for mankind to catch up with the gods and demons.

"10 years? There can be 3 years of peace, that is the incompetence of the highest plane."

Chu Feng put down his intelligence and looked into the distance.

During the time he disappeared, he spent most of his time in hell.

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